300 Post Doctoral Fellowships for Indian Scholars in United States under Singh‐Obama Knowledge Initiative

The University Grants Commission invites applications for 300 Post Doctoral Fellowships for Indian Scholars in United States for the year 2012 under Singh‐Obama 21st Century Knowledge Initiative 2012. The applicant should be a permanent teacher within 40 years of age as on Dec. 31, 2012, in an institution recognized under 2(f) and 12B of UGC Act and should possess a Ph.D. Degree in the respective field. Details of the scheme can be accessed from http://www.ugc.ac.in/more/sing_obamaaddvertise100512.pdf ------------ Dr. J. K. VIJAYAKUMAR, http://twitter.com/jkvijayakumar -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.

Google Searching changed with Knowledge Graph: (Amit Singhal, SVP, Engineering, Google Inc) Search is a lot about discovery—the basic human need to learn and broaden your horizons. But searching still requires a lot of hard work by you, the user. So today I’m really excited to launch the Knowledge Graph, which will help you discover new information quickly and easily. We’re proud of our first baby step—the Knowledge Graph—which will enable us to make search more intelligent, moving us closer to the "Star Trek computer" that I've always dreamt of building. Enjoy your lifelong journey of discovery, made easier by Google Search, so you can spend less time searching and more time doing what you love. Posted by Amit Singhal, SVP, Engineering, Google Inc at http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2012/05/introducing-knowledge-graph-things-no... Watch Video at http://youtu.be/mmQl6VGvX-c ------------------ Dr. J. K. VIJAYAKUMAR, http://twitter.com/jkvijayakumar -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.

33rd Annual IATUL Conference at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore being held during 5-7 June.http://conference.ntu.edu.sg/iatul2012/Pages/home.aspx Some of the key note presentations are available to watch from http://new.livestream.com/NTU/iatul2012/videos/1313372 (interesting talks) Dr. J. K. VIJAYAKUMAR, http://twitter.com/jkvijayakumar -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.

The generous souls at Project Gutenberg opened a new venue supplementing their traditional collection of public domain classics. (And, by the way, that collection of usually all the works, even minor ones, of major authors and the major works of minor authors now runs more than 40,000.) But what about contemporary works, particularly by people who have not found or perhaps do not want to go with traditional publishers? Now Project Gutenberg has opened a separate collection and discovery area for such works referred to as a Self-Publishing Portal. Anyone can access and search the site to view and/or download documents. If the reader chooses to register with Project Gutenberg, as all the authors have, they can participate in the Authors Community Cloud Library and post comments, feedback, ratings, and reviews. A book details page and Wall will attach this social network style input for other readers to see. News: http://newsbreaks.infotoday.com/NewsBreaks/Project-Gutenberg-Launches-Reposi... ----------- Dr. J. K. VIJAYAKUMAR, http://twitter.com/jkvijayakumar -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.

The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. The repository has the ability to capture, index, store, disseminate and preserve ETDs submitted by the researchers. University of Kerala is going to participate in this project and Memorandum of Understanding will be signed at 3:30 PM on 20th July 2012. Source: http://librarykeralauniversity.wordpress.com/2012/07/14/signing-mou-for-shod... and http://www.kulib.in/ ---------------------------- Dr. J. K. VIJAYAKUMAR, http://twitter.com/jkvijayakumar -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.

