Fw: Resignation of IFLA Secretary General

Magda Bouwens

Visit news report on MLAI Conference held in Chennai http://newstodaynet.com/11dec/rf8.htm Librarians exhorted to hone their skills --------------------------------------- Information professionals such as librarians must update themselves with knowledge and skills for providing efficient and effective services, C V Bhirmanandam, Vice-Chancellor, Tamilnadu Dr M G R Medical University, has said. Speaking at the inaugural session of a three-day national convention on Medical Library of India (MLAI 2004) here on Thursday, he said librarians being carriers of knowledge and skills needed to assist the people in use of technologies. Health science librarians had a vital role in ensuring access to health and medical information to health professionals, he said. Periodical refresher courses, seminars and conference should be organised at regional and national-levels for information professionals. The programmes should highlight the availability and accessibility of information resources and services, he said. All the libraries at the University of Madras would be interlinked with on-line facilities by April 2005. Under the UGC network facility, a total of Rs 250 lakh had been granted for modernisation, S P Thyagarajan, Vice-Chancellor, University of Madras, said. Twenty-five university libraries across the country had already been interconnected where information was downloaded on various subjects, he said. Also, the university would set up a 'Centre for knowledge management' at its Chepauk premises at cost of Rs 200 lakh. The centre would have data processing systems, multimedia lab and a theatre which would be useful for journalism and electronic media students, he said. The convention being held first time in Chennai would focus on 'Information and knowledge management in health sciences: newer perspectives'. Around 200 professional would discuss on current issues concerning the theory and practice of health sciences and medical informatics, R P Kumar, secretary, MLAI, said. The seminar would come out with a set of recommendations aimed at enhancing the quality of health sciences both to medical professionals as well as to the general public, he said. A M Raman, vice-chairman, Science City, released the convention volume in CD format and Avani Shah, president, MLAI, released a souvenir on the occasion. Another report at http://www.hindu.com/2004/12/09/stories/2004120913000300.htm Librarians to meet today ------------------ CHENNAI, DEC. 8. Librarians from across the country employed in the health sector will meet at the University of Madras on Thursday for a national convention of the Medical Library Association of India (MLAI). The MLAI is a professional group of library and information scientists working in health sector. Hosted by the library of Dr. ALM Post Graduate Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, the convention is expected to bring together more than 200 librarians, health information disseminators, medical informatics professionals, medical information end-users, consumers of health information and representatives of non-governmental organisations. The seminar will focus on information and knowledge management and the role of information in ensuring effective healthcare delivery systems and health sciences research in India. Participants will discuss directions, policy guidelines and chart the future course of action with respect to health science information systems in India __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! http://my.yahoo.com

Congrats and welcome Professor Peter
Sjoerd Koopman

Global open university on agriculture and Food University launched on 27.12.2004 by CGIAR (Consultive Group on International Agriculture research). Using new technologies, the Global Open Agriculture and Food University will offer courses for agriculturalists, especially from developing countries, to broaden their knowledge in this field. The newly established university will help the CGIAR, its founder, disseminate later�s 35 years of research. Visit http://www.openaguniversity.cgiar.org/ or http://www.cgiar.org/enews/december2004/story_13.html Address: CGIAR The World Bank MSN G6-601 1818 H Street NW Washington, DC 20433 USA ----------------------- J K Vijayakumar, INFLIBNET-UGC __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Take Yahoo! Mail with you! Get it on your mobile phone. http://mobile.yahoo.com/maildemo

Visit ETD-2205 Website http://adt.caul.edu.au/etd2005/ ------------------------- Invitation to attend ETD-2005 from the organising committee ------------------------------------- We are delighted to extend an invitation to you to participate in the ETD2005 Conference, to be held at the University of New South Wales, Sydney from 28 � 30 September 2005. As one of Australia�s tourist capitals, Sydney will provide an exciting and vibrant backdrop for the 2005 Event, and we expect that many of our delegates will take the opportunity to visit some of Australian�s many renowned attractions. The Conference venue is The Scientia, The University of New South Wales. Located in the beautiful eastern suburbs of Sydney, Australia, The University of New South Wales offers the best of both worlds - close proximity to the airport and city centre, whilst only minutes from stunning beaches, cosmopolitan cafes and quality accommodation. UNSW is well-serviced by public transport and with plenty of cheap parking; access is both easy and convenient. The Conference Program will feature a number of outstanding local and international speakers, concurrent sessions and poster presentations. The Conference attracts researchers and practitioners from around the world and provides a wonderful opportunity to meet, share and extend contacts. Above all else, we invite you to enjoy the warm hospitality that Sydney and its people have to offer, and that you too will share in the feeling of excitement that ETD2005 will generate. We look forward to meeting you at the conference in September 2005. --from ETD 2005 Organising Committee ------------------------------------ ETD-2005 Call for Papers -------------------------- Abstract Submission Guidelines In order for your submission to be accepted for review it will need to meet the following criteria: - be received no later than COB, Monday 7 March 2005 - be received online via the conference website http://adt.caul.edu.au/etd2005/etd2005.html - be between 250 � 300 words not have been presented or about to be presented at another event Please check that your submission includes the following: -presentation/paper title -list of authors and their affiliations -submission text -contact details of presenting author (please -include postal address, phone, fax, email and/or website.) Your submission will be reviewed by at least two members of our program committee. Once your paper has been accepted, you will be allocated a session based on the paper�s content. ----------------------- ETD-2005 CHAIRPERSON�S WELCOME --------------------- I am very pleased to invite you to attend ETD2005, the 8th International Electronic Theses and Dissertations Symposium being held in Sydney. This is the first time this conference will take place in the southern hemisphere - the digital theses movement is becoming truly international. The Organising Committee is working hard to put together a stimulating program with enjoyable social activities. The conference will close with a cruise around Sydney Harbour, an essential Sydney experience! We look forward to meeting you in Australia. Put ETD2005 and Springtime in Sydney in your calendar now. Andrew Wells Chair, ETD2005 Conference Committee University Librarian University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052 Australia Visit ETD-2205 Website http://adt.caul.edu.au/etd2005/ ------------------------------------- Posted by JK Vijayakumar INFLIBNET Centre-UGC Ahmedabad __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Send holiday email and support a worthy cause. Do good. http://celebrity.mail.yahoo.com

SIS-2005 Updates: 23rd ANNUAL CONVENTION & CONFERENCE OF SIS JOINTLY ORGANISED BY SOCIETY FOR INFORAMTION SCIENCE (SIS), NEW DELHI DEPARTMENT OF LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE OF ANDHRA UNIVERSITY DR V.S.K.LIBRARY OF ANDHRA UNIVERSITY at VISAKHAPATNAM � 530 003 (VIZAG), India ---------------------------------------- List of accepted papers for presentation is available at http://sis-india.netfirms.com/sis7.htm Programme Schedule is available at http://sis-india.netfirms.com/sis2005.htm For latest in SIS visit http://sis-india.netfirms.com/ __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - now with 250MB free storage. Learn more. http://info.mail.yahoo.com/mail_250

National Knowledge Commission to rejuvenate institutions: PM Jan 12, 2005 04:48:00 PM KOLKATA CAL19 Kolkata, Jan 12 (PTI) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today announced setting up of a National Knowledge Commission to rejuvenate the country's 'knowledge institutions' and meet the challenges of the 21st century. "I have decided to create a NKC to strengthen the roots and sinews of our capacity and capability building so that we are better prepared for the challenges of the 21st century," he said while addressing the 11th Partnership Summit, organised by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). The three-day summit is being attended by over 1200 delegates from 27 countries. Emphasising the need for fresh ideas in different fields, Singh said "We cannot afford to just do things better, we must do them differently. The challenge before us - in economic, education, social and education policy - is to think out of the box. We must think anew, afresh and ahead." The NKC, he said, would be shaped by a knowledge pentagon with areas for action to increase access to knowledge for public benefit, develop new concepts of higher education, rejuvenate Science and Technology institutions, enable application of knowledge by industry to enhance manufacturing competitiveness and encourage intensive use of knowledge-based services by government to empower citizens. "It would be a catalyst for setting ambitious knowledge targets and enabling agencies to attain them," the Prime Minister said. PTI http://www.ptinews.com/pti//ptisite.nsf/$All/33EF6B2BD67EF4F965256F87004112D... http://www.kaumudi.com/news/011305/india.stm#7 __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com

Dear Professional Colleagues, The 23rd Annual Convention and Conference SIS-2005 successfully organised at Andhra University, Visakhapatanam during January 27-29, 2005 on the theme DELIVERY OF INFORMATION SERVICES THROUGH DISTRIBUTED DIGITAL ENVIRONMENT. Read the full report available at http://sis-india.netfirms.com ----SIS-2005---- __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com

Dear all, The 8th BIENNIAL CONFERENCE of ASSOCIATION OF PARLIAMENTARY LIBRARIANS OF ASIA AND THE PACIFIC (APLAP) is recently held at NEW DELHI, INDIA during 18-22 JANUARY 2005. Its proceedings and reports are avaialble at http://aplapindia2005.nic.in/ --JK Vijayakumar, INFLIBNET __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! http://my.yahoo.com

http://www.eprints.org/berlin3/program.html http://www.opendoar.org ------------------------------------------ Mail 1 University of Southampton Press Release 16 February 2005 International meeting in Southampton could create a worldwide policy for Open Access A meeting of international institutions which have signed up to Open Access (OA) could result in a united policy creating a huge growth in free access to research findings. The Berlin 3 Open Access Meeting: Progress in Implementing the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities will be hosted by the University of Southampton on Monday 28 February and Tuesday 1 March. The purpose of this meeting, which will include representatives from Europe, the US, India and Pakistan, is to implement the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities, which has now been signed by 55 major international research institutes since its launch in Berlin in October 2003,an initiative widely hailed at the time as world-leading. University of Southampton Professor Stevan Harnad, one of the founders of the OA worldwide movement comments: �The Berlin Declaration itself was only an abstract expression of the principle that scholarly and scientific research should be free online to all potential users worldwide. We now need to implement the Declaration so as to make it a practical policy which institutions that have signed can commit to adopting.� During the 2-day event, representatives from some of the world�s most prestigious research institutions, including France�s CNRS and Germany�s Max-Planck Institute, will present their experience of implementing the Berlin Declaration in their organizations. Southampton University itself will be proposing a Unified Open Access Provision Policy, as a practical way to implement the Berlin OA Declaration based on the successful approach it has recently adopted and announced. It will suggest that universities and research institutions worldwide should adopt a policy that all of their published research journal articles (whether in OA or non-OA journals) are deposited � immediately and permanently -- in their own institutional OA Archives, freely accessible to all potential users worldwide (rather than just to those whose institutions can afford the access-tolls of the non-OA journals). The meeting will conclude with a discussion on implementation of the latest Berlin roadmap and a call to new organisations to sign the Declaration. Notes to Editors 1. For further information about Berlin 3, please visit the meeting�s website at http://www.eprints.org/berlin3/program.html Details of the University of Southampton policy announcement can be found at: http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/news/667 Details of last month�s OA workshops at Southampton can be found at: http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/news/669 http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/news/673 http://www.ecs.soton.ac.uk/news/676 2. The University of Southampton is the home of GNU EPrints software, the most widely used software for building Institutional Repositories, and the JISC (the Joint Information Systems Committee) TARDis (Targeting Academic Research for Deposit and Disclosure) project, which has been investigating the technical, cultural and academic issues which surround institutional repositories. 3. The University of Southampton is a leading UK teaching and research institution with a global reputation for leading-edge research and scholarship. The University has over 20,000 students and over 5000 staff. Its annual turnover is in the region of �270 million. Useful web sites for journalists www.experts.soton.ac.uk - an A-Z guide of University experts For further information, please contact: Professor Stevan Harnad, ECS, Tel: 023 8059 2582, email: harnad@ecs.soton.ac.uk Joyce Lewis, Communications Manager, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Tel: 023 8059 5453, email:j.k.lewis@ecs.soton.ac.uk ------------------------------------------ Mail 2 [Forwarding from Bill Hubbard. --Peter.] A new service is starting development to support the rapidly emerging movement towards Open Access to research information. The new service, called DOAR - the Directory of Open Access Repositories - will categorise and list the wide variety of Open Access research archives that have grown up around the world. Such repositories have mushroomed over the last 2 years in response to calls by scholars and researchers worldwide to provide open access to research information. DOAR will provide a comprehensive and authoritative list of institutional and subject-based repositories, as well as archives set up by funding agencies - like the National Institutes for Health in the USA or the Wellcome Trust in the UK and Europe. Users of the service will be able to analyse repositories by location, type, the material they hold and other measures. This will be of use both to users wishing to find original research papers in specific repositories and for third-party "service providers", like search engines or alert services, which need easy to use tools for developing tailored search services to suit specific user communities. The project is a joint collaboration between the University of Nottingham in the UK and the University of Lund in Sweden. Both institutions are active in supporting Open Access development. Lund operates the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), which is known throughout the world. Nottingham leads SHERPA, an institutional repository project that has helped establish Open Access archives in 20 of the leading UK research universities. Nottingham also runs the SHERPA/RoMEO database, which is used worldwide as a reference for publisher's copyright policies. The importance and widespread support for the project can be seen in its funders, led by the Open Society Institute (OSI), along with the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC), the Consortium of Research Libraries (CURL) and SPARCEurope. More information on the project is available on the project website - http://www.opendoar.org * * * * Bill Hubbard SHERPA Project Manager www.sherpa.ac.uk IS Divisional Office, Hallward Library, University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham. NG7 2RD tel: (0115) 846 7657 fax: (0115) 951 4558
--JK Vijayakumar, INFLIBNET
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The Final Programme and eminent speakers of ICIM-2005 starting on Monday at Mumbai are available at http://www.icim2005.org/programmestructure.htm --JK Vijayakumar __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - 250MB free storage. Do more. Manage less. http://info.mail.yahoo.com/mail_250

