One Day Seminar on Information Resources for Management Libraries <<...>> December 11, 2004 10.00am - 5.00pm Organized by NMIMS (Deemed University) Venue NMIMS MDP Centre Organising Secretary Ms. Vrushali Rane Librarian librarian@nmims.edu Introduction and Objective There are large numbers of information resources available in the market and on Internet. Librarian needs to identify those resources that will be actually required by their clients. It is a challenge for Librarians how best they can make the selection and uses these vast resources to fulfill the growing demand of its clientele. With the help of these resources Librarian can give out various services to its clientele. Librarian should connect to their users and make their services valuable and visible to their community. In view of the above this one-day seminar will provide detailed information on all the resources available on the web and in the market. The seminar will give inputs as to what is the best for a management library and how to go about accessing and procuring it. Methodology Experienced professionals from Library and information Science area will conduct the session. The main instrument of learning will be the online demos, discussions and presentations. Expected Participants Professionals from Library and Information Science, working in Management libraries, will immensely benefit from this programme. Registration Form One Day Seminar on Information Resources for Management Libraries December 11, 2004 Venue: MDP Centre, NMIMS Name: Designation: Address: Tel:Off: E-mail: Date: Signature: (Photocopy this form for additional copies, if needed) Seminar Schedule 09.30-10.00 Registration and Tea 10.00-10.30 Inaugural address by the Vice Chancellor 10.30-11.45 Information Resources - Overview (Prof.Rajhans) 11.45-12.00 Tea Break 12.00-13.00 Electronic Information Resource -Assessment (Prof.Rajhans) 13.00-14.00 Lunch 14.00-15.00 Electronic Info Resources on web - (Vrushali Rane) 15.00-15.30 Demo of E-resources with NMIMS - (Vrushali Rane) 15.30-15.45 Tea Break 15.45-16.45 NMIMS Library tour 16.45 -17.00 Concluding Session From, Vrushali Rane Librarian Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (Deemed University) V.L.Mehta Road, JVPD Scheme, Vile Parle(W), Mumbai 400056. Tel: 26134577/26183688/26143177 Fax:26114512 E-Mail:librarian@nmims.edu
participants (1)
Vrushali Rane