Dear LIS members, As per inflibnet's earlier posting of purchasing s/c of PhD theses, I had sent synopsis of my thesis for their approval. The office telephonically informed me that they cannot purchase the copy of my thesis as it is awarded 10 years back (my PhD was awarded in 2002) and they accept only recent year awards. I don't know whether this rule applies in general to all or its is subjective. Hence, members, if you are submitting your thesis to ETD's repository individually, get confirmation from them even to send synopsis. (in my case charges for copy of synopsis/postage was waste and I did not get my copy back even after it is rejected) This is not a allegation on inflibnet or its actions..... But just keep our professionals informed about the situation to minimize possible expenses. Manjunatha ----------------------- Dr. Manjunatha K Chief Librarian T.A. Pai Management Institute PB No. 9 Manipal - 576 104 Udupi Dist., Karnataka, India Ph: +91820-2701105; Fax: +91-0820-2570699 manjunath@tapmi.edu.in; manjunathak@gmail.com web: http://www.manjunathakeralapura.weebly.com/ ---------------------- From: digilib_india@yahoogroups.com [mailto:digilib_india@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Dr. J. K. Vijayakumar Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 1:12 PM To: lis-forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in; digilib_india@yahoogroups.com; nmlis@yahoogroups.com; india-lis@infoserv.inist.fr Subject: [digilib_india] Kerala University signing MoU with INFLIBNET for SHODHGANGA The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. The repository has the ability to capture, index, store, disseminate and preserve ETDs submitted by the researchers. University of Kerala is going to participate in this project and Memorandum of Understanding will be signed at 3:30 PM on 20th July 2012. Source: http://librarykeralauniversity.wordpress.com/2012/07/14/signing-mou-for-shod... and http://www.kulib.in/ ---------------------------- Dr. J. K. VIJAYAKUMAR, http://twitter.com/jkvijayakumar [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] __._,_.___ Reply to sendermailto:vjkjk@yahoo.com?subject=Re%3A%20Kerala%20University%20signing%20MoU%2... | Reply to groupmailto:digilib_india@yahoogroups.com?subject=Re%3A%20Kerala%20University%20s... | Reply via web posthttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/digilib_india/post;_ylc=X3oDMTJwcnM3NjM4BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzMwNTk4NjkEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDA3NzA5BG1zZ0lkAzc5NTEEc2VjA2Z0cgRzbGsDcnBseQRzdGltZQMxMzQyNTExMDIz?act=reply&messageNum=7951 | Start a New Topichttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/digilib_india/post;_ylc=X3oDMTJlaDQ2ZThrBF9TAz... Messages in this topichttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/digilib_india/message/7768;_ylc=X3oDMTM0MzJhdj... (7) Recent Activity: * New Membershttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/digilib_india/members;_ylc=X3oDMTJmZGltMDFkBF9... 3 Visit Your Grouphttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/digilib_india;_ylc=X3oDMTJlbnJjdm1yBF9TAzk3MzU... [cid:image001.jpg@01CD6436.999BD270]http://groups.yahoo.com/;_ylc=X3oDMTJkZnJpc2JwBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzMwNT... Switch to: Text-Onlymailto:digilib_india-traditional@yahoogroups.com?subject=Change%20Delivery%2..., Daily Digestmailto:digilib_india-digest@yahoogroups.com?subject=Email%20Delivery:%20Dige... * Unsubscribemailto:digilib_india-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com?subject=Unsubscribe * Terms of Usehttp://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ . __,_._,___ -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.

- INFLIBNET Centre invites application for SOUL Coordinators at Regional Level - Last date. November 15, 2012 - More details at http://www.inflibnet.ac.in/jobs/ - About SOUL at http://www.inflibnet.ac.in/soul/ ------------------- Dr. J. K. VIJAYAKUMAR, http://twitter.com/jkvijayakumar -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.