Dear Professionals, 7th MANLIBNET Annual National Convention will be held at Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, Kunnamangalam PO, Kozhikode(Calicut), Kerala from May 5 - 7, 2005. For More Details, visit the conference website at http://intranet.iimk.ac.in/manlibnet05/ THEME Digital Libraries in Knowledge Management : Opportunities for Management Libraries Sub Themes Knowldege Management and management of knowledge repositories leveraging on Digital Technologies Digital Libraries & Digital Archives: Design, development, organization, implementation, maintenance and the Digital Nervous System Digital Library Technologies: Architectures, Standards, Protocols, Resources & Formats Strategies for multi-media Digital Content development and providing intellectual access using COM/DCOM Trends in Open Digital Libraries Strategies for multi-media Digital Collection building and management Design and implementation of cutting edge digital information services Open Access Initiatives for Digital Information Services Promoting and Supporting of Digital Information Services to user community Another attraction of the Convention is the Pre-COnvention tutorial on Greensone Digital Library Software. ---------------------------------- Call for Papers (last date of receipt of papers - March 15, 2005) -------------------------------- The Convention will be of interest to management information professionals, management librarians, library managers, information scientists, content developers and knowledge managers involved in digital library research and practice. Participants are welcome to contribute papers and present at the Convention on the following sub themes or related themes. The papers should be based on original research, realtime experience, survey, case studies, or action plans. A very general presentation should be avoided. Paper should include abstract (300 words). The article should not exceed 5000 words and printed on A4 paper. The full paper, both hard and soft copies or e-mail attachment, created in MS Word should reach the Organizing Secretary of the Conventionon or before March 15, 2005. The hard copies of papers should be superscibed "Paper Submitted to 7th MANLIBNET Annual Convention at IIMK May 5-7 2005" Authors are requested to make sure that the papers are submitted to the following address. The last date of receipt of the paper is March 15 2005. M G Sreekumar (Organizing Secretary, 7th MANLIBNET Convention) Librarian & Head Center for Development of Digital Libraries (CDDL) Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode Kunnamangalam P.O Kozhikode, Kerala, India-673 571 ----------------------------------------- Phone : +91 495 2809140 Fax : +91 495 2803010/11 Email : mgsree@iimk.ac.in For More Details, visit the conference website at http://intranet.iimk.ac.in/manlibnet05/ __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn more. http://info.mail.yahoo.com/mail_250

Visit http://www.websearchu.com/ WebSearch University enables Internet researchers to hone their skills and refresh their search competencies. The world of Web search changes so quickly and so drastically that keeping up is vitally important to information professionals determined to provide the best and most-relevant information to their clients, organizations, and colleagues. Learn the new twists and turns, new search tools, new resources, new techniques, and new approaches to research on the Web. Revisit the way you use the Internet for research. Rethink your approach to search. WebSearch University�s 2-day intensive curriculum is totally devoted to how information professionals can most effectively and efficiently apply Internet resources to their individual work situations. WebSearch University is entering its 6th year. In that brief period of time, Google has helped put Web searching in the forefront of people�s minds and made �search� part of the common vocabulary. Information professionals know there�s more to search than Google. The curriculum for WebSearch University is refreshed every year, reflecting the rapid changes in search engines, search technology, and available resources. The speed of change in Web search challenges even the best searchers to go back to school at WebSearch University. In 2005, you�ll learn about developments at known search engine companies, get acquainted with new search engine companies, and gain knowledge on search strategies. Desktop tools, multimedia search, blogging, open access, hidden Web resources, and competitive intelligence are new topics this year. Learn how to turn your search into research at WebSearch University! May 17-18, 2005 Hilton New York Sept. 19-20, 2005 Crystal City Marriott, Arlington, VA Visit http://www.websearchu.com/ -- JK Vijayakumar __________________________________ Celebrate Yahoo!'s 10th Birthday! Yahoo! Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web http://birthday.yahoo.com/netrospective/

The Open Access Bibliography is available at http://info.lib.uh.edu/cwb/oab.pdf Two articles of India authors are included. --- JK Vijayakumar [Forwarding from Charles W. Bailey, Jr. Note that the full-text of the bibliography is now open access. --Peter.] The Open Access Bibliography: Liberating Scholarly Literature with E-Prints and Open Access Journals presents over 1,300 selected English-language books, conference papers (including some digital video presentations), debates, editorials, e-prints, journal and magazine articles, news articles, technical reports, and other printed and electronic sources that are useful in understanding the open access movement's efforts to provide free access to and unfettered use of scholarly literature. Most sources have been published between 1999 and August 31, 2004; however, a limited number of key sources published prior to 1999 are also included. Where possible, links are provided to sources that are freely available on the Internet (approximately 78 percent of the bibliography's references have such links). http://info.lib.uh.edu/cwb/oab.pdf This bibliography has been published as a printed book (ISBN 1-59407-670-7) by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). http://www.arl.org/pubscat/pubs/openaccess/ ARL and the author have made the above PDF version of the bibliography freely available. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License. Table of Contents Preface Acknowledgments Key Open Access Concepts 1 General Works 1.1 Overviews 1.2 Analysis and Critiques 1.3 Debates and Dialogs 1.3.1 Nature Web Debate on Future E-Access to the Primary Literature 1.3.2 Nature Web Focus on Access to the Literature: The Debate Continues 1.3.3 Other 1.4 Research Studies 1.5 Other 2 Open Access Statements 2.1 Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities 2.2 Bethesda Statement on Open Access 2.3 Budapest Open Access Initiative 2.4 NEAR 2.5 OECD Final Communique 2.6 Tempe Principles 2.7 Washington DC Principles for Free Access to Science 2.8 Wellcome Trust Position Statement and Research Reports 2.9 World Summit on the Information Society Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action 2.10 Other 3 Copyright Arrangements for Self-Archiving and Use 3.1 General Works 3.2 Copyright Ownership and Rights 3.3 Creative Commons 3.4 Permissions Crisis 3.5 Research Studies 4 Open Access Journals 4.1 General Works 4.2 Economic Issues 4.2.1 General Works 4.2.2 BMJ Rapid Responses about "Author Pays" May Be the New Science Publishing Model 4.3 Open Access Journal Change Agents 4.3.1 SPARC 4.4 Open Access Journal Publishers and Distributors 4.4.1 BioMed Central 4.4.2 Public Library of Science 4.4.3 PubMed Central General Works Science Magazine dEbate on "Building a GenBank of the Published Literature" Science Magazine dEbate on "Is a Government Archive the Best Option?" Science Magazine dEbate on "Just a Minute, Please" Other 4.5 Specific Open Access Journals 4.5.1 Journals in the Directory of Open Access Journals 4.5.2 Pioneering Free E-Journals Not in the DOAJ 4.5.3 Other 4.6 Research Studies 5 E-Prints 5.1 General Works 5.2 History 5.3 Research Studies 6 Disciplinary Archives 6.1 General Works 6.2 Specific Archives and Projects 6.2.1 arXiv 6.2.2 NASA Astrophysics Data System 6.2.3 RePEc 6.2.4 Other 7 Institutional Archives and Repositories 7.1 General Works 7.2 E-Print Archives 7.2.1 General Works 7.2.2 Specific Archives and Projects ePrints-UK SHERPA Other 7.3 Repositories with Diverse Materials 7.3.1 General Works 7.3.2 Specific Repositories and Projects DAEDALUS DSpace eScholarship Fedora OSU Knowledge Bank Other 7.4 Electronic Theses and Dissertations 8 Open Archives Initiative and OAI-PMH 8.1 General Works 8.2 Specific Data or Service Providers and Projects 8.2.1 AmericanSouth.org 8.2.2 Arc 8.2.3 Kepler 8.2.4 OAIster 8.2.5 OpCit 8.2.6 Open Archives Forum 8.2.7 Open Archives Initiative Metadata Harvesting Project 8.2.8 Other 8.3 Research Studies 9 Conventional Publisher Perspectives 10 Government Inquires and Legislation 10.1 European Commission Study 10.2 Sabo Bill 10.3 U.K. House of Commons Science and Technology Committee Inquiry 10.4 U.S. House Appropriations Committee Recommendations 10.5 Other 11 Open Access Arrangements for Developing Countries 11.1 General Works 11.2 Free or Reduced Cost Access 11.2.1 AGORA 11.2.2 HINARI 11.2.3 Other 11.3 SciELO About the Author Best Regards, Charles Charles W. Bailey, Jr., Assistant Dean for Digital Library Planning and Development, University of Houston, Library Administration, 114 University Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2000. E-mail: cbailey@uh.edu. Voice: (713) 743-9804. Fax: (713) 743-9811. http://info.lib.uh.edu/cwb/bailey.htm __________________________________ Celebrate Yahoo!'s 10th Birthday! Yahoo! Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web http://birthday.yahoo.com/netrospective/

SPECIAL ANNOUNCMENT (Apologies for cross -posting) In honor of SAGE's 40th anniversary, we are excited to offer librarians the chance to win US$1,000 toward a trip to the American Library Association Annual Conference to be held in Chicago this June! Since 1965, SAGE Publications has helped inform and educate a global community of scholars, practitioners, researchers and students. Today, SAGE publishes 400 journals and thousands of book titles, encompassing the social sciences and other disciplines. "SAGE is a unique independent academic publisher and we're excited to celebrate its 40 years of success in the market, as well as honor Sara Miller McCune for her steadfast vision", said President and CEO Blaise Simqu. ABOUT THE DRAWING: Forty winners will be awarded US$1,000 from SAGE Publications to be applied toward expenses for the 2005 American Library Association Annual Conference to be held Ju! ne 23-29, 2005, in Chicago, Illinois. Entries must be received by April 23, 2005. Winners will be notified no later than May 3, 2005, and will be awarded their check no later than May 20, 2005. For the complete rules and regulations, visit www.sagepublications.com/promos/40thanniv_drawing_rules.pdf. THREE WAYS TO ENTER: * Enter online by filling out the Official Entry Form located at http://www.sagepublications.com/sage40th.htm. * Fax the Official Entry Form located at http://www.sagepublications.com/promos/ala_drawing_entry_form.pdf to 1-805-499-0871 to the attention of Valerie Johns, Journals Marketing Department. * Mail the Official Entry Form located at http://www.sagepublications.com/promos/ala_drawing_entry_form.pdf to: Valerie Johns Journals Marketing SAGE Publications 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 ----JK Vijayakumar __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Personals - Better first dates. More second dates. http://personals.yahoo.com

Visit http://mgu.ernet.in/Dspace.htm INFLIBNET (UGC)- MG University National Workshop on Developing Digital Library using DSpace May 9-13 , 2005 Organized by University Library Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam, Kerala in collaboration with INFLIBNET Centre (UGC), Ahmedabad About the Workshop ------------------ With the advent of Information and Communication Technology, content creation and content management are crucial components for the proper development of modern libraries. Capturing, storing, indexing, preserving and redistributing digital content is a challenge of any Digital Library with ease-of-use and a web-based user interface. There are a number of free open source software available for developing digital libraries and DSpace (http://www.dspace.org) is one of the most popular software developed jointly by MIT Libraries and HP labs. DSpace is a digital asset management system. It helps create, index and retrieve various forms of digital content. Interoperability between systems is built-in and it adheres to international standards for metadata. DSpace ------- DSpace is an open source software and is freely downloadable from http://www.dspace.org Submission facility allows scientists and researchers to upload digital documents from anywhere in the world Workflow feature allows moderation of the submitted documents Uses persistent handles Conforms to the standards like Dublin Core and OAI-PMH v.2.0 Security can be built at various levels to effect restricted access Indian Language based digital libraries can be built as it conforms to the UNICODE standard. The workshop is exclusively designed to provide hands on experience to the librarians and information officers in developing a digital library using DSpace software. Objectives ------------ To provide background knowledge of the digital library and its related concepts. To offer hands on experience on Linux installation and use of DSpace. To encourage the participants in developing their own Institutional Digital Libraries The topics to be covered in the Workshop Digital Libraries: Current Scenario Open Source Paradigm in E-Content Management Linux - Introduction and Installation Overview and Installation of DSpace DSpace Users: Anonymous, Members & Authors Lucene Search Engine DSpace Administration Dublin Core and OAI-PMH Persistent Handles DSpace Customization Unicode and Indian Languages Methodology Lectures, demonstrations and hands on practice. The Lab facilities will be available for practice to the participants during extended hours. Venue ------ Mahatma Gandhi University Library, Priyadarshini Hills, Kottayam, Kerala Resource persons --------------- Resource Persons are from INFLIBNET Centre and DRTC, where Institutional Repository is live through DSpace and it is listed at "Live DSpace Sites" by DSpace Team. Visit http://dspace.inflibnet.ac.in and http://drtc.isibang.ac.in/index.jsp Target Participants -------------------- Library and information Science professionals from all over India. Working knowledge of Information technology is essential. The Workshop is confined to 20 participants and admission is on first come first served basis. Registration ---------------- The filled in application form along with the Demand Draft may please be sent to the Workshop Coordinator on or before 30/04/2005. Registration may close early/anytime, if the number reaches Twenty. Registration fee is Rs.3,500/- per participant. Payment by Cash/DD payable in favour of The Deputy Librarian-in-Charge, Mahatma Gandhi University Library, payable at State bank of Travancore, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam. Registration fee is non-refundable if participants do not attend the workshop or opt for cancellation after the registration. However, substitution from the same organization/institution is permissible. Details and registration form also available at http://mgu.ernet.in/Dspace.htm The Registration Fee includes Workshop kit (Workshop volume, Dspace software) Food, Accommodation ----------- The University Guest House / Hotel Accommodation will be arranged on extra payment. How to Reach --------------- Mahatma Gandhi University Library is situated in the main campus of the University at Athirampuzha. It is 14 kms away from Kottayam Railway Station and 70 kms away from the International Air Port at Kochi. From Kottayam town there are frequent private buses to the University. About Mahatma Gandhi University Library ----------------------------- The Mahatma Gandhi University Library was established in 1989. The Library has a collection of 35,000 books, 500 Ph. D theses and a current subscription to 350 journals, of which 120 are foreign. It has a good ICT infrastructure including about 50 computer systems, CD ROM networking, Webserver, Mailserver and higher bandwidth Internet access. The close association of the Library with the INFLIBNET Centre has enabled to make tremendous progress in all its services and activities. The University Library has fully automated all its house-keeping operations using the library software package SOUL developed by the INFLIBNET Centre. The Mahatma Gandhi University is also a member of the UGC-Infonet Programme. Through the E-journals Consortium of the programme, the University library has access to more than 3000 online journals and databases (http://mgu.ernet.in) INFLIBNET Centre -------------------- INFLIBNET Centre is an autonomous Inter-university Centre of the University Grants Commission. It is involved in creating infrastructure for sharing information among academic and research community of the country. Its major activities include training of LIS professionals, creation of national databases, software development etc. Presently it is involved in two major projects viz. UGC Infonet (interconnecting about 180 universities in a wide area network) and e-journal subscription to universities in consortium mode (http://www.inflibnet.ac.in). Workshop Director Dr.TAV Murthy Director, INFLIBNET Centre, P B No. 4116, Navrangpura Ahmedabad 380 009 Workshop Coordinator P.K. Rajendrakurup Deputy Librarian-in-Charge Mahatma Gandhi University Library Priyadarshini Hills P O Kottayam 686 560, KERALA Telephone: 0481- 2731018 Fax: 0481 - 2731017 E-mail: workshop@mgu.ernet.in mgu@vsnl.com Visit http://mgu.ernet.in/Dspace.htm __________________________________ Yahoo! Messenger Show us what our next emoticon should look like. Join the fun. http://www.advision.webevents.yahoo.com/emoticontest

