The generous souls at Project Gutenberg opened a new venue supplementing their traditional collection of public domain classics. (And, by the way, that collection of usually all the works, even minor ones, of major authors and the major works of minor authors now runs more than 40,000.) But what about contemporary works, particularly by people who have not found or perhaps do not want to go with traditional publishers? Now Project Gutenberg has opened a separate collection and discovery area for such works referred to as a Self-Publishing Portal. Anyone can access and search the site to view and/or download documents. If the reader chooses to register with Project Gutenberg, as all the authors have, they can participate in the Authors Community Cloud Library and post comments, feedback, ratings, and reviews. A book details page and Wall will attach this social network style input for other readers to see. News: http://newsbreaks.infotoday.com/NewsBreaks/Project-Gutenberg-Launches-Reposi... ----------- Dr. J. K. VIJAYAKUMAR, http://twitter.com/jkvijayakumar -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.