Sub: Rejuvenated Libraries for Empowered Users: Dr. TAV Murthy Festschrift Volume, 2012-13 Dear Colleagues, Sorry for cross postings, if any. We are pleased to propose to bring out a festschrift edited volume in honor of Dr. TAV Murthy, the former director of INFLIBNET Center, India. Dr. Murthy requires no introduction among the Indian LIS community. He is the first professional to become the Director of Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), equivalent to the rank of a Central University Vice Chancellor in India. He has played the lead role in establishing the UGC Infonet and E-Journal Consortium under the umbrella of University Grants Commission. He has also initiated several projects for the development of libraries and transformed INFLBNET into a vibrant organization and made it as a catalyst in higher education and research libraries and campuses across the modern India. More about Dr. TAV Murthy is at http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php. The proposed festschrift volume will include seminal and methodologically incremental papers, case studies and research articles in the various themes in Library & Information Science as described below. The proposed title of the volume “Rejuvenated Libraries for Empowered Users”, will focus on how the needs of technologically empowered users are met by technologically empowered libraries and librarians. This will include, but not limited to the below sub themes; 1. Users: Empowered and Changed 2. Library Spaces: Remodeled and Reorganized 3. Search Interfaces and Systems: Enhanced and Integrated 4. Collections and Services: Reformatted and Redesigned 5. Metrics and Marketing: Redefined 6. (Next Generation) Librarians:Rejuvenated More details about the topic, submission process and styles can be found from http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php We invite the potential contributors to take part in this endeavor for honoring a library professional, who has made significant contributions to the uplift of the LIS profession, and promoting valuable services among Indian academic and research community. You can submit your paper (s) as contributed chapters to this proposed volume. Writings can include case studies, applied research, literature reviews and reports, but general articles may be avoided. The work can be based on a range of library settings such as academic, research, public, corporate, government, health/medical, law, and non-traditional libraries. The Editorial committee with the help of its international board of reviewers will blind review the submissions, and inform the author(s) accordingly. The edited book will be published by Digital Information Research Ltd, UK (a division of the Society for Information Organization, Harrow, London, UK and articles/chapters will be indexed by leading A&I databases. More details about the topic, submission process and styles can be found from http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php Last date for submission is 15th December 2012. All submissions will undergo the blind review process. The accepted submissions need to be revised before the camera ready. The submissions need to be original and contain technical merit. With regards, Dr. P. Pichappan, Zhejiang University, Dr. J. K. Vijayakumar, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. (Editors of Dr. TAV Murthy Festschrift Volume, 2012-13)E-Mail: tav.volume@gmail.com : URL: http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php International Advisory Board(confirmed): Dr. TAV Murthy Festschrift Volume, 2012-13 Dr. A Majid Pathan, American University of Antigua & MLA. Dr. Ajay Pratap Singh, Banaras Hindu University. Dr. Akhtar Parvez, Indian Institute of Management Indore & MANLIBNET. Dr. Anand Pratap Singh,Guru Gobind Singh IndraprasthaUniversity. B.O. Suresh Kumar, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University. Dr. Daisy Jacobs, University of Zululand. Edward Proctor, Duke University, University of North Carolina & CONSALD. Dr. Harish Chandra, Indian Institute of Technology Chennai, SLA Asian Chapter. Dr. Helen Ladron de Guevara Cox, Mexican Librarians Association. Imma Subirats Coll, Food and Agriculture Organization & E-LIS International Repository. Joseph Hafner, McGill University & IFLA. Dr. K. Prakash, Azim Premji University. Dr. K. P. Vijayakumar, University of Kerala. Dr. Lalitha Poluru, Nirma University. Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha, Assam University. Dr. M.T.M. Khan, Galgotias University. Dr. M. Bavakutty, Kannur University. Dr. Muttayya Koganuramath, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, ILA Journal & BOSLA. Dr. Naresh Kumar, Society for Information Science India. Dr. O. N. Chaubey, Election Commission of India & ILA. Dr. P. Vijayakumar, Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering. Dr. Pijushkanti Panigrahi, University of Calcutta & IASLIC. Dr. Raj Kumar, Punjab University & SATKAL. Dr. Rashed S. Alzahrani, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology. Dr. Regine Schmolling, State University Bremen & IFLA. Dr. S. Saraswathy, Amrita University. Sanjay Kumar Bihani, Indian Embassy UK, Ministry of Indian Foreign Affairs & IFLA. Dr. Suhaimibin Haji Abdul Karim, University of Brunei. Dr. Tamara Pianos, German National Library of Economics. Dr. Thiyam Satyabati Devi, University of Swaziland. Dr. T. Temjen, Nagaland University. ============================= E-Mail: tav.volume@gmail.com : URL: http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.