Congratulations to Dr R N Sharma! Sharma named ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year http://www.ala.org/Template.cfm?Section=pressreleases&template=/contentmanagement/contentdisplay.cfm&ContentID=85631 CHICAGO - Dr. Ravindra Nath (R.N.) Sharma, director of the University Library at West Virginia State University in Institute, W.Va., is the 2005 Association of College and Research Libraries' (ACRL) Academic/Research Librarian of the Year. The award, sponsored by YBP Library Services, recognizes an outstanding member of the library profession who has made a significant national or international contribution to academic/research librarianship and library development. Sharma will receive a $3,000 award and a plaque on Monday, June 27, 2005, at 4:30 p.m., at a ceremony and reception during the American Library Association (ALA) Annual Conference in Chicago. YBP Library Services will sponsor the reception. "The committee unanimously chose Dr. Sharma because of his unequaled contributions to the field of international librarianship," said award committee chair Edward A. Warro. "He has sustained a distinguished record of writing books and journal articles as well as presentations which have made Americans and others more aware of global issues in librarianship. He has served ALA, ACRL and the International Federation of Library Associations admirably by chairing and serving on many committees dealing with international issues." The committee particularly admired Sharma's work with the United Negro College Fund and USAID to establish a partnership with the National University of Benin in West Africa. "He has produced an outstanding body of research and has also applied his research in meaningful, multicultural programs such as that in Benin. Dr. Sharma has devoted his life to his work and his research and richly deserves this recognition," said Warro. "I was nervous and speechless when President Frances Maloy called me," said Sharma. "I am honored and pleased to win the ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award. The bold and unanimous decision of the Award Committee has convinced me that hard work always results in recognition by your peers. I am full of energy and will continue to contribute to the development of the profession and academic libraries for many more years." Since 1982, Sharma has presented 25 papers at ACRL and ALA conferences and has served on more than 30 committees of ACRL and ALA. He chaired the Asian, African and Middle Eastern Section (AAMES) of ACRL (2003-04) and was president of the Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association (APALA) (1993-94). Sharma also has been involved in the ACRL International Relations Committee (1998-2002) and served as chair of the Near East and South Asia Committee, a sub-committee of the International Relations Committee (1996-98). He was a member of the ACRL Research Committee (1989-93), and the Racial and Ethnic Diversity Committee (1997-98). He is currently serving a term on the ACRL Standards & Accreditation Committee (2001-05). At the 2004 ALA Annual Conference in Orlando, Sharma was instrumental in arranging for International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) President Kay Raseroka to speak at the ACRL Asian, African and Middle Eastern Section (AAMES) program. This marked the first time that a standing IFLA president spoke at an ALA conference. In 1992, Sharma played a key role in inviting and finding funding for six academic librarians from Australia, Brazil, England, India, Kenya and Russia to speak on "Research and Academic Librarians" at the 6th ACRL National Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. That same year, he chaired the American/South Asian Librarians Conference Committee for the Pre-IFLA Conference in New Delhi, India, which was attended by librarians and library educators from seven South Asian countries and a large delegation from the United States. In 1997, Sharma received the Humphry/OCLC/Forest Press Award for his "significant achievements and contributions to International Librarianship." Sharma received his B.A. with honors from the University of Delhi, Delhi, India, where he also earned his masters in history. He received his M.L.S. from North Texas State University and earned his Ph.D. in Information and Library Studies and Higher Education from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Previous award winners include Tom Kirk (2004); Ross Atkinson, (2003); Shelley Phipps, (2002); Larry Hardesty (2001); Sharon Hogan (2000); and Hannelore Rader (1999). For more information regarding the ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year award, or a complete list of past recipients please visit http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlawards/acrllibrarian.htm. ACRL is a division of the American Library Association, representing 12,000 academic and research librarians and interested individuals. ACRL is the only individual membership organization in North America that develops programs, products and services to meet the unique needs of academic and research librarians. Its initiatives enable the higher education community to understand the role that academic libraries play in the teaching, learning and research environments. ---Message forwarded by JK Vijayakumar------- ____________________________________________________ Yahoo! Sports Rekindle the Rivalries. Sign up for Fantasy Football http://football.fantasysports.yahoo.com

Congratulations to the New office bearers of Kerala Library Association (KLA) for 2005-06. Shri N Parameswaran,(President) Shri K P Sadasivan,(Vice-president) Dr N Gopikuttan,(General Secretary) Shri P K Sureshkumar,(Treasurer) Shri E Hashim, (Pub. Relations Secretary) Shri N Sudhir, (Org. Secretary) Shri S Arumukham, (Office Secretary) --- JK Vijayakumar ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs

Sorry for cross postings..
"Khoo Soo Guan, Christopher (Assoc Prof)"

The Asian Communication Resource Centre (ACRC) is a regional centre dedicated to develop information resources on different aspects of communication, information, media and ICT disciplines. The ACRC assists academics, scholars, researchers and practitioners in their teaching and research by providing access to a variety of information sources, particularly produced in Asia and Pacific region. To encourage researchers to benefit from the rich collection of ACRC, the School of Communication and Information (SCI), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore has launched an ACRC Research Fellowship programme, focusing on communication and information research from Asian perspectives. Two fellowships will be awarded each semester. The deadline for applications is 31 October 2005. All applications should be addressed to: School of Communication and Information Nanyang Technological University 31 Nanyang Link Singapore 637718 Fax: (65) 6791-5214 Visit http://www.ntu.edu.sg/sci/research/acrc.html and http://www.ntu.edu.sg/sci/ for more details --------------------- J.K.Vijayakumar __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com

INFLIBNET's annual convention "PLANNER-2005" (Promotion of Library Automation and Networking in North Eastern Region), third in the series will be hosted by Assam University, Silchar during November 10-11, 2005. Theme: Digital, Collection Development and E-Journal Management in Libraries Dates to remember: Receipt of full papers : September 20, 2005 Last date for Registration : September 20, 2005 Convention Dates : November 10 - 11, 2005 For more details please visit. http://web.inflibnet.ac.in/planner05/default.jsp __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com

It is just announced. Congrats tp Sanjeevkumar & Nandini, Sreekumarji & Sunita and Akshay. We Indian LIS professionals are proud of you. JK Vijayakumar ----------------------- URL: http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGIII/paper_contest/2005/2005winners.htm The American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIST) International Information Issues Special Interest Group (SIG III) is pleased to announce the winners of its sixth International Paper Contest: 1 Lukman Ibraheem Diso (Nigeria) Information Technology Policy Formulation In Nigeria: Answers Without Questions 2 Sanjeev Kumar & Nandini Dutta (India) Designing a National Fashion Information System: A Perspective Plan 3 M.G. Sreekumar & T. Sunitha (India) Seamless Aggregation and Integration of Diverse Datastreams: Essential Strategies for Building Practical Digital Libraries and Electronic Information Systems 4 Selenay Aytac (Turkey) Multilingual Information Retrieval on the Internet: A Case Study of Turkish Users 5 Alma Beatriz Rivera-Aguilera (Mexico) XML Markup and Retrieval in Magazine Articles: Exploratory Results and Implementation Issues 6 Akshay Mathur (India) ICT and Rural Societies: Opportunities for Growth The theme of this years paper contest is "Bringing Research and Practice Together - the Developing World Perspective." The six winning papers were selected from 30 papers by 39 authors from 12 developing countries received for this years competition. The contest has also seen its first winner from Latin America. Thanks to the generous donations from Elsevier, SIGs, Chapters, LIS Schools, and many other organizations and individuals, we have raised $9,000 to support the International Paper Contest. Each of the eight winners will be awarded a two-year individual membership in ASIST. In addition, the first place winner will be rewarded a minimum of $1,000 to attend the 2005 ASIST Annual Meeting, October 28-November 2, in Charlotte, North Carolina. These winning papers and other submitted papers for the competition will be considered for publication by Elsevier's International Information and Library Review, which is edited by Toni Carbo. Congratulations to the winners! The Contest Committee worked really hard in selecting the winning papers. This years paper contest was organized by Liwen Vaughan (Chair) from University of Western Ontario, and Duncan Omole at World Bank. This years judges are: K.T. Anuradha, National Centre for Science Information, India Yufei Du, Wayne State University Nathalie Leroy, United Nations Merlyna Lim, Social Construction of Technology (SCoT) Research Group, Indonesia Ifeanyi Njoku, Federal College of Fisheries and Marine Technology, Nigeria Duncan Omole, The World Bank Jadranka Stojanovski, Rudjer Boskovic Institute Library, Croatia Jun Wang, Beijing University, China Julian Warner, Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland Yin Zhang, Kent State University Their effort makes it possible to develop and sustain this international network of digital scholars and experts on digital libraries and information technology in developing countries. More information about the paper competition is available from the SIG III website (http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGIII/) under Paper Contest. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com

The Manthan Award, unique yet first of its kind in the country, is bestowed to best practices in e-content and creativity during the past one year. The Manthan Award 2004-2005 wass unique through its specific categories, which cover all aspects and sectors of the emerging Information Society and put the added value of multimedia and electronic contents for specific user groups and purposes at the centre of competition and evaluation. It is also unique due to sustained outreach activities in all the Indian states and territories and its promotion by leading multimedia and internet organizations and institutions. List of 27 Manthan Award winners category wise given below E Business Automatic Milk Collection System, GUJARAT ToeHoldindia.com, KARNATAKA PlantersNet ITC, ANDHRA PRADESH E Culture Honeybee Network, GUJARAT NUDI The Kannada script-enabling software, KARNATAKA Marathiworld.com, MAHARASTRA E - Science Electrophoresis e-Lab E - Entertainment World Cup Cricket, DELHI E - Health Sisu Samrakshak, ANDHRA PRADESH IndianBloodDonors.com, MAHARASTRA Helpline on HIV/AIDS, RAJASTHAN E - Inclusion aAQUA: Almost All Questions Answered, MAHARASTRA VAACHAK Text to speech software for Indian languages, UTTAR PRADESH Dissemination of animal health RGCVAS, PONDICHERRY Special mention Save the Girl Child, DELHI Disability India Network, DELHI E - Learning C-GAP course self learning kit, MAHARASTRA Learning objects-creating a knowledge utility, MAHARASTRA Chukki Chinna interactive radio instruction programme,KARNATAKA Special mention BookBox, PONDICHERRY Adventus Learning Management, KARNATAKA E - Government NISANI National Identity Card, UTTAR PRADESH www.tvmcitypolice.org, KERALA E-governance infrastructure for globalised Indian agriculture, DELHI Special mention State-Wide Attention on public Grievance by Application of Technology, GUJARAT E-VIKAS Government to citizen interface, HIMACHAL PRADESH E-Cops, ANDHRA PRADESH The nominations were made by State wisde Experts (See http://www.manthanaward.com/EminentExperts.asp) and final selection were made by The Grand Jury (See http://www.manthanaward.com/Experts.asp) Visit http://www.manthanaward.com for more details. All the first place winning entries will compete for India in World Summit Award-2005. ----------------------------------------------- Message sent by J K Vijayakumar ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs

STIMULATE -6 (Scientific and Technological Information Management in Universities and Libraries: an Active Training Environment) An International Training Program Announcement Information about this training program can be found at http://www.vub.ac.be/BIBLIO/itp/ The program is planned to take place mainly in Brussels, Belgium, from Monday morning October 2 to Thursday evening December 21, 2006. Language used is English. Context and evolution of the program: The initiative has been approved by the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR) and is sponsored by the Belgian Government (the directorate named DGOS since December 2002). This fits in a series of similar international training activities that have been organized since 1991, named MIST 1, 2, 3, KNOW-HOW, and STIMULATE 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. This initiative is aimed primarily at persons with a university degree (Bachelor or Master), who work in universities, information and documentation centers, and libraries, including of course university libraries, and who have a few years of practical experience. The term Active Training Environment in the title of the training program reflects our wish to create an environment in which each participant is stimulated to get involved actively, supported by the lecturers and the infrastructure provided by the training program. This fits well into the general, worldwide trend away from "teaching" to "learning management". Contents of the program: The sessions are organised in such a way that --the first month = introduction level, --the second month = intermediate level, and --the third month = more advanced level. Thanks to this approach and organisation, it may make sense to participate exceptionally during only one or two of the three months, depending on expertise. However, the available scholarships are granted only to persons who will participate for the full three months. To start with, the participants are offered an orientation tour of the University and the Library. Then some of the following subjects are covered. Of course, due to the limited available time, not all the mentioned subjects can be discussed in each training program, but a SELECTION will be made by the organisers. The concrete content of each training program depends on the availability of suitable expert lecturers from Belgium and from abroad during the period of the training program. As soon as possible, the concrete schedule is made available through the WWW site of the program. 1. Management in libraries and information centers: Statistics to support decision making for information science and for library management. Business plans for libraries and information centers. Using spreadsheets in the management of libraries and information centers. Collection development. Consortia of libraries for the acquisition of electronic journals and databases. Scientific writing methods. ISBD = International Standard Bibliographic Description. Formats for computer-based cataloguing; MARC formats. National libraries and national bibliographies. Knowledge organisation: subject classification schemes; thesaurus systems, ontologies. Citation analysis. Assessing the influence of scientific journals; citations and impact factors. The bibliometric laws. Scientometrics. Architecture of libraries and information centers. Orientation of information users; relations with information users. Interlibrary lending and co-operation; document delivery. Development of a national or regional information network. The information society. Cultural aspects of the information society and information technology transfer. Copyright; information security; trans-border data flow. Writing a project proposal (for instance related to the establishment of an information network). Conservation/preservation of printed documents. Conservation/preservation of digital documents. Informetric aspects of the Internet. Artificial intelligence and knowledge representation in information science. Electronic journals: implementation in a library. Integration of e-learning environments and library services. Libraries involvement in scientific publishing. International co-operation projects. 2. Information and communication technology for libraries and information centers: Microcomputer systems: evolution of hardware. Disks for computers. CD-ROM. CD-ROM in a local area network. CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW. Microcomputer operating systems. Microcomputer systems: applications software. Text editing; word processing; desktop publishing. Presentation of data, using a microcomputer. Creating charts to present information. Image processing; graphics file formats; photo/image editing. Multimedia / Hypermedia. Data communication; computer networks; Internet. Internet services. Client-server systems. Electronic mail. World-Wide Web; hypertext and hypermedia. Data-communications networks and librarians. Selecting and procuring a computer system; writing a proposal for a computer implementation. Providing access to information through public Internet workstations. Methods for access to databases through Internet: telnet, http/WWW, Z39.50 and ISO239.50, Open Archives Initiative - Metadata Harvesting Protocol. 3. Information retrieval/searching: Introductory concepts about information. Internet-based information resources: introduction. Bibliographic databases. The information industry and the information market. Online information retrieval and database searching; search tactics and strategies. Internet search engines. Information available free of charge; open access. Online access databases about journal articles. Electronic newsletters and journals. Computer-network based interest groups. Patent information. Online systems versus CD-ROM. Citation searching. Theoretical and quantitative aspects of information retrieval. Evaluating the quality of information sources. Evaluation of information retrieval strategies and systems. 4. Information architecture: Basic, fundamental, theoretical concepts. Software packages for local storage and retrieval of bibliographic information. Introduction to the ISIS software package family for information storage and retrieval. The application of ISIS: searching, editing data in a database, output of selected data to file or printer; developing a database structure; indexing data for fast retrieval; ISIS for Windows; WINISIS; history and future of ISIS; programming in ISIS. Formats: MARC; application of MARC in ISIS. Databases (and ISIS in particular) through the WWW. Downloading of information and record format conversion. Relational databases. Library automation. Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs). Archives and records management. Archives in the domain of science and technology. Geographic Information Systems (GIS): an introduction. Developing a web site; HTML, CSS, XML, XSL; intranets; developing an intranet. Evaluating web sites. Dynamic web pages. Developing co-operative community WWW sites; Web contents management systems. Setting up an electronic newsletter. Extensions of the classical WWW. (Client-based and server-based). Study visits: In addition to the courses taking place at the university campus, study visits are organised. At the end of the program all participants obtain a certificate stating that they have indeed participated, with a reference to the full detailed overview of the program contents on the WWW site of the program. Several substantial parts of the program are followed by an evaluation by the responsible expert of the knowledge and skills acquired by each participant; this can lead to a certificate of active and successful participation. Participants should of course bring a notebook or laptop computer, if they have one available. Ideally they should buy or rent a personal notebook computer as soon as they arrive, assisted by the program organisers. Grants: Participation is free of charge (!) for 12 to 15 participants from developing countries, who are selected by the organisers, VL.I.R. (the Flemish Inter-university Council) and DGOS. They also receive a grant to cover the costs of accommodation and an airplane return ticket. The detailed grant application form is available as a PDF file through the Internet from http://www.vlir.be/ There you can also find an explanation of the procedures to apply for the grant. That PDF file can be printed with the suitable program provided free of charge by Adobe through the WWW: http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html Grant applications must be received by VLIR before the end of February! (Do NOT send requests for a grant or any other correspondence about the grants to the organisers, but only to VLIR.) If this procedure is not suitable for you, you can ask your local Belgian embassy for a printed version of the application form for the grant, or you can ask further information from VLIR: please contact Mr. Maarten Timmermans, tel. +32 2 289 05 58 or maarten.timmermans@vlir.be or Mrs. Kristel Wijshof, tel. +32 2 289 05 57 or kristel.wijshof@vlir.be at the VLIR-UDC Secretariat; the general e-mail address is scholarships@vlir.be. The ideal participant applying for a grant is younger than 40 years, and will be able to apply what has been learned directly in a professional scientific or technical environment afterwards. Normal registration: Besides the persons who receive a grant from the Belgian Government through VLIR, 5 to 8 persons can participate after paying a tuition fee that is small in comparison with similar programs. The costs mentioned do NOT include air travel, meals and accommodation, but do include transport from the airport upon arrival, course materials, study visits and social activities. The cost of living in Belgium is not exceptional. -To participate during the full period: 2400 Euro -Exceptionally, persons who cannot participate for the whole period can nevertheless participate during 2 months only (1800 Euro) or during 1 month only (1000 Euro). It makes sense to attend for instance the first month or the first two months only. It makes less sense to participate only during the second or the third month, as introductions to some activities or topics may be missed. -To participate to particular items selected from the program: 30 Euro per half day. To register and pay the tuition fee, send the form (see below) by classical mail together with an international bank transfer / bank cheque / bank draft, payable to University Library V.U.B., Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 BRUSSEL, Belgium, with no need for any bank account numbers. If however this simple procedure is NOT suitable for you, then you can transfer the required sum of money to the following bank account of the V.U.B.: Fortis Bank located at Warandeberg 3 in B-1000 Brussel, Belgium, account number 001-0686459-66 or IBAN = BE07 0010 6864 5966 and do not forget (!) to mention as a remark: for WD006240 BIBL WER3 The money received by the VUB must be transferred internally to this account. (Without your remark, the money may be not retraceable and lost.) We recommend you to register as early as possible: first come, first served: the arrival of your participation fee determines who can participate. There is NO need to apply prior to the registration, to request permission to participate from the organizers and their universities. The decision if the program is suitable and appropriate for an interested person is to be made by that person and not by the organizers. Accommodation: The organisers of this program normally book a single, cheap, basic room in advance as accommodation for each participant, unless a participant writes us that he/she wants to take care of accommodation personally, for instance by staying with a friend or by renting a room that offers more luxury. Participants pay for their own accommodation. If we can book many weeks in advance, then we can normally find basic accommodation for about 300 euro per month; however, a late receipt of the tuition fee forces us to book a more expensive room. Medical insurance: It is recommended that participants are covered during their stay by a full medical insurance. In Belgium, this costs about 40 euro per month. The program organisers take care of this. How to contact the organizers? E-mail (Internet): stimulate at vub.ac.be or Paul.Nieuwenhuysen at vub.ac.be (change at in @ when you want to use an address) Fax 32 2 629 2693 (or 2282) Tel. 32 2 629 2629 or 32 2 629 2429 or 32 2 629 2609 Telex 61051 vubco-b Classical mail: STIMULATE-ITP (or Paul NIEUWENHUYSEN), University Library, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, BELGIUM Location: The training is mainly organized at the University Library of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (V.U.B). The campus is located south of the older centre of the city of Brussels, and can easily be reached by Metro (subway), tram and bus. Program and Steering Committee: The course director is Dr. Paul Nieuwenhuysen, professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and guest professor at Universiteit Antwerpen, Science and technology librarian, and Head of the information and documentation department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. An official, formal Steering Committee is composed of members from the co-operating universities in Flanders, -Vrije Universiteit Brussel, -Universiteit Antwerpen -Katholieke Universiteit Leuven This Steering Committee supervises the organisation, the program and the budget; this committee reports formally to VLIR. Feel free to distribute this document; this version is dated 25 July 2005. ---------------------------- Forwarded by J K Vijayakumar Member Standing Committee IFLA-UN Section --------------------------------- Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. STIMULATE -6 (Scientific and Technological Information Management in Universities and Libraries: an Active Training Environment) An International Training Program Announcement Information about this training program can be found at http://www.vub.ac.be/BIBLIO/itp http://www.vub.ac.be/BIBLIO/itp/ The program is planned to take place mainly in Brussels , Belgium , from Monday morning October 2 to Thursday evening December 21, 2006. Language used is English. Context and evolution of the program: The initiative has been approved by the Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR) and is sponsored by the Belgian Government (the directorate named DGOS since December 2002). This fits in a series of similar international training activities that have been organized since 1991, named MIST 1, 2, 3, KNOW-HOW, and STIMULATE 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. This initiative is aimed primarily at persons with a university degree (Bachelor or Master), who work in universities, information and documentation centers, and libraries, including of course university libraries, and who have a few years of practical experience. The term Active Training Environment in the title of the training program reflects our wish to create an environment in which each participant is stimulated to get involved actively, supported by the lecturers and the infrastructure provided by the training program. This fits well into the general, worldwide trend away from "teaching" to "learning management". Contents of the program: The sessions are organised in such a way that --the first month = introduction level, --the second month = intermediate level, and --the third month = more advanced level. Thanks to this approach and organisation, it may make sense to participate exceptionally during only one or two of the three months, depending on expertise. However, the available scholarships are granted only to persons who will participate for the full three months. To start with, the participants are offered an orientation tour of the University and the Library. Then some of the following subjects are covered. Of course, due to the limited available time, not all the mentioned subjects can be discussed in each training program, but a SELECTION will be made by the organisers. The concrete content of each training program depends on the availability of suitable expert lecturers from Belgium and from abroad during the period of the training program. As soon as possible, the concrete schedule is made available through the WWW site of the program. 1. Management in libraries and information centers: Statistics to support decision making for information science and for library management. Business plans for libraries and information centers. Using spreadsheets in the management of libraries and information centers. Collection development. Consortia of libraries for the acquisition of electronic journals and databases. Scientific writing methods. ISBD = International Standard Bibliographic Description. Formats for computer-based cataloguing; MARC formats. National libraries and national bibliographies. Knowledge organisation: subject classification schemes; thesaurus systems, ontologies. Citation analysis. Assessing the influence of scientific journals; citations and impact factors. The bibliometric laws. Scientometrics. Architecture of libraries and information centers. Orientation of information users; relations with information users. Interlibrary lending and co-operation; document delivery. Development of a national or regional information network. The information society. Cultural aspects of the information society and information technology transfer. Copyright; information security; trans-border data flow. Writing a project proposal (for instance related to the establishment of an information network). Conservation/preservation of printed documents. Conservation/preservation of digital documents. Informetric aspects of the Internet. Artificial intelligence and knowledge representation in information science. Electronic journals: implementation in a library. Integration of e-learning environments and library services. Libraries involvement in scientific publishing. International co-operation projects. 2. Information and communication technology for libraries and information centers: Microcomputer systems: evolution of hardware. Disks for computers. CD-ROM. CD-ROM in a local area network. CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW. Microcomputer operating systems. Microcomputer systems: applications software. Text editing; word processing; desktop publishing. Presentation of data, using a microcomputer. Creating charts to present information. Image processing; graphics file formats; photo/image editing. Multimedia / Hypermedia. Data communication; computer networks; Internet. Internet services. Client-server systems. Electronic mail. World-Wide Web; hypertext and hypermedia. Data-communications networks and librarians. Selecting and procuring a computer system; writing a proposal for a computer implementation. Providing access to information through public Internet workstations. Methods for access to databases through Internet: telnet, http/WWW, Z39.50 and ISO239.50, Open Archives Initiative - Metadata Harvesting Protocol. 3. Information retrieval/searching: Introductory concepts about information. Internet-based information resources: introduction. Bibliographic databases. The information industry and the information market. Online information retrieval and database searching; search tactics and strategies. Internet search engines. Information available free of charge; open access. Online access databases about journal articles. Electronic newsletters and journals. Computer-network based interest groups. Patent information. Online systems versus CD-ROM. Citation searching. Theoretical and quantitative aspects of information retrieval. [A] Evaluating the quality of information sources. Evaluation of information retrieval strategies and systems. 4. Information architecture: Basic, fundamental, theoretical concepts. Software packages for local storage and retrieval of bibliographic information. Introduction to the ISIS software package family for information storage and retrieval. The application of ISIS: searching, editing data in a database, output of selected data to file or printer; developing a database structure; indexing data for fast retrieval; ISIS for Windows; WINISIS; history and future of ISIS; programming in ISIS. Formats: MARC; application of MARC in ISIS . Databases (and ISIS in particular) through the WWW. Downloading of information and record format conversion. Relational databases. Library automation. Online Public Access Catalogues (OPACs). Archives and records management. Archives in the domain of science and technology. Geographic Information Systems (GIS): an introduction. Developing a web site; HTML, CSS, XML, XSL; intranets; developing an intranet. Evaluating web sites. Dynamic web pages. Developing co-operative community WWW sites; Web contents management systems. Setting up an electronic newsletter. Extensions of the classical WWW. (Client-based and server-based). Study visits: In addition to the courses taking place at the university campus, study visits are organised. At the end of the program all participants obtain a certificate stating that they have indeed participated, with a reference to the full detailed overview of the program contents on the WWW site of the program. Several substantial parts of the program are followed by an evaluation by the responsible expert of the knowledge and skills acquired by each participant; this can lead to a certificate of active and successful participation. Participants should of course bring a notebook or laptop computer, if they have one available. Ideally they should buy or rent a personal notebook computer as soon as they arrive, assisted by the program organisers. Grants: Participation is free of charge (!) for 12 to 15 participants from developing countries, who are selected by the organisers, VL.I.R. (the Flemish Inter-university Council) and DGOS. They also receive a grant to cover the costs of accommodation and an airplane return ticket. The detailed grant application form is available as a PDF file through the Internet from http://www.vlir.be/ http://www.vlir.be/ There you can also find an explanation of the procedures to apply for the grant. That PDF file can be printed with the suitable program provided free of charge by Adobe through the WWW: http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html Grant applications must be received by VLIR before the end of February! (Do NOT send requests for a grant or any other correspondence about the grants to the organisers, but only to VLIR.) If this procedure is not suitable for you, you can ask your local Belgian embassy for a printed version of the application form for the grant, or you can ask further information from VLIR: please contact Mr. Maarten Timmermans, tel. +32 2 289 05 58 or mailto:%20maarten.timmermans@vlir.be maarten.timmermans@vlir.be or Mrs. Kristel Wijshof, tel. +32 2 289 05 57 or mailto:%20kristel.wijshof@vlir.be kristel.wijshof@vlir.be at the VLIR-UDC Secretariat; the general e-mail address is mailto:%20scholarships@vlir.be scholarships@vlir.be . The ideal participant applying for a grant is younger than 40 years, and will be able to apply what has been learned directly in a professional scientific or technical environment afterwards. Normal registration: Besides the persons who receive a grant from the Belgian Government through VLIR, 5 to 8 persons can participate after paying a tuition fee that is small in comparison with similar programs. The costs mentioned do NOT include air travel, meals and accommodation, but do include transport from the airport upon arrival, course materials, study visits and social activities. The cost of living in Belgium is not exceptional. -To participate during the full period: 2400 Euro -Exceptionally, persons who cannot participate for the whole period can nevertheless participate during 2 months only (1800 Euro) or during 1 month only (1000 Euro). It makes sense to attend for instance the first month or the first two months only. It makes less sense to participate only during the second or the third month, as introductions to some activities or topics may be missed. -To participate to particular items selected from the program: 30 Euro per half day. To register and pay the tuition fee, send the form (see below) by classical mail together with an international bank transfer / bank cheque / bank draft, payable to University Library V.U.B., Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 BRUSSEL, Belgium, with no need for any bank account numbers. If however this simple procedure is NOT suitable for you, then you can transfer the required sum of money to the following bank account of the V.U.B.: Fortis Bank located at Warandeberg 3 in B-1000 Brussel, Belgium, account number 001-0686459-66 or IBAN = BE07 0010 6864 5966 and do not forget (!) to mention as a remark: for WD006240 BIBL WER3 The money received by the VUB must be transferred internally to this account. (Without your remark, the money may be not retraceable and lost.) We recommend you to register as early as possible: first come, first served: the arrival of your participation fee determines who can participate. There is NO need to apply prior to the registration, to request permission to participate from the organizers and their universities. The decision if the program is suitable and appropriate for an interested person is to be made by that person and not by the organizers. Accommodation : The organisers of this program normally book a single, cheap, basic room in advance as accommodation for each participant, unless a participant writes us that he/she wants to take care of accommodation personally, for instance by staying with a friend or by renting a room that offers more luxury. Participants pay for their own accommodation. If we can book many weeks in advance, then we can normally find basic accommodation for about 300 euro per month; however, a late receipt of the tuition fee forces us to book a more expensive room. Medical insurance: It is recommended that participants are covered during their stay by a full medical insurance. In Belgium , this costs about 40 euro per month. The program organisers take care of this. How to contact the organizers? E-mail (Internet): stimulate at vub.ac.be or Paul.Nieu wenhuysen at vub.ac.be (change at in @ when you want to use an address) Fax 32 2 629 2693 (or 2282) Tel. 32 2 629 2629 or 32 2 629 2429 or 32 2 629 2609 Telex 61051 vubco-b Classical mail: STIMULATE-ITP (or Paul NIEUWENHUYSEN), University Library, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, BELGIUM Location: The training is mainly organized at the University Library of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (V.U.B). The campus is located south of the older centre of the city of Brussels , and can easily be reached by Metro (subway), tram and bus. Program and Steering Committee: The course director is Dr. Paul Nieuwenhuysen, professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and guest professor at Universiteit Antwerpen, Science and technology librarian, and Head of the information and documentation department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. An official, formal Steering Committee is composed of members from the co-operating universities in Flanders , -Vrije Universiteit Brussel, -Universiteit Antwerpen -Katholieke Universiteit Leuven This Steering Committee supervises the organisation, the program and the budget; this committee reports formally to VLIR. Feel free to distribute this document; this version is dated 25 July 2005. ---------------------------- Forwarded by J K Vijayakumar Member Standing Committee IFLA-UN Section Yahoo! for Good http://store.yahoo.com/redcross-donate3/ Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

