Dear friends INFLIBNET has recently organised PLANNER 2004 in collaboration with Manipur University , Imphal. Following is a brief report of the PLANNER-2004 Second Convention entitled PLANNER – 2003 (Promotion of Library Automation and Networking in North Eastern Region) was organized by INFLIBNET in collaboration with Manipur University, Imphal during 4-5 November , 2004 The convention was initiated by INFLIBNET to boost the automation and networking of libraries in North East Region. The convention was attended by the chairperson of the Manipur Human Rights Commission, Justice WA Shishak as the chief guest, vice-chancellor of university, Prof N Bijoy as the president and deputy director of UGC Bangladesh, Mr. Abdul Awal as the guest of honour. Other important participants included chief coordinator, Prem Chand, university deans and staff of Manipur University. The convention was inaugurated by Shri W A Shishak, chairperson of the Manipur Human Rights Commission and former Chief Justice of Chatisgarh and Himacahl Pradesh. The chief guest, Sh.W A Shishak remarked that the present generation are fortunate to be born in the computer age. He was optimistic that the ongoing endeavor of bringing INFLIBNET to the north-eastern states will ensure the passage of the region among successful states in the field of communication. It will also benefit information seekers, scholars and academicians, he added. In his inaugural address he expressed his happiness to know about PLANNER and appreciated the steps taken for North East Region by INFLIBNET. He emphasized that North East needs special attention and PLANNER is step in this direction. On the occasion, Sh.W A Shishak released Conference proceeding and Prof N Bijoy, Vice Chancellor , Manipur University released a souvenir. He appreciated the efforts and initiatives taken by the Director INFLIBNET Dr T A V Murthy who rightly and timely thought of bringing first convention of PLANNER-2004 to Manipur. Prof N Bijoy Singh in his speech expressed that the theme of the convention, content creation, access and management in networked environment holds potential to bring immense benefit to the librarians. He further stated that libraries have many added roles in the arena of disseminating information through the latest technologies. The traditional concept of a library, which brought to mind a place to access paper records and books had been redefined to one that houses the most advanced media facilities, including CD-ROM, internet, virtual library and remote access to a wide range of network. Consequently, librarians and information professionals have to increasingly dispense their traditional duties combined with tasks involving continuously evolving technologies, he added. Shri Abdul Awal Deputy Director, UGC Bangladesh in his address stated that INFLIBNET had a vision to bridge libraries in different universities through a computer based networking system in India. The Bangladesh UGC is moved by the success of the programme being launched by INFLIBNET, Shri Awal added and forwarded his wish to make contact chain network between Bangladesh and India. Ch. Radhyshyam Singh, University librarian and organizing Secretary welcomed the delegates. Shri Prem Chand, Scientist- C and Chief Coordinator proposed vote of thanks and highlighted he efforts of INFLIBNET and UGC for modernization of libraries by launching UGC- INFONET and e-journal consortium The professionals and the participants of this Second Convention PLANNER-2004 have taken this opportunity for updating their knowledge and experiences. More than 150 professionals from Manipur and other states and also from neighboring country Bangladesh have taken part in this convention. The bio-data of the authors recorded in the seminar-volume shows that they are from Kashmir, UP, MP, Gujarat, Karnatak, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and Assam, besides, obviously from the host state Manipur; eighteen out of thirty four authors are women; 34 papers are authored by nine Information Scientists, twelve library-professionals, thirteen university teachers and seven Ph.D. research scholars. Besides there is also a paper from a Principal and a member of governing board , INFLIBNET As shown, all thirty four papers are grouped under three separate category entitled as ‘Digitization’, ‘Networking’ and ‘Content Management’. The papers are presented at separate three sessions under the supervision of three separate Chairman, supported by the rapporteurs. Sh. V D Srivastva, Librarian of Silchar university and Sh. A K M Mufizur Rahaman, Programme coordinator, Community Development Centre, Dhaka were the chairman of different sessions. Besides, the Cambridge University Press, Balani Infotech and INFORMATICS, Bangalore have demonstrated their products on e- resources covered under UGC-INFONET. The participants are given opportunities for interaction. The interactions, the queries and the suggestions from the participants have made every session lively. A tutorials was also arranged to familiarize the delegates with the processes and technical know-how of network and digitization techniques. About 40 delegates registered for tutorials on“ How to set up a LAN” . Sh R K Jotin Singh, Information Scientist , Manipur University delivered lecture on the topic. The convention concluded with valedictory function in which a book entitled “Library Without Walls “ written by Dr. A P Singh and Dr. T A V Murthy was released by Prof. Bijoy Singh. Dr. Murthy in his concluding speech highlighted the role of INFLIBNET and its endeavour to serve the academic community in India through network environment. He urged faculty members to use millions of articles which are being offered under E-Journal consortium launched under UGC- INFONET. Dr. Lahari acted as Rapporteur General for the convention. The Rapporteur General read the recommendations emerging out of the deliberations. (Prem Chand) Scientist-C Prem Chand Scientist- C INFLIBNET(Information and Library Network) Centre An IUC of University Grants Commission Near Gujarat University Guest House Navrangpura, PB No.4116 AHMEDABAD-380009 India # Tel. 91-079-26305971 / 26304695; 26923507 (Res.) FAX: 079-26300990, 26307816 email: premc65_chand@yahoo.co.in http://www.inflibnet.ac.in Dear friends INFLIBNET has recently organised