Sub: Rejuvenated Libraries for Empowered Users: Dr. TAV Murthy Festschrift Volume, 2012-13 Dear Colleagues, We have received several contributions and proposals to this book project from different parts of the world. But there are many proposed contributors who have requested for more time. This is mainly due to the winter and x-mas vacations. To accommodate these requests and also to give a chance to other potential contributors, the last date for submissions is extended to January 15th, 2013. We are also happy to announce the availability of twobest author awards. First authors of two best chapters will be chosen to receive full financial support for a personal annual membership in any of these international library associations for a year - IFLA, ALA, CILIP, SLA, ASIST, IATUL, subjected to the eligibility of the winner. These two awards will be announced before book publication and the decisions by the Board will be final. In addition to this, first authors of all accepted chapters will receive a copy of the book in print format. ================================== Sorry for cross postings, if any. We are pleased to propose to bring out a festschrift edited volume in honor of Dr. TAV Murthy, the former director of INFLIBNET Center, India & ex President of Society for Information Science. Dr. Murthy requires no introduction among the Indian LIS community. He is the first professional to become the Director of Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), equivalent to the rank of a Central University Vice Chancellor in India. He has played the lead role in establishing the UGC Infonet and E-Journal Consortium under the umbrella of University Grants Commission. He has also initiated several projects for the development of libraries and transformed INFLBNET into a vibrant organization and made it as a catalyst in higher education and research libraries and campuses across the modern India. More about Dr. TAV Murthy is at http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php. The proposed festschrift volume will include seminal and methodologically incremental papers, case studies and research articles in the various themes in Library & Information Science as described below. The proposed title of the volume “Rejuvenated Libraries for Empowered Users”, will focus on how the needs of technologically empowered users are met by technologically empowered libraries and librarians. This will include, but not limited to the below sub themes; 1. Users: Empowered and Changed 2. Library Spaces: Remodeled and Reorganized 3. Search Interfaces and Systems: Enhanced and Integrated 4. Collections and Services: Reformatted and Redesigned 5. Metrics and Marketing: Redefined 6. (Next Generation) Librarians:Rejuvenated More details about the topic, submission process and styles can be found from http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php We invite the potential contributors to take part in this endeavor for honoring a library professional, who has made significant contributions to the uplift of the LIS profession, and promoting valuable services among Indian academic and research community. You can submit your paper (s) as contributed chapters to this proposed volume. Writings can include case studies, applied research, literature reviews and reports, but general articles may be avoided. The work can be based on a range of library settings such as academic, research, public, corporate, government, health/medical, law, and non-traditional libraries. The Editorial committee with the help of its international board of reviewers will blind review the submissions, and inform the author(s) accordingly. The edited book will be published by Digital Information Research Ltd, UK (a division of the Society for Information Organization, Harrow, London, UK and articles/chapters will be indexed by leading A&I databases. More details about the topic, submission process and styles can be found from http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php Last date for submission is extended to 15th January 2013. Please use APA style of referencing when you cite previous works and literature. All submissions will undergo the blind review process. The accepted submissions need to be revised before the camera ready. The submissions need to be original and contain technical merit. With regards, Editors of Dr. TAV Murthy Festschrift Volume, 2012-13 * Pit Pichappan, Zhejiang University * Vijayakumar J. K., King Abdullah University of Science and Technology E-Mail: tav.volume@gmail.com URL: http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php International Advisory Committee * Ajay Pratap Singh, Banaras Hindu University. * Akhtar Parvez, Indian Institute of Management Indore & Secretary, MANLIBNET. * Anand Pratap Singh,Guru Gobind Singh IndraprasthaUniversity. * Bavakutty M., Kannur University. * Chaubey O. N., Election Commission of India & Treasurer, ILA. * Daisy Jacobs, University of Zululand. * Edward Proctor, Duke University, University of North Carolina & CONSALD. * Ganesan A., PRIST University. * Gopakumar V., Goa University. * Harish Chandra, Indian Institute of Technology Chennai & President, SLA Asian Chapter. * Helen Ladron de Guevara Cox, Mexican Librarians Association. * Ibrahim Ramjaun, National Library of Mauritius & President, Association of Professional Librarians. * Imma Subirats Coll, Food and Agriculture Organization & E-LIS Founder. * Jain P. K., Indian Institute of Economic Growth & SLA Asian Chapter * Joseph Hafner, McGill University & Chair IFLA ACD Standing Committee. * Khan, M. T. M., GalgotiasUniversity. * KishorChandra Satpathy, National Institute of Technology Silchar. * Lalitha Poluru, Nirma University. * Majid Pathan, American University of Antigua. * Manoj Kumar Sinha, Assam University. * Mats Nordström, Malmo Public Library. * Muttayya Koganuramath, Tata Institute of Social Sciences & Editor ILA Journal. * Naresh Kumar, NIPER & President, Society for Information Science India. * Pijushkanti Panigrahi, University of Calcutta & Secretary, IASLIC. * Prakash K., Azim Premji University. * Prem Chand, Indian Institute of Advanced Studies. * Premila Gamage, Srilankan Institute of Policy Studies Library & IFLA. * Raj Kumar, Punjab University & SATKAL Trust. * Rashed S. Alzahrani, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology. * Regine Schmolling, State University Bremen & Secretary, IFLA ACD Standing Committee. * Sanjay Kumar Bihani, Ministry of Indian Foreign Affairs. * Saraswathy S., Amrita University. * Suhaimibin Haji Abdul Karim, University of Brunei. * Suresh Kumar B. O., Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University. * Susmita Ckakraborty, Bengal Engineering & Science University. * Tamara Pianos, German National Library of Economics. * Temjen T., Nagaland University. * Thiyam Satyabati Devi, University of Swaziland. * Varalakshmi R. S. R., Andhra University. * Vijayakumar K. P., University of Kerala. * Vijayakumar P., Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering. ===================================== -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.