Sorry for cross postings. Visit www.satkal.org for more details.
"Sangeeta Kaul, Network Manager, DELNET"

Dear Colleagues, It gives us great pleasure to cordially invite you to the national seminar on Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Library and Information Science Education (QAALISE) through Distance Learning to be held in Annamalai University on 29th & 30th December 2005. For more details kindly have a look at http://qaalise.netfirms.com/ In the context of rapid technological change and shifting economic conditions, the education system is challenged with providing increased educational opportunities without increased budgets. Many educational institutions are answering this challenge by developing distance education programmes. Open and distance learning now has crucial part to play in education all over the world in this century. The drive to raise levels of educational achievement and need for lifelong learning imply an inexorably increasing demand for more learning opportunities. Distance Education Programmes can provide adults with a second chance at College education, reach those disadvantaged by limited time, distance or physical disability and update the knowledge base of workers at their places of employment. Library and Information Science programmes are professional in nature which are offered through distance mode by many distance education institutions. Many educators ask, is distant learners in LIS learn as much as student receiving traditional face-to-face instruction. Research comparing distance education with traditional education indicates that teaching and studying at a distance can be as effective as traditional instruction when quality assurance and accreditation with appropriate technologies are adopted. To assess the extent of quality assurance, adoption of the norms and standards, accreditation and application of information technology in LIS programmes offered through distance mode, the topic of the seminar QAALISE 2005 is conceived. We are eagerly awaiting for your participation in the seminar. Your presence will actually result in success of the seminar. More details about the Seminar, Call for papers, Registration form and Seminar Brochure are available at QAALISE Website at http://qaalise.netfirms.com/ Looking forward to see you. Dr.S.Ravi Wing Head & Seminar Director Library and Information Science Wing Directorate of Distance Education Annamalai University Annamalainagar 608 002 Tamilnadu Phone : 04144 238704 (R) Mobile : 094436 58475 E-mail : osravee@yahoo.co.in --------------------------------- Yahoo! for Good Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. Dear Colleagues, It gives us great pleasure to cordially invite you to the national seminar on Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Library and Information Science Education (QAALISE) through Distance Learning to be held in Annamalai University on 29 th & 30 th December 2005. For more details kindly have a look at http://qaalise.netfirms.com/ http://qaalise.netfirms.com/ In the context of rapid technological change and shifting economic conditions, the education system is challenged with providing increased educational opportunities without increased budgets. Many educational institutions are answering this challenge by developing distance education programmes. Open and distance learning now has crucial part to play in education all over the world in this century. The drive to raise levels of educational achievement and need for lifelong learning imply an inexorably increasing demand for more learning opportunities. Distance Education Programmes can provide adults with a second chance at College education, reach those disadvantaged by limited time, distance or physical disability and update the knowledge base of workers at their places of employment. Library and Information Science programmes are professional in nature which are offered through distance mode by many distance education institutions. Many educators ask, is distant learners in LIS learn as much as student receiving traditional face-to-face instruction. Research comparing distance education with traditional education indicates that teaching and studying at a distance can be as effective as traditional instruction when quality assurance and accreditation with appropriate technologies are adopted. To assess the extent of quality assurance, adoption of the norms and standards, accreditation and application of information technology in LIS programmes offered through distance mode, the topic of the seminar QAALISE 2005 is conceived. We are eagerly awaiting for your participation in the seminar. Your presence will actually result in success of the seminar. More details about the Seminar, Call for papers, Registration form and Seminar Brochure are available at QAALISE Website at http://qaalise.netfirms.com/ http://qaalise.netfirms.com/ Looking forward to see you. Dr.S.Ravi Wing Head & Seminar Director Library and Information Science Wing Directorate of Distance Education Annamalai University Annamalainagar 608 002 Tamilnadu Phone : 04144 238704 (R) Mobile : 094436 58475 E-mail : http://us.f405.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=osravee@yahoo.co.in osravee@yahoo.co.in Yahoo! for Good http://store.yahoo.com/redcross-donate3/ Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

The following may be of interest to LIS professionals too, from Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Philippines and Sri Lanka. --------------------------------------- The Youth Social Enterprise Initiative (YSEI) is a Global Knowledge Partnership youth program, supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Social entrepreneurs are innovative, resourceful, and results oriented individuals who utilise the best of both the business and nonprofit worlds to develop innovative solutions that maximise their social impact. The mission of YSEI is to empower young social entrepreneurs in developing countries with the necessary knowledge, resources and networks to realize their dreams. YSEI is program focused on providing support to young social entrepreneurs to develop innovativesolutions to social problems YSEI want to support projects by young people who are creating impact to improve the lives of the poor, especially those using information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a critical part of their solution. Innovation is very important to YSEI. If you have an innovative solution for a social issue, fill out the fellowship application form. The YSEI Fellowship Program provides essential knowledge and tools, mentorship programs, networking & seed grants up to 15,000 USD per project. If you are: (1) Below 30 years old, (2) Living in Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Philippines and Sri Lanka, (3) In search for support and opportunities. Submit your application form & executive summary by 31st October 2005 Visit http://www.globalknowledge.org/ysei/ for more details. ----------------------------------- Forwarded with best wishes by J K Vijayakumar --------------------------------- Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free. The following may be of interest to LIS professionals too, from Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Philippines and Sri Lanka. --------------------------------------- The Youth Social Enterprise Initiative (YSEI) is a Global Knowledge Partnership youth program, supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Social entrepreneurs are innovative, resourceful, and results oriented individuals who utilise the best of both the business and nonprofit worlds to develop innovative solutions that maximise their social impact. The mission of YSEI is to empower young social entrepreneurs in developing countries with the necessary knowledge, resources and networks to realize their dreams. YSEI is program focused on providing support to young social entrepreneurs to develop innovativesolutions to social problems YSEI want to support projects by young people who are creating impact to improve the lives of the poor, especially those using information and communication technologies (ICTs ) as a critical part of their solution. Innovation is very important to YSEI. If you have an innovative solution for a social issue, fill out the fellowship application form. The YSEI Fellowship Program provides essential knowledge and tools, mentorship programs, networking & seed grants up to 15,000 USD per project. If you are: (1) Below 30 years old, (2) Living in Bangladesh, India, Malaysia, Philippines and Sri Lanka, (3) In search for support and opportunities. Submit your application form & executive summary by 31st October 2005 Visit http://www.globalknowledge.org/ysei/ http://www.globalknowledge.org/ysei/ for more details. ----------------------------------- Forwarded with best wishes by J K Vijayakumar http://pa.yahoo.com/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=36035/*http://music.yahoo.co... Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

Mahatma Gandhi University (B+ Accreditation by NAAC) Priyadarshini Hills P.O., Kottayam - 686 560. Kerala. Tel: 0481- 2731050-1199(Extn.), 2731065. E-mail: mgu@md2.vsnl.net.in No.123/2005/1/AV/Admn PRO/1/Advt/22/05, 19/09/05 Applications, in the prescribed form are invited from eligible candidates for appointment to the post of University Librarian in the Scale of Pay of Rs. 16,400 - 22,400. Qualifications (as prescribed by the UGC) 1. Master's Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation with at least 55% of marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC 7 Point Scale and consistently good academic record. 2. At least THIRTEEN years experience as a Deputy Librarian in a University Library or EIGHTEEN years experience as a College Librarian. 3. Evidence of Innovative Library Service and organization of published work. Desirable: M.Phil./Ph.D. Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation archives and manuscript keeping. Age: Not more than 50 years as on 1-1-2005. Reservation: Open Note: 1. Application forms can be had from the Store Keeper, M.G. University Stores (General) on payment of Rs. 250/- (Two Hundred and Fifty only) in the University cash counter or by way of request along with DD drawn in favour of Finance Officer, M.G. University payable at SBT at M.G. University, Campus Branch. 2. Duly filled in applications with attested copies of certificates (six copies) proving age, qualifications, experience, etc. should be submitted to the undersigned on or before 25-10- 2005 along with a fee of Rs. 1000/- (Thousand only). 3. Those who had applied for the post of University Librarian under notification No. 4227/Ad.A/V(1) dt. 12.2.99 are exempted from remitting the prescribed fee, but they have to submit fresh application(should enclose proof of earlier application). Visit http://www.mguniversity.edu/notification/Lib%20&%20Phy%20Ed.pdf for more details. University website http://www.mguniversity.edu/ --------------------------------------- Posted in this forum by J K Vijayakumar __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com Mahatma Gandhi University (B+ Accreditation by NAAC) Priyadarshini Hills P.O., Kottayam - 686 560. Kerala. Tel: 0481- 2731050-1199(Extn.), 2731065. E-mail: mgu@md2.vsnl.net.in No.123/2005/1/AV/Admn PRO/1/Advt/22/05, 19/09/05 Applications, in the prescribed form are invited from eligible candidates for appointment to the post of University Librarian in the Scale of Pay of Rs. 16,400 - 22,400. Qualifications (as prescribed by the UGC) 1. Master's Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation with at least 55% of marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC 7 Point Scale and consistently good academic record. 2. At least THIRTEEN years experience as a Deputy Librarian in a University Library or EIGHTEEN years experience as a College Librarian. 3. Evidence of Innovative Library Service and organization of published work. Desirable: M.Phil./Ph.D. Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation archives and manuscript keeping. Age: Not more than 50 years as on 1-1-2005. Reservation: Open Note: 1. Application forms can be had from the Store Keeper, M.G. University Stores (General) on payment of Rs. 250/- (Two Hundred and Fifty only) in the University cash counter or by way of request along with DD drawn in favour of Finance Officer, M.G. University payable at SBT at M.G. University, Campus Branch. 2. Duly filled in applications with attested copies of certificates (six copies) proving age, qualifications, experience, etc. should be submitted to the undersigned on or before 25-10- 2005 along with a fee of Rs. 1000/- (Thousand only). 3. Those who had applied for the post of University Librarian under notification No. 4227/Ad.A/V(1) dt. 12.2.99 are exempted from remitting the prescribed fee, but they have to submit fresh application(should enclose proof of earlier application). Visit http://www.mguniversity.edu/notification/Lib%20&%20Phy%20Ed.pdf http://www.mguniversity.edu/notification/Lib%20&%20Phy%20Ed.pdf for more details. University website http://www.mguniversity.edu/ http://www.mguniversity.edu/ --------------------------------------- Posted in this forum by J K Vijayakumar __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com

Dear Colleagues, Government of Kerala is introducing a new program called "Grow up by Reading". Please read the news at Hindu online http://www.hindu.com/2005/11/10/stories/2005111011320100.htm (News pasted below for your convenience) As library professionals this movement should be welcomed by us. Kerala Library Association (KLA) and Kerala Library Science Degree Holders Association (KLDA) alongwith lots of academics have been insisting and forcing government to uplift School libraries and appoint School Librarians. Introduction of 'Library periods' and more funding (fund raising) initiatives will definitly improve the School libraries in the state. At the same time, as library professionals, we should be concerned about the decision of "giving responsibilities of school libraries to teachers, after training them in librarianship". Read the last, but second paragraph of the news. This decision should be condemned by us. I don't know who is going to train the teachers in librarianship. Please be reminded that, any professionals or LIS teachers engaging in training school teachers in librarianship, are acting against to the interest of our own profession. As a result of movements of KLA and KLDA, a post of School Librarian was included in Kerala Education Rules (KER) several years ago, especially in Higher Secondary Schools. So far none of these posts are filled, when several hunderds of BLIS holders are waiting for a job in the state. Now Government is trying to put teachers as librarians, and as a result, our own colleagues will not have any chances for jobs. I request all professionals in the country to protest against this initiative. All Library associations and LIS Teachers also should raise their concerns, this may happen to all states, later. Your protest may be e-mailed to the minister at minister-education@kerala.gov.in Fax: 0471-2327130 We also think about, why Library Professionals are not getting chances in "Right Information Related Posts"? UN and other International agencies consider LIS degree holders in posts related to public information. Thanks, J K Vijayakumar ------------------------------------------- New library movement in the making Special Correspondent THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Education Department has charted out a task programme called `Vayanayilude Valaruka' (Grow up by Reading) for encouraging reading habit among schoolchildren. At a press conference here on Wednesday, Education Minister E.T. Mohammed Basheer said libraries in all government schools and government-aided schools in the State would be modernised and strengthened under the programme. And a `library period' will be added to school timetable shortly. The formal inauguration of the programme is scheduled to be held at a function at St. Teresa's School in Ernakulam on Thursday. Mr. Basheer said 2,393 high schools and 2,827 upper primary schools would get better library facilities during the first phase of the programme by the first week of January 2006. Lower primary schools will get the facility subsequently. The idea is to implement the programme with the participation of local bodies, non-governmental organisations, local clubs, financial institutions, school parent-teacher associations, Grandhasala Sanghom, cooperative societies, public sector institutions and media houses. Help will definitely flow in from all corners for such a programme, Mr. Basheer said. He said the Education Department would provide the architectural plan of a compact library building to the schools to help them set up well-planned library facilities. The Government proposes to permit local bodies to use their Plan funds to help the schools in the programme. Mr. Basheer said he had called a meeting of the programme's steering committee on Monday. Several leading book publishers and banks too had sent their representatives to the meeting. The book publishers promised special discounts on books for the school libraries. And the banks promised their patronage. "Reading habit needs to be nourished, especially at this time when children have other distractions such as the television. A teacher from each school will be put through a special orientation course to double as a librarian to guide the students through the world of books. The services of protected teachers too can be used to run the school libraries. Or, youngsters who have passed the librarian's course can be taken on an ad hoc basis with the support of the parent-teacher associations to look after the libraries," Mr. Basheer said. He said popular committees at the school, panchayat, block and district levels would be set up before November 19 for implementing the programme --------------------------------- Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. Dear Colleagues, Government of Kerala is introducing a new program called "Grow up by Reading". Please read the news at Hindu online http://www.hindu.com/2005/11/10/stories/2005111011320100.htm http://www.hindu.com/2005/11/10/stories/2005111011320100.htm (News pasted below for your convenience) As library professionals this movement should be welcomed by us. Kerala Library Association (KLA) and Kerala Library Science Degree Holders Association (KLDA) alongwith lots of academics have been insisting and forcing government to uplift School libraries and appoint School Librarians. Introduction of 'Library periods' and more funding (fund raising) initiatives will definitly improve the School libraries in the state. At the same time, as library professionals, we should be concerned about the decision of "giving responsibilities of school libraries to teachers, after training them in librarianship". Read the last, but second paragraph of the news. This decision should be condemned by us. I don't know who is going to train the teachers in librarianship. Please be reminded that, any professionals or LIS teachers engaging in training school teachers in librarianship, are acting against to the interest of our own profession. As a result of movements of KLA and KLDA, a post of School Librarian was included in Kerala Education Rules (KER) several years ago, especially in Higher Secondary Schools. So far none of these posts are filled, when several hunderds of BLIS holders are waiting for a job in the state. Now Government is trying to put teachers as librarians, and as a result, our own colleagues will not have any chances for jobs. I request all professionals in the country to protest against this initiative. All Library associations and LIS Teachers also should raise their concerns, this may happen to all states, later. Your protest may be e-mailed to the minister at mailto:minister-education@kerala.gov.in minister-education@kerala.gov.in Fax: 0471-2327130 We also think about, why Library Professionals are not getting chances in "Right Information Related Posts"? UN and other International agencies consider LIS degree holders in posts related to public information. Thanks, J K Vijayakumar ------------------------------------------- New library movement in the making Special Correspondent THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Education Department has charted out a task programme called `Vayanayilude Valaruka' (Grow up by Reading) for encouraging reading habit among schoolchildren. At a press conference here on Wednesday, Education Minister E.T. Mohammed Basheer said libraries in all government schools and government-aided schools in the State would be modernised and strengthened under the programme. And a `library period' will be added to school timetable shortly. The formal inauguration of the programme is scheduled to be held at a function at St. Teresa's School in Ernakulam on Thursday. Mr. Basheer said 2,393 high schools and 2,827 upper primary schools would get better library facilities during the first phase of the programme by the first week of January 2006. Lower primary schools will get the facility subsequently. The idea is to implement the programme with the participation of local bodies, non-governmental organisations, local clubs, financial institutions, school parent-teacher associations, Grandhasala Sanghom, cooperative societies, public sector institutions and media houses. Help will definitely flow in from all corners for such a programme, Mr. Basheer said. He said the Education Department would provide the architectural plan of a compact library building to the schools to help them set up well-planned library facilities. The Government proposes to permit local bodies to use their Plan funds to help the schools in the programme. Mr. Basheer said he had called a meeting of the programme's steering committee on Monday. Several leading book publishers and banks too had sent their representatives to the meeting. The book publishers promised special discounts on books for the school libraries. And the banks promised their patronage. "Reading habit needs to be nourished, especially at this time when children have other distractions such as the television. A teacher from each school will be put through a special orientation course to double as a librarian to guide the students through the world of books. The services of protected teachers too can be used to run the school libraries. Or, youngsters who have passed the librarian's course can be taken on an ad hoc basis with the support of the parent-teacher associations to look after the libraries," Mr. Basheer said. He said popular committees at the school, panchayat, block and district levels would be set up before November 19 for implementing the programme http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylc=X3oDMTFqODRtdXQ4BF9TAzMyOTc1MDIEX3MDOTY2ODgxNjk... Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Dear Colleagues,
With reference to my earlier mail related to Govt of Kerala's decision to avoid Librarians in School, I would like to bring your attention to NCERT's new National Curriculam Frame work 2005. It is available at http://www.ncert.nic.in/sites/publication/schoolcurriculum/NCFR%202005/conte...
If you go to Chapter 4, page number 86, it does n't say anything about Library Professionals to manage the library. BUT it clearly says like this
"Training of teachers in library
management and use is required to
overcome this situation. "
Hope our LIS Associations and leaders in our profession are listening to this.
J K Vijayakumar
JK Vijayakumar

