Last date extended for Submission of Paper to National Conference at VTU, Belgaum, Karnataka, India

Dear Sir/Madam, Greeting for the day, Last date is extended for submission of Paper to National Conference at Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) is going to be held on November, 2013 at VTU, Belgaum, Karnataka, India. *Hence, the* *Conference Theme: Redefining Libraries in Electronic Age* * * *Sub Themes:* 1. *Redefining library building* ü Effective utilization of physical space ü Additional facilities for library users 1. *Redefining the organization of knowledge* ü Classification ü Cataloguing 1. *Redefining collection development, Information sources and services* ü Collection development ü Information sources and services ü Electronic sources and services ü Evaluation of Information Sources ü Library networking and consortia ü Open Access 1. *Redefining the management of library and information centers* ü Planning ü HRM & HRD ü Financial management and budgeting ü TQM ü Knowledge management ü Leadership and Public relations & Advocacy ü Soft skills for librarians 1. *Redefining the ICT applications for libraries* ü Integrated Library Management Software [ILMS] ü Digital library technologies and digital preservation ü Content Management Systems [CMS] ü Internet technology ü Open Source Software ü Web 2.0 applications ü Mobile technologies 1. *Redefining the User Education* ü Information Literacy ü Computer literacy ü Digital literacy 1. *Redefining the information society and information science* ü Dr.S.R. Ranganathan’s school of thought ü Relevance of Five Laws of Library Science in the present Internet era 1. *Redefining LIS education* ü LIS as an Applied science ü LIS curriculum ü Collaboration of Library and LIS departments ü Library as a laboratory for LIS education ü Online Courses in LIS ü Open Educational Resources (OER) *How to submit papers:* *Papers using the following author guidelines may please be submitted through the email at: or on or before the due date.* - Submit unpublished and original papers in MS-Word .doc or .docx format using Double Space and Times new Roman 12 font size - Paper should have Title, Author/s name, Affiliation with complete address and E-mail address of authors, Abstract maximum of one paragraph and list of main Keywords. - References need to be as per APA (American Psychological Association) reference/citation Style guide - Tables or figures need to be incorporated in the text at appropriate places and numbered serially - Size of the paper (A4 size) between 4 and 8 pages *Who can Participate?* Library and Information Science professionals working in academic and research institutes, corporate offices and public libraries. *For more information regarding the event, you may please check conference website: or* * * *Important Dates* · Paper Submission Deadline 30-10-2013 · Notification of Acceptance 10-11-2013 · Early bird offer for Registration 25-11-2013 * * *Participation Fees (Early Bird Registration)* · Library Professional Rs. 500/- · Students of LIS Schools Rs. 300/- *Participation Fees (Registration After Deadline)* · Library Professional Rs. 750/- · Students of LIS Schools Rs. 500/- *Payment:* *Fees may please be paid via Demand Draft favouring ‘Finance Officer, VTU’ payable at Belgaum. The same may please be sent along with registration form to the organizing secretary at the address given below.* * * *Accommodation:* Limited Accommodation will be provided on request at VTU Campus. *Not: Limited hostel accommodation is available (first come first serve basis)* *Publication of Conference Volume:* *Conference proceedings will be published with ISBN Number: ** 978-81-924696-0-7*** * * *You may contact the organizing secretary at:* * * *Dr. K. R. Mulla* *Organizing Secretary,* *Librarian, Visvesvaraya Technological University,* *“Jnana Sangama” Belgaum-590 018, Karnataka.* *+91-9449873452 (M), +91-9448031969 (M)* * +91-831-2498191 (O) +91-831-2498192 (Fax)* *Email:* *URL:* *Conference Website:* -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
Dr.K.R. Mulla