Sorry for cross postings, if any. Sub: Rejuvenated Libraries for Empowered Users: Dr. TAV Murthy Festschrift Volume, 2012-13 Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to propose to bring out a festschrift edited volume in honor of Dr. TAV Murthy, the former director of INFLIBNET Center, India & ex President of Society for Information Science. Dr. Murthy requires no introduction among the Indian LIS community. He is the first professional to become the Director of Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), equivalent to the rank of a Central University Vice Chancellor in India. He has played the lead role in establishing the UGC Infonet and E-Journal Consortium under the umbrella of University Grants Commission. He has also initiated several projects for the development of libraries and transformed INFLBNET into a vibrant organization and made it as a catalyst in higher education and research libraries and campuses across the modern India. More about Dr. TAV Murthy is at http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php. We are also happy to announce the availability of two best author awards. First authors of two best chapters will be chosen to receive full financial support for a personal annual membership in any of these international library associations for a year - IFLA, ALA, CILIP, SLA, ASIST, IATUL, subjected to the eligibility of the winner. These two awards will be announced before book publication and the decisions by the Board will be final. In addition to this, first authors of all accepted chapters will receive a copy of the book in print format. The proposed festschrift volume will include seminal and methodologically incremental papers, case studies and research articles in the various themes in Library & Information Science as described below. The proposed title of the volume “Rejuvenated Libraries for Empowered Users”, will focus on how the needs of technologically empowered users are met by technologically empowered libraries and librarians. This will include, but not limited to the below sub themes; 1. Users: Empowered and Changed 2. Library Spaces: Remodeled and Reorganized 3. Search Interfaces and Systems: Enhanced and Integrated 4. Collections and Services: Reformatted and Redesigned 5. Metrics and Marketing: Redefined 6. (Next Generation) Librarians:Rejuvenated More details about the topic, submission process and styles can be found from http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php We invite the potential contributors to take part in this endeavor for honoring a library professional, who has made significant contributions to the uplift of the LIS profession, and promoting valuable services among Indian academic and research community. You can submit your paper (s) as contributed chapters to this proposed volume. Writings can include case studies, applied research, literature reviews and reports, but general articles may be avoided. The work can be based on a range of library settings such as academic, research, public, corporate, government, health/medical, law, and non-traditional libraries. The Editorial committee with the help of its international board of reviewers will blind review the submissions, and inform the author(s) accordingly. The edited book will be published by Digital Information Research Ltd, UK (a division of the Society for Information Organization, Harrow, London, UK and articles/chapters will be indexed by leading A&I databases. More details about the topic, submission process and styles can be found from http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php Last date for submission is extended to 15th January 2013. Please use APA style of referencing when you cite previous works and literature. All submissions will undergo the blind review process. The accepted submissions need to be revised before the camera ready. The submissions need to be original and contain technical merit. With regards, Editors of Dr. TAV Murthy Festschrift Volume, 2012-13 * Pit Pichappan, Zhejiang University * Vijayakumar J. K., King Abdullah University of Science and Technology E-Mail: tav.volume@gmail.com URL: http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php International Advisory Committee * Ajay Pratap Singh, Banaras Hindu University. * Akhtar Parvez, Indian Institute of Management Indore & Secretary, MANLIBNET. * Anand Pratap Singh,Guru Gobind Singh IndraprasthaUniversity. * Bavakutty M., Kannur University. * Chaubey O. N., Election Commission of India & Treasurer, ILA. * Daisy Jacobs, University of Zululand. * Edward Proctor, Duke University, University of North Carolina & CONSALD. * Ganesan A., PRIST University. * Gopakumar V., Goa University. * Harish Chandra, Indian Institute of Technology Chennai & President, SLA Asian Chapter. * Helen Ladron de Guevara Cox, Mexican Librarians Association. * Ibrahim Ramjaun, National Library of Mauritius & President, Association of Professional Librarians. * Imma Subirats Coll, Food and Agriculture Organization & E-LIS Founder. * Jain P. K., Indian Institute of Economic Growth & SLA Asian Chapter * Joseph Hafner, McGill University & Chair IFLA ACD Standing Committee. * Khan, M. T. M., GalgotiasUniversity. * KishorChandra Satpathy, National Institute of Technology Silchar. * Lalitha Poluru, Nirma University. * Majid Pathan, American University of Antigua. * Manoj Kumar Sinha, Assam University. * Mats Nordström, Malmo Public Library. * Muttayya Koganuramath, Tata Institute of Social Sciences & Editor ILA Journal. * Naresh Kumar, NIPER & President, Society for Information Science India. * Pijushkanti Panigrahi, University of Calcutta & Secretary, IASLIC. * Prakash K., Azim Premji University. * Prem Chand, Indian Institute of Advanced Studies. * Premila Gamage, Srilankan Institute of Policy Studies Library & IFLA. * Raj Kumar, Punjab University & SATKAL Trust. * Rashed S. Alzahrani, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology. * Regine Schmolling, State University Bremen & Secretary, IFLA ACD Standing Committee. * Sanjay Kataria, Banasthali University. * Sanjay Kumar Bihani, Ministry of Indian Foreign Affairs. * Saraswathy S., Amrita University. * Suhaimibin Haji Abdul Karim, University of Brunei. * Suresh Kumar B. O., Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University. * Susmita Ckakraborty, Bengal Engineering & Science University. * Tamara Pianos, German National Library of Economics. * Temjen T., Nagaland University. * Thiyam Satyabati Devi, University of Swaziland. * Varalakshmi R. S. R., Andhra University. * Vijayakumar K. P., University of Kerala. * Vijayakumar P., Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering. ===================================== -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.

Sorry for cross postings, if any. Sub: Rejuvenated Libraries for Empowered Users: Dr. TAV Murthy Festschrift Volume, 2012-13 Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to propose to bring out a festschrift edited volume in honor of Dr. TAV Murthy, the former director of INFLIBNET Center, India & ex President of Society for Information Science. Dr. Murthy requires no introduction among the Indian LIS community. He is the first professional to become the Director of Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), equivalent to the rank of a Central University Vice Chancellor in India. He has played the lead role in establishing the UGC Infonet and E-Journal Consortium under the umbrella of University Grants Commission. He has also initiated several projects for the development of libraries and transformed INFLBNET into a vibrant organization and made it as a catalyst in higher education and research libraries and campuses across the modern India. More about Dr. TAV Murthy is at http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php. We are also happy to announce the availability of two best author awards. First authors of two best chapters will be chosen to receive full financial support for a personal annual membership in any of these international library associations for a year - IFLA, ALA, CILIP, SLA, ASIST, IATUL, subjected to the eligibility of the winner. These two awards will be announced before book publication and the decisions by the Board will be final. In addition to this, first authors of all accepted chapters will receive a copy of the book in print format. The proposed festschrift volume will include seminal and methodologically incremental papers, case studies and research articles in the various themes in Library & Information Science as described below. The proposed title of the volume “Rejuvenated Libraries for Empowered Users”, will focus on how the needs of technologically empowered users are met by technologically empowered libraries and librarians. This will include, but not limited to the below sub themes; 1. Users: Empowered and Changed 2. Library Spaces: Remodeled and Reorganized 3. Search Interfaces and Systems: Enhanced and Integrated 4. Collections and Services: Reformatted and