2006 INTERNATIONAL PAPER CONTEST on International Digital Libraries and Information Science & Technology Advances in Developing Countries The American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIST), International Information Issues Special Interest Group (SIG-III), is pleased to announce its seventh competition for papers to be submitted for the 2006 Annual Meeting, which will take place in Austin, Texas, November 3-9, 2006. The theme of this paper contest is: "Information Realities: Shaping the digital future for all?" The paper topic may address either the country or regional level issues. Papers could discuss issues, policies and case studies on specific aspects of this theme, such as, but not limited to the following: Egovernance in developing countries, Factors, issues, case studies etc pertaining to rural/urban digital divide and the information infrastructure (connectivity, access, hardware, cost implications, emerging trends etc) in developing countries. Indigenous Knowledge (IK) and digital libraries Collecting, preserving and disseminating IK. Social, ethical, political, legal, and economic and cultural issues: issues related to the role of information in society, such as information policy, access, security, privacy, and intellectual property, as well as the social uses and abuses of information technologies such as the Internet and World Wide Web in bridging or separating diverse communities. Information organization, management, access, and retrieval. Information seeking and use: the role of information in professional and daily lives, use of various types of information technology, and social contexts of information seeking. Information technology, social equity and development: IT and governance, IT & and the new economy, including the future of work and implications of technological hardware and software developments; the role of ICTs in conflict management, etc. There will be six winners who will be selected by a panel of judges including Duncan Omole (chair), Jonathan Levitt (Co-Chair), Yunfei Du, Yin Zhang, Nadia Caidi, Sue Johnson, Liwen Vaughan, Nathalie Leroy and J.K.Vijayakumar. Selection Criteria Papers will be selected through a peer review process. The judging criteria will be based on: Originality of paper in the developing world environment (originality of the project described, etc.) Relevance to Paper contest. Presentation and organization. Style. The international paper contest committee requires that submissions follow the International Information and Library Review instructions to authors. Detailed information is available under the heading, Guide for Authors at: http://authors.elsevier.com/GuideForAuthors.html?PubID=622845&dc=GF The prize for each winner is a two-year individual membership in ASIST. In the case of multiple authors, the principal author will be awarded the ASIST membership. In addition, depending on SIG III fundraising for this competition, the first place winner will be rewarded a minimum of $1,000 toward travel, conference registration, and accommodations while attending the ASIST Annual Conference in Texas, Austin, November 3-9, 2006. Publishing opportunities Submitted papers will be considered for posting on the SIG III web site as pre-publications. In addition, they will also be considered for inclusion in a special issue of the International Information and Library Review, subject to the usual peer refereeing process. Information for authors Only papers by a principal author who is a citizen of, and resides in a developing country are eligible. Winners in the 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 or 2005 contests are not eligible. The papers should be original, unpublished, and ONLY in English. We encourage submissions from librarians, information and network specialists, and educators involved in the creation, representation, maintenance, exchange, discovery, delivery, and use of digital information. ASIST Copyright Policy ASIST will have the non-exclusive right to publish any of the papers submitted on its web site or in print, with ownership and all other rights remaining with the author. Deadline for submission of full papers Authors are invited to submit manuscripts, not to exceed 5000 words, by March 31, 2006, to Jonathan Levitt at jonathan@levitt.net Please check the SIG III website (http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGIII/index.htm) for more information about the SIG III International Paper Contest, including Frequently Asked Questions, past CFPs, previous winners and winning papers, and successful stories from previous winners. ------ Forwarded by JK Vijayakumar ASIST InfoShare Awardee __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com 2006 INTERNATIONAL PAPER CONTEST on International Digital Libraries and Information Science & Technology Advances in Developing Countries The American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIST), International Information Issues Special Interest Group (SIG-III), is pleased to announce its seventh competition for papers to be submitted for the 2006 Annual Meeting, which will take place in Austin, Texas, November 3-9, 2006 . The theme of this paper contest is: " Information Realities: Shaping the digital future for all? " The paper topic may address either the country or regional level issues. Papers could discuss issues, policies and case studies on specific aspects of this theme, such as, but not limited to the following: Egovernance in developing countries, Factors, issues, case studies etc pertaining to rural/urban digital divide and the information infrastructure (connectivity, access, hardware, cost implications, emerging trends etc) in developing countries. Indigenous Knowledge (IK) and digital libraries Collecting, preserving and disseminating IK. Social, ethical, political, legal, and economic and cultural issues: issues related to the role of information in society, such as information policy, access, security, privacy, and intellectual property, as well as the social uses and abuses of information technologies such as the Internet and World Wide Web in bridging or separating diverse communities. Information organization, management, access, and retrieval. Information seeking and use: the role of information in professional and daily lives, use of various types of information technology, and social contexts of information seeking. Information technology, social equity and development: IT and governance, IT & and the new economy, including the future of work and implications of technological hardware and software developments; the role of ICTs in conflict management, etc. There will be six winners who will be selected by a panel of judges including Duncan Omole (chair), Jonathan Levitt (Co-Chair), Yunfei Du, Yin Zhang, Nadia Caidi, Sue Johnson, Liwen Vaughan, Nathalie Leroy and J.K.Vijayakumar. Selection Criteria Papers will be selected through a peer review process. The judging criteria will be based on: Originality of paper in the developing world environment (originality of the project described, etc.) Relevance to Paper contest. Presentation and organization. Style. The international paper contest committee requires that submissions follow the International Information and Library Review instructions to authors. Detailed information is available under the heading, Guide for Authors at: http://authors.elsevier.com/GuideForAuthors.html?PubID=622845&dc=GF http://authors.elsevier.com/GuideForAuthors.html?PubID=622845&dc=GF The prize for each winner is a two-year individual membership in ASIST. In the case of multiple authors, the principal author will be awarded the ASIST membership. In addition, depending on SIG III fundraising for this competition, the first place winner will be rewarded a minimum of $1,000 toward travel, conference registration, and accommodations while attending the ASIST Annual Conference in Texas, Austin, November 3-9, 2006. Publishing opportunities Submitted papers will be considered for posting on the SIG III web site as pre-publications. In addition, they will also be considered for inclusion in a special issue of the International Information and Library Review , subject to the usual peer refereeing process. Information for authors Only papers by a principal author who is a citizen of, and resides in a developing country are eligible. Winners in the 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 or 2005 contests are not eligible. The papers should be original, unpublished, and ONLY in English . We encourage submissions from librarians, information and network specialists, and educators involved in the creation, representation, maintenance, exchange, discovery, delivery, and use of digital information. ASIST Copyright Policy ASIST will have the non-exclusive right to publish any of the papers submitted on its web site or in print, with ownership and all other rights remaining with the author. Deadline for submission of full papers Authors are invited to submit manuscripts, not to exceed 5000 words, by March 31, 2006 , to Jonathan Levitt at mailto:jonathan@levitt.net jonathan@levitt.net Please check the SIG III website ( http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGIII/index.htm http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGIII/index.htm http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGIII/ ) for more information about the SIG III International Paper Contest, including Frequently Asked Questions, past CFPs, previous winners and winning papers, and successful stories from previous winners. ------ Forwarded by JK Vijayakumar ASIST InfoShare Awardee __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com

Dr. M.G. Sreekumar from India and Ms Edna Nyika from Tanzania have both been awarded scholarships by Hewlett Packard to attend Open Repositories 2006. Hewlett-Packard generously offered to sponsor two participants from developing nations to attend the DSpace Users Group and related events in Sydney from the 31st January 2006. APSR has supplemented the scholarships to enable the winners to meet living and accommodation expenses while visiting Australia. Dr. Sreekumar is presently the Librarian and Head, Center for Development of Digital Libraries at the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK) (http://www.iimk.ac.in). He has successfully conducted several nationwide training programs in the area of digital libraries and e-publishing and leads several national research projects in the area of science and technology. Dr. Sreekumar will be presenting current plans and progress in enabling 40+ top level Indian research and academic institutions to install and manage interoperable institutional repositories using DSpace. Visit http://apsr.anu.edu.au/Open_Repositories_2006/ for full announcement. Congrats to Dr Sreekumar. ------ J K Vijayakumar --------------------------------- Yahoo! Photos Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. Dr. M.G. Sreekumar from India and Ms Edna Nyika from Tanzania have both been awarded scholarships by Hewlett Packard to attend Open Repositories 2006. Hewlett-Packard generously offered to sponsor two participants from developing nations to attend the DSpace Users Group and related events in Sydney from the 31st January 2006. APSR has supplemented the scholarships to enable the winners to meet living and accommodation expenses while visiting Australia. Dr. Sreekumar is presently the Librarian and Head, Center for Development of Digital Libraries at the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK) ( http://www.iimk.ac.in http://www.iimk.ac.in ). He has successfully conducted several nationwide training programs in the area of digital libraries and e-publishing and leads several national research projects in the area of science and technology. Dr. Sreekumar will be presenting current plans and progress in enabling 40+ top level Indian research and academic institutions to install and manage interoperable institutional repositories using DSpace. Visit http://apsr.anu.edu.au/Open_Repositories_2006/ http://apsr.anu.edu.au/Open_Repositories_2006/ for full announcement. Congrats to Dr Sreekumar. ------ J K Vijayakumar Yahoo! Photos Ring in the New Year with http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/photos/*http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph//page?.file=calendar_splash.html&.dir= Photo Calendars . Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.

