Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 04:13:48 -0700 (PDT)
From: K M Haneefa <haneefcalicut(a)>
Apologies for cross postings
Dear All,
I am glad to inform you that we are going to organise a two-day seminar on
Knowledge Technology & Knowledge Industry: Kerala's Development
Potentialities on 27th & 28th May 2005 at Calicut University Campus.
Fall of Information Technology
IT offers an unlimited access to the vast depositories of data or
information in terms of millions. But nobody can make use of more than 10
per cent of such a vast ocean of data or information, for they are
fragmented, disorganized, unrelated and inassimilable. Now we can imagine
the magnitude of the great wastage of human brainpower and other resources
associated with IT for the generation, processing and transfer of such an
unusable data and information. Humanity cannot afford such a loss for
long. Hence a great fall of IT is inevitable within five years. Humanity
needs filtered, logically organized or structured and meaningful
information. That can be assimilated and retained. That alone becomes the
part of the knowledgebase. Without Knowledge, data or information has no
value. IT makes people rich in information and poor in knowledge. Now even
ordinary housewife needs knowledge in so many domains in dealing with
day-to-day problems. IT has not yet matured enough to handle or
process knowledge and meeting the ever-expanding knowledge needs of humanity.
All efforts in Artificial Intelligence, Experts Systems and the recent
advances in web technology, XML and Semantic Web could not make much
stride. This is because of a lack of proper understanding of the
structure, meaningful organization and representation of knowledge and how
knowledge is created, developed and retained in the brain for further use.
When we study the thinking processes of the human brain, we can identify
well-structured patterns of knowledge processing and communication of
thoughts with a series of well-defined symbols. The existing pattern of
the accessibility of knowledge and its processing and its creation or
generation of man is very inefficient. Human beings still now could use
only less than 8 per cent of the actual potentialities of the brain.
Rise of Knowledge Technology
All the existing knowledge, from the time of Vedas to the latest
developments in Information Technology, has a common pattern and it is
coded. If we could develop a device or formula for decoding the existing
pattern of knowledge by analyzing the symbols used for the representation
of their meaning and modify these patterns, then we could attain wonders
in understanding the existing knowledge and creating a massive amount of
new knowledge or even wisdom within a very short span of time. It is
possible to find out a network-like pattern or structure when we put
together all the existing knowledge, either scientific or aesthetic or
mystical or spiritual. The total knowledge stock acquired or accessed by
an individual in his life span is so small and there is no justification
for spending so much time, energy and resources to acquire such a small
stock of knowledge and to brand oneself as scholar or specialist. Our
education system and the learning models are totally inefficient and
unsuitable to the modern society, for they originally evolved when the
total stock of knowledge was very small. A major shift from information
to knowledge has been taking place. That leads to the emergence of a true
knowledge society on a global basis.
Knowledge Industry
The future of humanity will be determined by 'Knowmatics' or Knowledge
Science and 'Knowledge Technology'. They provide the tools for the
effective processing and application of knowledge so as to develop
Knowledge Industry and the Cyber Society. Then it is possible to bring all
the knowledge spread across hundreds of domains or disciples into a single
or unified system of conglomerated or embedded system so that an
individual with average intellectual caliber can attain expertise in
several domains within a short span of time.
Knowledge Science and Technology are to be designed and developed to deal
with augmentation of the thinking process by way of deliberate
modification of knowledge assimilation and knowledge creation processes of
the human brain and restructuring the pattern of knowledge organization
with the development of suitable hardware and software that involves a
series of complex tasks. Advanced level study and research in this field
must be conducted. Knowledge Technology and Industry offer unlimited
employment and developmental opportunities to India, especially Kerala.
The actual strength of India is its traditional knowledge base that
stimulates and activates the Indian youth to assimilate new knowledge.
South India, especially Kerala can be considered as the global brain
reserve of the twenty first century. If we can tap the superior brainpower
of our youth, India can emerge as the most wealthy and powerful nation of
the world within ten years. It is high time to develop and implement
strategies and policies for the development of Knowledge Industry in Kerala.
The Seminar
In order to address these basic issues, it is proposed to organize a
two-day seminar on 27th and 28th May 2005 in the Calicut University Campus
by the Department of Library & Information Science. The Department has
been conducting internationally recognized research / published works on
Theories, Policies and Applications of Informatics / Information
Technology, besides Knowledge Bases and Knowledge Theories, for the last
twenty four years, under the leadership of Dr. Raju M. Mathew, one of the
twelve members of the FID International Committee on Research on
Theoretical Basis of Information, Moscow for two terms and the author of
Mathew's Theories of Knowledge / Informatics (1985). The Seminar deals
with the basic issues of the Fall and decline of IT and the Emergence of
Knowledge Science / Knowmatics, Knowledge Technology, Knwoledge Industry
and Potentialities of Kerala in Knowledge Industry. Emphasis will also be
given for the formulation of the future oriented Knowledge
Technology-Industry Policies and Strategies, besides exploring the
Theoretical Foundations of Knowmatics and Knowledge Technology and
Redesigning Universities for the Age of Knowledge Industry. T he Seminar
is sponsored by the Kerala State Industrial Finance Corporation (KSIDC),
the State Bank of Travancore and several other agencies. Experts from
IISc, IIT and IIM, the Top Policy Makers and Major Players of IT Industry,
besides the Central and State Ministers, are expected to participate in
the Seminar. This is the first time that a seminar is organized on
Knowledge Technology and Knowledge Industry. The registration and the
other details of the seminar will be announced shortly.