Redesigned 5. Metrics and Marketing: Redefined 6. (Next Generation) Librarians:Rejuvenated More details about the topic, submission process and styles can be found from http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php We invite the potential contributors to take part in this endeavor for honoring a library professional, who has made significant contributions to the uplift of the LIS profession, and promoting valuable services among Indian academic and research community. You can submit your paper (s) as contributed chapters to this proposed volume. Writings can include case studies, applied research, literature reviews and reports, but general articles may be avoided. The work can be based on a range of library settings such as academic, research, public, corporate, government, health/medical, law, and non-traditional libraries. The Editorial committee with the help of its international board of reviewers will blind review the submissions, and inform the author(s) accordingly. The edited book will be published by Digital Information Research Ltd, UK (a division of the Society for Information Organization, Harrow, London, UK and articles/chapters will be indexed by leading A&I databases. More details about the topic, submission process and styles can be found from http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php Last date for submission is extended to 15th January 2013. Please use APA style of referencing when you cite previous works and literature. All submissions will undergo the blind review process. The accepted submissions need to be revised before the camera ready. The submissions need to be original and contain technical merit. With regards, Editors of Dr. TAV Murthy Festschrift Volume, 2012-13 * Pit Pichappan, Zhejiang University * Vijayakumar J. K., King Abdullah University of Science and Technology E-Mail: tav.volume@gmail.com URL: http://www.socio.org.uk/reju.php International Advisory Committee * Ajay Pratap Singh, Banaras Hindu University. * Akhtar Parvez, Indian Institute of Management Indore & Secretary, MANLIBNET. * Anand Pratap Singh,Guru Gobind Singh IndraprasthaUniversity. * Bavakutty M., Kannur University. * Chaubey O. N., Election Commission of India & Treasurer, ILA. * Daisy Jacobs, University of Zululand. * Edward Proctor, Duke University, University of North Carolina & CONSALD. * Ganesan A., PRIST University. * Gopakumar V., Goa University. * Harish Chandra, Indian Institute of Technology Chennai & President, SLA Asian Chapter. * Helen Ladron de Guevara Cox, Mexican Librarians Association. * Ibrahim Ramjaun, National Library of Mauritius & President, Association of Professional Librarians. * Imma Subirats Coll, Food and Agriculture Organization & E-LIS Founder. * Jain P. K., Indian Institute of Economic Growth & SLA Asian Chapter * Joseph Hafner, McGill University & Chair IFLA ACD Standing Committee. * Khan, M. T. M., GalgotiasUniversity. * KishorChandra Satpathy, National Institute of Technology Silchar. * Lalitha Poluru, Nirma University. * Majid Pathan, American University of Antigua. * Manoj Kumar Sinha, Assam University. * Mats Nordström, Malmo Public Library. * Muttayya Koganuramath, Tata Institute of Social Sciences & Editor ILA Journal. * Naresh Kumar, NIPER & President, Society for Information Science India. * Pijushkanti Panigrahi, University of Calcutta & Secretary, IASLIC. * Prakash K., Karnataka Open University. * Prem Chand, Indian Institute of Advanced Studies. * Premila Gamage, Srilankan Institute of Policy Studies Library & IFLA. * Raj Kumar, Punjab University & SATKAL Trust. * Rashed S. Alzahrani, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology. * Regine Schmolling, State University Bremen & Secretary, IFLA ACD Standing Committee. * Sanjay Kataria, Banasthali University. * Sanjay Kumar Bihani, Ministry of Indian Foreign Affairs. * Saraswathy S., Amrita University. * Suhaimibin Haji Abdul Karim, University of Brunei. * Suresh Kumar B. O., Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University. * Susmita Ckakraborty, Bengal Engineering & Science University. * Tamara Pianos, German National Library of Economics. * Temjen T., Nagaland University. * Thiyam Satyabati Devi, University of Swaziland. * Varalakshmi R. S. R., Andhra University. * Vijayakumar K. P., University of Kerala. * Vijayakumar P., Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering. ===================================== -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (2)
Dr. J. K. Vijayakumar
Manjunath K