Call for Book Chapters Changing Roles of NGOs in the creation, validation, and dissemination of information in developing countries. The IFLA Social Science Libraries section seeks authors for chapters in a forthcoming volume in on Changing roles of NGOs in the creation, validation and dissemination of information in developing countries, which will be published in 2006 as a part of the IFLA Publications Series. See below for further details on the purpose and scope. SUBMISSION PROCEDURE Prospective authors are invited to submit chapter proposals of 300-500 words on or before February 1, 2006. In their proposal, prospective authors should clearly explain: The purpose and the contents of their proposed chapter How their proposed chapter relates to the overall objectives of the book Authors will be notified of the status of their proposal and sent chapter organization guidelines by February 7, 2006. Please send inquiries or submit material electronically (Rich Text files) to the editor at swwitt@uiuc.edu The book is scheduled to be published by K.G Sauer Verlag as part of the IFLA Publications Series in 2006. Steve Witt Associate Director Center for Global Studies University of Illinois swwitt@uiuc.edu IFLA Publications Series: Working Title: Changing roles of NGOs in the creation, validation and dissemination of information in developing countries Purpose and Scope: Non-governmental organizations have gone through an unprecedented period of rapid growth in the past decade. In 1993, the Yearbook of International Organizations listed 16,000 internationally recognized NGOs. By 2004 this number had increased to 63,000. With this increase comes an equally staggering growth in the activities, publications and intellectual output from NGOs. Additionally, the activities of both libraries and NGOs increasingly intersect as these organizations attempt to provide essential services that revolve around the creation, dissemination, and ability to evaluate new knowledge. This intersection creates challenges and opportunities as NGOs and Libraries begin to foster new collaborative relationships. These range from the traditional NGO support of libraries in developing countries through training, funding, and provision of resources to libraries and NGOs working together to collect, archive and assist in the dissemination of the vast wealth of grey literature published by NGOs. This edited volume will present an overview of the challenges and opportunities that the changing roles of NGOs presents to the library community and society as a whole through essays and case studies from around the world that highlight best practices in collaboration and projects that support the missions of both libraries and NGOs in order to encourage further NGO and Library collaboration. Chapters will include edited versions of papers presented at the 70th IFLA General Conference and Council in Buenos Aires. Editor: Steve Witt, Associate Director, Center for Global Studies, University of Illinois. Steve Witt Associate Director Center for Global Studies University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 1705 Presidential Tower, MC-429 302 East John Street Champaign, Illinois 61820 USA Phone: 217.265.7518 Fax: 217.265.7519 Email: swwitt@uiuc.edu www.cgs.uiuc.edu ------------------------------- Forwarded by J K Vijayakumar --------------------------------- Yahoo! for Good - Make a difference this year. [A] [A] Call for Book Chapters Changing Roles of NGOs in the creation, validation, and dissemination of information in developing countries. The IFLA Social Science Libraries s ection seeks authors for chapters in a forthcoming volume in on Changing roles of NGOs in the creation, validation and dissemination of information in developing countries , which will be published in 2006 as a part of the IFLA Publications Series. See below for further details on the purpose and scope. SUBMISSION PROCEDURE Prospective authors are invited to submit chapter proposals of 300-500 words on or before February 1, 2006. In their proposal, prospective authors should clearly explain: The purpose and the contents of their proposed chapter How their proposed chapter relates to the overall objectives of the book Authors will be notified of the status of their proposal and sent chapter organization guidelines by February 7, 2006. Please send inquiries or submit material electronically (Rich Text files) to the editor at mailto:kirk.st-amant@ttu.edu swwitt@uiuc.edu The book is scheduled to be published by K.G Sauer Verlag as part of the IFLA Publications Series in 2006. Steve Witt Associate Director Center for Global Studies University of Illinois mailto:swwitt@uiuc.edu swwitt@uiuc.edu IFLA Publications Series: Working Title: Changing roles of NGOs in the creation, validation and dissemination of information in developing countries Purpose and Scope: Non-governmental organizations have gone through an unprecedented period of rapid growth in the past decade. In 1993, the Yearbook of International Organizations listed 16,000 internationally recognized NGOs. By 2004 this number had increased to 63,000. With this increase comes an equally staggering growth in the activities, publications and intellectual output from NGOs. Additionally, the activities of both libraries and NGOs increasingly intersect as these organizations attempt to provide essential services that revolve around the creation, dissemination, and ability to evaluate new knowledge. This intersection creates challenges and opportunities as NGOs and Libraries begin to foster new collaborative relationships. These range from the traditional NGO support of libraries in developing countries through training, funding, and provision of resources to libraries and NGOs working together to collect, archive and assist in the dissemination of the vast wealth of grey literature published by NGOs. This edited volume will present an overview of the challenges and opportunities that the changing roles of NGOs presents to the library community and society as a whole through essays and case studies from around the world that highlight best practices in collaboration and projects that support the missions of both libraries and NGOs in order to encourage further NGO and Library collaboration. Chapters will include edited versions of papers presented at the http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla70/prog04.htm 70th IFLA General Conference and Council in Buenos Aires . Editor: Steve Witt, Associate Director, Center for Global Studies, University of Illinois . Steve Witt Associate Director Center for Global Studies University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign 1705 Presidential Tower, MC-429 302 East John Street Champaign, Illinois 61820 USA Phone: 217.265.7518 Fax: 217.265.7519 Email: mailto:swwitt@uiuc.edu swwitt@uiuc.edu http://www.cgs.uiuc.edu/ www.cgs.uiuc.edu ------------------------------- Forwarded by J K Vijayakumar Yahoo! for Good - http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/charity/*http://brand.yahoo.com/cybe... Make a difference this year.

Two News Reports on International CALIBER-2006 inauguration held at Gulbarga University, are pasted below. Libraries asked to join OCLC to get access to 60 million catalogues http://www.hindu.com/2006/02/03/stories/2006020303310300.htm Special Correspondent Three-day international symposium, CALIBER-2006, begins GULBARGA: Arthur Smith, director of Ohio-based Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC), on Thursday asked libraries in universities and research centres in India to become part of the OCLC to gain access to 60 million catalogues. The OCLC has 50,000 member-libraries in 109 countries. Inaugurating a three-day international symposium, "CALIBER-2006", the theme of which is "Dynamic Interoperable Web Based Information Systems", at the Mahatma Gandhi Hall on the main campus of Gulbarga University here, Dr. Smith said the OCLC was a community of international libraries with inter-operable ideas. Its members in the U.S., Africa, China and South America are looking to India in the emerging area of inter-operable computing. He said libraries in the world are inter-dependent in exchanging research findings. They are also helping research scholars in their endeavour to excel. Referring to the remarks of senior scientist and software expert Rahul De' about authentication of information provided by different portals on specific subjects sought by those on the Internet and the alleged manipulation of reputed websites by a few who placed misleading content, Dr. Smith said to overcome this problem and to provide authenticated and correct information, OCLC has installed a giant switching capability on Google and once a visitor seeks information, a message will flash seeking authentication from the libraries post. There is also another facility in the switching capability that will take the user to authentic and correct information. Dr. Smith said the giant switching capability will also enable the user to get information in his preferred language, if the facility is available. Dr. Rahul De', who delivered a special lecture, released a compendium of proceedings of the symposium. S. Rajanna, Registrar, addressed the gathering. Dr T A.V. Murthy, director of INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad, delivered the presidential address. In the morning, a pre-conference "Tutorial on Building Digital Libraries Using Dspace" was conducted. ICT must be able to meet the needs of people: expert http://www.hindu.com/2006/02/03/stories/2006020313440400.htm Special Correspondent `Foremost problem in applying these technologies is language' --------------------------------- Most e-governance projects in the country have failed Some, such as `Bhoomi' in Karnataka, are widely used --------------------------------- GULBARGA: The major challenge facing software experts involved in information and communication technologies (ICT) is the designing and building of technologies and networks that are best suited to the needs of the people, according to Rahul De, Chairman of the Hewlett-Packard Chair at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. Delivering a lecture at the three-day 4th international convention, CALIBER-2006, on the theme "Dynamic inter-operable Web-based information systems" at the Mahatma Gandhi Auditorium on the main campus of Gulbarga University here, Dr. De pointed out that the ICT developed in the West is meant to meet Defence and industrial requirements. Similarly, computing and network technologies have been designed and developed for the U.S. Department of Defence. These technologies are not designed to serve educational and developmental needs, Dr. De said. Information and communication technologies are highly flexible and can be moulded to meet the needs of a nation like India. The foremost problem in applying these technologies for development is language, he said. At present it is difficult to search the Internet in Hindi or Kannada and this leaves out a large number of young citizens who are literate in their own languages and who could have benefited from the power of the Internet. Although the technology for performing such a search in Indian languages does exist in the form of text-based parsers, XML content markers and rudimentary translators, a lot needs to be done to enable the younger generation, particularly students, to get information in their own language, he said. Although governments have invested crores of rupees on e-governance and other ICT projects, most of this money has gone down the drain. A recent study on e-governance projects in developing countries showed that 85 per cent of them are a failure, he said. However, some ICT projects, such as "Bhoomi," a kiosk-based project launched by the Karnataka Government, have been successful, he said. According to an estimate, more than eight lakh people use the system every month. More than 500 delegates are participating in the international convention. ------------------------------------ Message Sent by: Vijayakumar, J. K --------------------------------- Do you Yahoo!? With a free 1 GB, there's more in store with Yahoo! Mail. Two News Reports on International CALIBER-2006 inauguration held at Gulbarga University, are pasted below. Libraries asked to join OCLC to get access to 60 million catalogues http://www.hindu.com/2006/02/03/stories/2006020303310300.htm http://www.hindu.com/2006/02/03/stories/2006020303310300.htm Special Correspondent Three-day international symposium, CALIBER-2006, begins GULBARGA: Arthur Smith, director of Ohio-based Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC), on Thursday asked libraries in universities and research centres in India to become part of the OCLC to gain access to 60 million catalogues. The OCLC has 50,000 member-libraries in 109 countries. Inaugurating a three-day international symposium, "CALIBER-2006", the theme of which is "Dynamic Interoperable Web Based Information Systems", at the Mahatma Gandhi Hall on the main campus of Gulbarga University here, Dr. Smith said the OCLC was a community of international libraries with inter-operable ideas. Its members in the U.S., Africa, China and South America are looking to India in the emerging area of inter-operable computing. He said libraries in the world are inter-dependent in exchanging research findings. They are also helping research scholars in their endeavour to excel. Referring to the remarks of senior scientist and software expert Rahul De' about authentication of information provided by different portals on specific subjects sought by those on the Internet and the alleged manipulation of reputed websites by a few who placed misleading content, Dr. Smith said to overcome this problem and to provide authenticated and correct information, OCLC has installed a giant switching capability on Google and once a visitor seeks information, a message will flash seeking authentication from the libraries post. There is also another facility in the switching capability that will take the user to authentic and correct information. Dr. Smith said the giant switching capability will also enable the user to get information in his preferred language, if the facility is available. Dr. Rahul De', who delivered a special lecture, released a compendium of proceedings of the symposium. S. Rajanna, Registrar, addressed the gathering. Dr T A.V. Murthy, director of INFLIBNET Centre, Ahmedabad, delivered the presidential address. In the morning, a pre-conference "Tutorial on Building Digital Libraries Using Dspace" was conducted. ICT must be able to meet the needs of people: expert http://www.hindu.com/2006/02/03/stories/2006020313440400.htm http://www.hindu.com/2006/02/03/stories/2006020313440400.htm Special Correspondent `Foremost problem in applying these technologies is language' Most e-governance projects in the country have failed Some, such as `Bhoomi' in Karnataka, are widely used GULBARGA: The major challenge facing software experts involved in information and communication technologies (ICT) is the designing and building of technologies and networks that are best suited to the needs of the people, according to Rahul De, Chairman of the Hewlett-Packard Chair at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. Delivering a lecture at the three-day 4th international convention, CALIBER-2006, on the theme "Dynamic inter-operable Web-based information systems" at the Mahatma Gandhi Auditorium on the main campus of Gulbarga University here, Dr. De pointed out that the ICT developed in the West is meant to meet Defence and industrial requirements. Similarly, computing and network technologies have been designed and developed for the U.S. Department of Defence. These technologies are not designed to serve educational and developmental needs, Dr. De said. Information and communication technologies are highly flexible and can be moulded to meet the needs of a nation like India. The foremost problem in applying these technologies for development is language, he said. At present it is difficult to search the Internet in Hindi or Kannada and this leaves out a large number of young citizens who are literate in their own languages and who could have benefited from the power of the Internet. Although the technology for performing such a search in Indian languages does exist in the form of text-based parsers, XML content markers and rudimentary translators, a lot needs to be done to enable the younger generation, particularly students, to get information in their own language, he said. Although governments have invested crores of rupees on e-governance and other ICT projects, most of this money has gone down the drain. A recent study on e-governance projects in developing countries showed that 85 per cent of them are a failure, he said. However, some ICT projects, such as "Bhoomi," a kiosk-based project launched by the Karnataka Government, have been successful, he said. According to an estimate, more than eight lakh people use the system every month. More than 500 delegates are participating in the international convention. ------------------------------------ Message Sent by: Vijayakumar, J. K Do you Yahoo!? With a free 1 GB, there's more in store with http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/mailstorage/*http://mail.yahoo.com/ Yahoo! Mail.

For technology librarians (to attend IATUL annual conference, Portugal May 22-25, 2006) URL: http://paginas.fe.up.pt/~iatu2006/travel.htm For law Librarians (to attend 25th annual course in Russia, 10-14 Sept 2006) URL http://www.iall.org/scholarship.htm Geo Science Librarian (to attend GSIS annual conference) URLhttp://www.geoinfo.org/fellows.html More to come................. JK Vijayakumar __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com For technology librarians (to attend IATUL annual conference, Portugal May 22-25, 2006) URL: http://paginas.fe.up.pt/~iatu2006/travel.htm http://paginas.fe.up.pt/~iatu2006/travel.htm For law Librarians (to attend 25th annual course in Russia, 10-14 Sept 2006) URL http://www.iall.org/scholarship.htm http://www.iall.org/scholarship.htm Geo Science Librarian (to attend GSIS annual conference) URL http://www.geoinfo.org/fellows.html http://www.geoinfo.org/fellows.html More to come................. JK Vijayakumar __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com

Digital library software introduced Staff Reporter The Hindu Newsonline It has provision for multi-lingual interfaces and data entry CHENNAI: "The advantage of digital libraries is that they provide access to and storage of multimedia and allow for cooperative input," said John B. Rose of the University of Waikato at the British Council here on Saturday. He was introducing the Greenstone Digital Library Software, an open source, multi-platform software for digitising libraries, produced in the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. The lecture is part of an UNESCO-supported initiative to popularise the free software among Asian countries, beginning with India. The software has provision for multi-lingual interfaces and data entry. Hindi and Kannada databases, not all of which have been put online, have been created by some of the Indian users. The Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, and the Archives of Indian Labour are among the institutions that have put the software to use. Open source Since it is open source, it can be customised for specific requirements, Mr. Rose pointed out. An Indian Greenstone Support Organisation Advisory Group has been formed to set up an Indian website for download, email list for queries and organise the Asian Greenstone Regional Training Workshop in November in Kozhikode. The Greenstone software is available at www.greenstone.org and the digital library of the University of Waikato at www.nzdl.org. Source: The Hindu Newsonline at http://www.hindu.com/2006/04/03/stories/2006040316000200.htm J K Vijayakumar --------------------------------- Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Digital library software introduced Staff Reporter The Hindu Newsonline It has provision for multi-lingual interfaces and data entry CHENNAI: "The advantage of digital libraries is that they provide access to and storage of multimedia and allow for cooperative input," said John B. Rose of the University of Waikato at the British Council here on Saturday. He was introducing the Greenstone Digital Library Software, an open source, multi-platform software for digitising libraries, produced in the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. The lecture is part of an UNESCO-supported initiative to popularise the free software among Asian countries, beginning with India. The software has provision for multi-lingual interfaces and data entry. Hindi and Kannada databases, not all of which have been put online, have been created by some of the Indian users. The Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, and the Archives of Indian Labour are among the institutions that have put the software to use. Open source Since it is open source, it can be customised for specific requirements, Mr. Rose pointed out. An Indian Greenstone Support Organisation Advisory Group has been formed to set up an Indian website for download, email list for queries and organise the Asian Greenstone Regional Training Workshop in November in Kozhikode. The Greenstone software is available at http://www.greenstone.org/ www.greenstone.org and the digital library of the University of Waikato at http://www.nzdl.org www.nzdl.org . Source: The Hindu Newsonline at http://www.hindu.com/2006/04/03/stories/2006040316000200.htm http://www.hindu.com/2006/04/03/stories/2006040316000200.htm J K Vijayakumar Love cheap thrills? Enjoy PC-to-Phone http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/postman9/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt... calls to 30+ countries for just 2¢/min with Yahoo! Messenger with Voice.