PLANNER 2004 in collaboration with Manipur University , Imphal. Following is a brief report of the PLANNER-2004 Second Convention entitled PLANNER – 2003 (Promotion of Library Automation and Networking in North Eastern Region) was organized by INFLIBNET in collaboration with Manipur University, Imphal during 4-5 November , 2004 The convention was initiated by INFLIBNET to boost the automation and networking of libraries in North East Region. The convention was attended by the chairperson of the Manipur Human Rights Commission, Justice WA Shishak as the chief guest, vice-chancellor of university, Prof N Bijoy as the president and deputy director of UGC Bangladesh, Mr. Abdul Awal as the guest of honour. Other important participants included chief coordinator, Prem Chand, university deans and staff of Manipur University. The convention was inaugurated by Shri W A Shishak, chairperson of the Manipur Human Rights Commission and former Chief Justice of Chatisgarh and Himacahl Pradesh. The chief guest, Sh.W A Shishak remarked that the present generation are fortunate to be born in the computer age. He was optimistic that the ongoing endeavor of bringing INFLIBNET to the north-eastern states will ensure the passage of the region among successful states in the field of communication. It will also benefit information seekers, scholars and academicians, he added. In his inaugural address he expressed his happiness to know about PLANNER and appreciated the steps taken for North East Region by INFLIBNET. He emphasized that North East needs special attention and PLANNER is step in this direction. On the occasion, Sh.W A Shishak released Conference proceeding and Prof N Bijoy, Vice Chancellor , Manipur University released a souvenir. He appreciated the efforts and initiatives taken by the Director INFLIBNET Dr T A V Murthy who rightly and timely thought of bringing first convention of PLANNER-2004 to Manipur. Prof N Bijoy Singh in his speech expressed that the theme of the convention, content creation, access and management in networked environment holds potential to bring immense benefit to the librarians. He further stated that libraries have many added roles in the arena of disseminating information through the latest technologies. The traditional concept of a library, which brought to mind a place to access paper records and books had been redefined to one that houses the most advanced media facilities, including CD-ROM, internet, virtual library and remote access to a wide range of network. Consequently, librarians and information professionals have to increasingly dispense their traditional duties combined with tasks involving continuously evolving technologies, he added. Shri Abdul Awal Deputy Director, UGC Bangladesh in his address stated that INFLIBNET had a vision to bridge libraries in different universities through a computer based networking system in India. The Bangladesh UGC is moved by the success of the programme being launched by INFLIBNET, Shri Awal added and forwarded his wish to make contact chain network between Bangladesh and India. Ch. Radhyshyam Singh, University librarian and organizing Secretary welcomed the delegates. Shri Prem Chand, Scientist- C and Chief Coordinator proposed vote of thanks and highlighted he efforts of INFLIBNET and UGC for modernization of libraries by launching UGC- INFONET and e-journal consortium The professionals and the participants of this Second Convention PLANNER-2004 have taken this opportunity for updating their knowledge and experiences. More than 150 professionals from Manipur and other states and also from neighboring country Bangladesh have taken part in this convention. The bio-data of the authors recorded in the seminar-volume shows that they are from Kashmir, UP, MP, Gujarat, Karnatak, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and Assam, besides, obviously from the host state Manipur; eighteen out of thirty four authors are women; 34 papers are authored by nine Information Scientists, twelve library-professionals, thirteen university teachers and seven Ph.D. research scholars. Besides there is also a paper from a Principal and a member of governing board , INFLIBNET As shown, all thirty four papers are grouped under three separate category entitled as ‘Digitization’, ‘Networking’ and ‘Content Management’. The papers are presented at separate three sessions under the supervision of three separate Chairman, supported by the rapporteurs. Sh. V D Srivastva, Librarian of Silchar university and Sh. A K M Mufizur Rahaman, Programme coordinator, Community Development Centre, Dhaka were the chairman of different sessions. Besides, the Cambridge University Press, Balani Infotech and INFORMATICS, Bangalore have demonstrated their products on e- resources covered under UGC-INFONET. The participants are given opportunities for interaction. The interactions, the queries and the suggestions from the participants have made every session lively. A tutorials was also arranged to familiarize the delegates with the processes and technical know-how of network and digitization techniques. About 40 delegates registered for tutorials on“ How to set up a LAN” . Sh R K Jotin Singh, Information Scientist , Manipur University delivered lecture on the topic. The convention concluded with valedictory function in which a book entitled “Library Without Walls “ written by Dr. A P Singh and Dr. T A V Murthy was released by Prof. Bijoy Singh. Dr. Murthy in his concluding speech highlighted the role of INFLIBNET and its endeavour to serve the academic community in India through network environment. He urged faculty members to use millions of articles which are being offered under E-Journal consortium launched under UGC- INFONET. Dr. Lahari acted as Rapporteur General for the convention. The Rapporteur General read the recommendations emerging out of the deliberations. (Prem Chand) Scientist-C Prem Chand Scientist- C INFLIBNET(Information and Library Network) Centre An IUC of University Grants Commission Near Gujarat University Guest House Navrangpura, PB No.4116 AHMEDABAD-380009 India # Tel. 91-079-26305971 / 26304695; 26923507 (Res.) FAX: 079-26300990, 26307816 email: mailto:premc65_chand@yahoo.co.in premc65_chand@yahoo.co.in http://www.inflibnet.ac.in http://www.inflibnet.ac.in
participants (1)
Prem Chand