Tracks of the Seminar.
The Seminar has been designed to run into Four Parallel Tracks. Detailed
discussions will be made based on the invited papers presented by the
experts. Following are the Tracks of the Seminar.
I. IT & Knowledge Processing
IT is still trapped in Data Processing, Storage and Transmission
Social Importance of Knowledge over Information
Fate of AI, Expert Systems, Semantic Web and XML
Fall and Decline of IT in the Emerging Knowledge Society
II. Knowmatics and Knowledge Technology
Rise of Knowmatics & Knowledge Technology,
Theoretical foundation of Knowmatics & Knowledge Technology
Uses and Application Knowledge Technology
KT and Society - Benefiting the Common Man and Experts alike.
III. Knowledge Industry & Kerala
Emergence of Knowledge Industry
Global Markets for Knowledge Products and Services
Tapping Kerala's Brain and Talents for Knowledge Industry.
Policies and Strategies for Knowledge Industry in Kerala
1V. Universities and Knowledge Industry
Knowledge Society and Failure of Universities in Kerala
Redesigning Universities for the Knowledge Technology
Study and Research in Knowmatics & Knowledge Technology
Knowledge Industry and University Linkages.
Registration Fee:
The Seminar is open to IT Companies, Professionals, Trade and Business,
Policy Makers and Academic Community. The registration fee for a Company
or Firm is Rs.5000/- and two of its representatives can participate. For
individuals representing trade, business and profession the registration
fee is Rs.2000/-. It is Rs.500/- for a Faculty Member or Librarian and
Rs.250/- for a Student. Sponsors need not pay registration fee.
Participants will be served lunch and dinner and tea / coffee during
sessions, besides seminar kit. The registration fee must be remitted by DD
in favour of A/c No.CA 199075 of The Head of the Dept. of Library &
Information Science, Calicut University payable at SBT, Calicut
University. The DD along with duly filled registration form must be sent
to: The Head of the Dept. of Library & Information Science, P. B. No 10,
Calicut University, Kerala -673 635.
The organizers will provide necessary help in booking hotel rooms in
Calicut City or the nearby Kadave Resort. Five and Three Star Hotels are
available in Calicut City. A limited number of rooms are available in the
University Guest House for which advance booking is required. The Venue of
the Seminar is the spacious and beautiful Calicut University Campus, 12 KM
away from the Calicut Air Port and 22 KM away from the historic Calicut
City, with a lot of tourist attractions, including five and three star
Registration Form
1. Name (Individuals or Company/Institution) :
2. Mailing Address :
3. E-mail :
4. Phone : Mobile :
5. Order of Preference of the Seminar Tracks (Please mark as I, II etc)
(i) IT & Knowledge Processing
(ii) Knowmatics and Knowledge Technology
(iii) Knowledge Industry & Kerala
(iv) Universities and Knowledge Industry
6. Food - Vegetarian or Non -Vegetarian :
7. Accommodation a) Calicut City Hotels: Five Star, Three Star
b) University Campus Guest House
8. For booking accommodation any help is required or not :
9. Registration Fee : Rs. DD No Date Bank
10. Signature
11. Place :
12. Date :
For further details, please contact:
Dr. Raju M. Mathew,
Reader & Head
Dept. of Library & Information Science
P.B. No 10, Calicut University
Kerala -673635
Phone/ Fax : 0494-2400859 ( R ) Mobile: 9847411945
Mr. M.G. Sreekumar,
Librarian and Head
Center for Development of Digital Libraries (CDDL)
Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode
Kozhikode-673 571, Kerala
Phone No: 0495-2809140, Fax: 0495-2803010-11
E-mail: mgsree(a)
K.M. Haneefa
Department of Library & Information Science
University of Calicut, Calicut University P.O
Kerala -673 635
Phone No. : 0494-2401144 * 286 (Office ); 9895842431 (Mobile)
E-mail: haneefcalicut(a); hanee4u(a)
K M Haneefa
Department of Library & Information Science
University of Calicut, Kerala
E-mail : haneefcalicut(a)
Phone No: 09895842431, 0494-2401144*286 (Office)