On May 31, 2006, an audience of 150 invited officials from industry, academe, government and non-governmental organizations in India and the United States will meet to explore strategic issues in high-tech research and education as they apply to the worlds two largest democracies. The U.S.-India Summit on Education, Research & Technology is organized by the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2), and will take place on the UCSD campus in La Jolla, California. The Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum will play an essential role in promoting and facilitating the collaborative research activities arising from the UC-India agreement. Visit http://us-india.calit2.net/ or http://www.amrita.edu/ for more details. Message forwarded by Dr. J. K. Vijayakumar --------------------------------- Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates. On May 31, 2006 , an audience of 150 invited officials from industry, academe, government and non-governmental organizations in India and the United States will meet to explore strategic issues in high-tech research and education as they apply to the worlds two largest democracies. The U.S.-India Summit on Education, Research & Technology is organized by the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) and the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2), and will take place on the UCSD campus in La Jolla, California. The Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum will play an essential role in promoting and facilitating the collaborative research activities arising from the UC-India agreement. Visit http://us-india.calit2.net/ http://us-india.calit2.net/ or http://www.amrita.edu/ http://www.amrita.edu/ for more details. Message forwarded by Dr. J. K. Vijayakumar http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/postman3/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt... Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. PC-to-Phone calls for ridiculously low rates.

BIOMEDICAL DIGITAL LIBRARIES http://www.bio-diglib.com/home Marcus A. Banks and Wayne J. Peay Editors-in-Chief Biomedical Digital Libraries is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, online journal that considers manuscripts on all aspects of digital library content and usage in biomedical settings, including academic medical centers, research and development institutes, and health care institutions. Biomedical Digital Libraries will provide a forum for the discussion of unique considerations of biomedical information needs, and both opportunities and constraints presented by health care settings. The research results of collaborative initiatives with information technology and informatics partners are appropriate and encouraged. Non-research articles should conform to a review format, which synthesizes previously published research or discussion. Publication of research articles by Biomedical Digital Libraries is dependent on either scientific validity or analytical coherence, as judged by our reviewers. Biomedical Digital Libraries provides a legitimate alternative to traditional print journals in the field, which have subscription fees and assumption of copyright by the publisher. This journal will stress Open Access to research and practice in biomedical libraries, and will permit rapid and unimpeded dissemination of knowledge. GreyNet Grey Literature Network Service Beysterveld 251 1083 KE Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel/Fax +31(0)20-672.1217 info@greynet.org journal@greynet.org http://www.greynet.org ------------ Sorry for cross postings J K Vijayakumar --------------------------------- Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less. BIOMEDICAL DIGITAL LIBRARIES http://www.bio-diglib.com/home http://www.bio-diglib.com/home Marcus A. Banks and Wayne J. Peay Editors-in-Chief Biomedical Digital Libraries is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, online journal that considers manuscripts on all aspects of digital library content and usage in biomedical settings, including academic medical centers, research and development institutes, and health care institutions. Biomedical Digital Libraries will provide a forum for the discussion of unique considerations of biomedical information needs, and both opportunities and constraints presented by health care settings. The research results of collaborative initiatives with information technology and informatics partners are appropriate and encouraged. Non-research articles should conform to a review format, which synthesizes previously published research or discussion. Publication of research articles by Biomedical Digital Libraries is dependent on either scientific validity or analytical coherence, as judged by our reviewers. Biomedical Digital Libraries provides a legitimate alternative to traditional print journals in the field, which have subscription fees and assumption of copyright by the publisher. This journal will stress Open Access to research and practice in biomedical libraries, and will permit rapid and unimpeded dissemination of knowledge. GreyNet Grey Literature Network Service Beysterveld 251 1083 KE Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel/Fax +31(0)20-672.1217 http://us.f365.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=info@greynet.org&YY=50920&order=down&sort=date&pos=0 info@greynet.org http://us.f365.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=journal@greynet.org&YY=50920&order=down&sort=date&pos=0 journal@greynet.org http://www.greynet.org/ http://www.greynet.org ------------ Sorry for cross postings J K Vijayakumar Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/postman1/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt... Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

FYI ------------------------------ Kerala Library Association (Ernakulam Region) in collaboration with U. C. College, Aluva, Kerala, as part of its Continuous Professional Education Program, proposes to conduct a one day workshop on Building Institutional Repository using DSpace on 24th June, 2006. THE TARGET The workshop will be useful to Librarians and Information Professionals belonging to the Academia, NGO and Industry. THE WORKSHOP CONTENT The workshop is designed to facilitate the participants to create state-of-the-art IRs using DSpace on the Windows platform, which includes software installation, configuration, customization, content development and management, designing and creating standard metadata sets to describe digital objects and encoding them in standard markup formats. Thrust Areas IRs: Open Access Archives, OAI, OAI-PMH -Working principles and cases DSpace: Overview, Installations (JAVA 2 SDK, Apache, Jakarta, Tomcat, mod_jk, Apache Ant, PostgresSQL, Dspace), Administration and Customization. Metadata Standards: Concepts, Dublin Core, METS and MODS Hands on Session Participants will be provided with study material in print and software on CD RESOURCE PERSON Dr. M. G. Sreekumar, the Chief Librarian and Head, Center for Development of Digital Libraries, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikkode, will be the key resource person. Dr. Sreekumar, a Fulbright scholar and an internationally renowned expert in modern developments in the field of Library and Information Science, has been honoured with various awards and scholarships for his contributions to the field of LIS. http://www.iimk.ac.in/mgsree.htm Venue U. C. College, Aluva, Ernakulam (Dist), Kerala Registration Fee Individual participants - Rs, 150/- Sponsored participants - Rs. 300/- The fee can be paid either in the form of DD favoring the Secretary, KLA Regional Committee, Ernakulam payable at Ernakulam OR by cash at the Registration Counter at the workshop venue. Workshop on Building Institutional Repositories using DSpace Registration Form Name (in block letters) : Designation : Name of Institution : Address for communication: Telephone no. (O) : (R) : e-mail : Total years of Professional Experience: Registered as Individual/ Sponsored/ Student: Signature : (The filled in registration form must be received at the address Librarian, U. C. College, U. C. College, P. O., Aluva 683 102 Kerala - by 22.06.06) Contacts at Librarian Union Christian College U. C. College P. O. Alwaye - 683 102 Phone (O): 0484 2609194 (extn 308) (R): 0484 2603816, 9446075685 E-mail: jebygeo@gmail.com --------------------------------- Feel free to call! Free PC-to-PC calls. Low rates on PC-to-Phone. Get Yahoo! Messenger with Voice FYI ------------------------------ Kerala Library Association (Ernakulam Region) in collaboration with U. C. College, Aluva, Kerala, as part of its Continuous Professional Education Program, proposes to conduct a one day workshop on Building Institutional Repository using DSpace on 24 th June, 2006 . THE TARGET The workshop will be useful to Librarians and Information Professionals belonging to the Academia, NGO and Industry. THE WORKSHOP CONTENT The workshop is designed to facilitate the participants to create state-of-the-art IRs using DSpace on the Windows platform, which includes software installation, configuration, customization, content development and management, designing and creating standard metadata sets to describe digital objects and encoding them in standard markup formats. Thrust Areas IRs: Open Access Archives, OAI, OAI-PMH -Working principles and cases DSpace: Overview, Installations (JAVA 2 SDK, Apache, Jakarta , Tomcat, mod_jk, Apache Ant, PostgresSQL, Dspace), Administration and Customization. Metadata Standards: Concepts, Dublin Core, METS and MODS Hands on Session Participants will be provided with study material in print and software on CD RESOURCE PERSON Dr. M. G. Sreekumar, the Chief Librarian and Head, Center for Development of Digital Libraries, Indian Institute of Management , Kozhikkode, will be the key resource person. Dr. Sreekumar, a Fulbright scholar and an internationally renowned expert in modern developments in the field of Library and Information Science, has been honoured with various awards and scholarships for his contributions to the field of LIS. http://www.iimk.ac.in/mgsree.htm http://www.iimk.ac.in/mgsree.htm Venue U. C. College, Aluva, Ernakulam (Dist), Kerala Registration Fee Individual participants - Rs, 150/- Sponsored participants - Rs. 300/- The fee can be paid either in the form of DD favoring the Secretary, KLA Regional Committee, Ernakulam payable at Ernakulam OR by cash at the Registration Counter at the workshop venue. Workshop on Building Institutional Repositories using DSpace Registration Form Name (in block letters) : Designation : Name of Institution : Address for communication: Telephone no. (O) : (R) : e-mail : Total years of Professional Experience: Registered as Individual/ Sponsored/ Student: Signature : (The filled in registration form must be received at the address Librarian, U. C. College, U. C. College, P. O., Aluva 683 102 Kerala - by 22.06.06) Contacts at Librarian Union Christian College U. C. College P. O. Alwaye - 683 102 Phone (O): 0484 2609194 (extn 308) (R): 0484 2603816, 9446075685 E-mail: http://us.f365.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=jebygeo@gmail.com jebygeo@gmail.com Feel free to call! Free PC-to-PC calls. Low rates on PC-to-Phone. http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/postman10/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/ev... Get Yahoo! Messenger with Voice

Sorry for Cross Postings. FYI --------------------------------------- ILA Program (Innovative Library Access) The Elsevier Foundations ILA Program provides resources to libraries in developing countries that improve access to scientific, technical and medical (STM) knowledge. The Foundation looks to award organizations that leverage their STM collections to improve quality of life in those countries. In the initial phase of the ILA Program, we endeavor to focus on the developing Asia region, with the intent to expand into other locations. I. Eligibility Requirements The ILA Program only supports non-profit libraries and does not make grants to individuals. Applying libraries must be based in developing countries. In the initial years, the Foundation encourages applications from developing countries in Asia. II. Selection Criteria A focused, well-defined proposal that provides innovative access to STM information through upgrading of technology and information services, digitization of STM collections, or training of library staff Realistic budget tied to measurable outcomes Sustained financial viability Strength of local administration Examples of previous Elsevier Foundation Awardees (for reference): A library received funding to upgrade its Open Access Computer Center and provide training to library school students and organizations seeking to develop libraries. An organization received funding for the launch of the Global Health Archive, comprising thousands of articles on public health, and for the training of health librarians to use the database. A medical organization received funding to upgrade the first evidence-based medical library in the country, established to meet the growing demand for high-quality, free medical education and research among the countrys medical community. A university library received funding to digitally recreate over 4,400 PhD, Masters theses and research reports, made available internationally through a portal maintained by the library. III. Application and Acceptance Proposals should be made in a brief letter to John Regazzi, Chairman, outlining the purpose for which funds are requested. Proposals should be limited to three pages and include: program description names of organization directors and key personnel intended outcomes and success criteria schedule with expected completion date budget most recent financial statements, with sources of support non profit status evidence. Proposals may be submitted at any time during a given calendar year. To be considered for the 2006 grant review, proposals must be postmarked no later than September 1st, 2006 The Elsevier Foundation will notify winners of the ILA grants during the fourth quarter 2006. An international advisory panel of Asian library experts will evaluate the proposals. IV. Required Report The Elsevier Foundation requires a final report from ILA grantees at the time of completion of funded activities. The report should be both descriptive and evaluative, and include: detailed summary of activities during the grant period accounting report of grant expenditures assessment of project goals (including level of achievement) V. Amount of Grant Grants are expected to range between US $5,000 and US$15,000. Requests for additional funding for projects already supported will be considered on a limited basis. Grants are awarded for specific projects rather than operating support. Questions, requests for additional information, and all grant proposals should be directed to: John Regazzi, Chairman The Elsevier Foundation 360 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10010-1710, USA telephone: 212-633-3900 facsimile: 212-633-3965 e-mail: foundation@elsevier.com http://www.elsevierfoundation.org/program.html J. K. Vijayakumar MLIS, PhD Assistant Director of Library American University of Antigua College of Medicine Post Box W-1451, St. Johns ANTIGUA & BARBUDA, West Indies --------------------------------- How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messengers low PC-to-Phone call rates. Sorry for Cross Postings. FYI --------------------------------------- ILA Program (Innovative Library Access) The Elsevier Foundations ILA Program provides resources to libraries in developing countries that improve access to scientific, technical and medical (STM) knowledge. The Foundation looks to award organizations that leverage their STM collections to improve quality of life in those countries. In the initial phase of the ILA Program, we endeavor to focus on the developing Asia region, with the intent to expand into other locations. I. Eligibility Requirements The ILA Program only supports non-profit libraries and does not make grants to individuals. Applying libraries must be based in developing countries. In the initial years, the Foundation encourages applications from developing countries in Asia. II. Selection Criteria A focused, well-defined proposal that provides innovative access to STM information through upgrading of technology and information services, digitization of STM collections, or training of library staff Realistic budget tied to measurable outcomes Sustained financial viability Strength of local administration Examples of previous Elsevier Foundation Awardees (for reference): A library received funding to upgrade its Open Access Computer Center and provide training to library school students and organizations seeking to develop libraries. An organization received funding for the launch of the Global Health Archive, comprising thousands of articles on public health, and for the training of health librarians to use the database. A medical organization received funding to upgrade the first evidence-based medical library in the country, established to meet the growing demand for high-quality, free medical education and research among the countrys medical community. A university library received funding to digitally recreate over 4,400 PhD, Masters theses and research reports, made available internationally through a portal maintained by the library. III. Application and Acceptance Proposals should be made in a brief letter to John Regazzi, Chairman, outlining the purpose for which funds are requested. Proposals should be limited to three pages and include: program description names of organization directors and key personnel intended outcomes and success criteria schedule with expected completion date budget most recent financial statements, with sources of support non profit status evidence. Proposals may be submitted at any time during a given calendar year. To be considered for the 2006 grant review, proposals must be postmarked no later than September 1st, 2006 The Elsevier Foundation will notify winners of the ILA grants during the fourth quarter 2006. An international advisory panel of Asian library experts will evaluate the proposals. IV. Required Report The Elsevier Foundation requires a final report from ILA grantees at the time of completion of funded activities. The report should be both descriptive and evaluative, and include: detailed summary of activities during the grant period accounting report of grant expenditures assessment of project goals (including level of achievement) V. Amount of Grant Grants are expected to range between US $5,000 and US$15,000. Requests for additional funding for projects already supported will be considered on a limited basis. Grants are awarded for specific projects rather than operating support. Questions, requests for additional information, and all grant proposals should be directed to: John Regazzi, Chairman The Elsevier Foundation 360 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10010-1710, USA telephone: 212-633-3900 facsimile: 212-633-3965 e-mail: mailto:foundation@elsevier.com foundation@elsevier.com http://www.elsevierfoundation.org/program.html http://www.elsevierfoundation.org/program.html J. K. Vijayakumar MLIS, PhD Assistant Director of Library American University of Antigua College of Medicine Post Box W-1451, St. Johns ANTIGUA & BARBUDA, West Indies How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messengers low http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/postman8/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt... PC-to-Phone call rates.
participants (2)
Dr. J. K. Vijayakumar
JK Vijayakumar