Fwd: [LIS-Forum] article indexing

It would be interesting to debate here if article indexing by librarians/libraries is a viable option. Can we discuss on the following
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From: M Koteswara Rao
- Do the libraries have resources, time, and expertise to carry out such work? - Is it really cost-effective, even taking in view cheap labour costs in India? - Is it worth duplicating the effort of commercial vendors (full-text/bibliographic databases) providing similar services? - Can such effort be sustainable in the long run? Footwear & Leather Abstracts (used to be published by CLRI, Chennai) was a prime example of indexing effort of library, which was in high demand internationally being a unique product. Unfortunately, it could not be sustained. It would be encouraging to know if any other indexing effort by libraries being successful anywhere in the world, especially, India. Best regards, Saiful -- Saiful Amin Information Specialist Edutech India 8 Khader Nawaz Khan Road Chennai 600006, India Tel: +91 44 2833 0999 GSM: +91 98407 76214 Fax: +91 44 2833 1777 http://www.edutechindia.com www.edutechindia.com "Enhancing knowledge and skills for success, lifelong." On 12/28/05, Anuranjana Bharti < mailto:anuchopra@cat.ernet.in anuchopra@cat.ernet.in
wrote: Hello all, I would appreciate if you tell me about the scientific libraries using Libsys for journal article indexing. Thanks,
Anuranjana Bharti Library Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology Deptt. of Atomic Energy Indore - 452 001 India
_______________________________________________ LIS-Forum mailing list LIS-Forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in http://ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/mailman/listinfo/lis-forum
-- Saiful Amin Information Specialist Edutech India 8 Khader Nawaz Khan Road Chennai 600006, India Tel: +91 44 2833 0999 GSM: +91 98407 76214 Fax: +91 44 2833 1777 www.edutechindia.com "Enhancing knowledge and skills for success, lifelong." ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: M Koteswara Rao < mailto:mkrao@iitm.ac.in mkrao@iitm.ac.in
Date: Dec 31, 2005 1:27 PM Subject: Re: [LIS-Forum] article indexing To: Saiful Amin < mailto:mail2saiful@gmail.com mail2saiful@gmail.com
It would be interesting to debate here if article indexing by librarians/libraries is a viable option. Can we discuss on the following
Dear Saiful, The idea sounds good but I am sorry to say 'nay'- not feasible. The reasons are many. Many libraries do not even have their entire collection in electronic form with all the necessary fields. Even the large libraries do not have time nor the resources needed to undertake such collosal work (if someone says so, then it must be only a sample and not in full). Perhaps it may be possible in specialized libraries devoted to a narrow subject area (I have seen this at SERC in Chennai being done by Dr. Chitra Hariharan). Secondly, I think that there is no need to duplicate the work of database providers who do it in a better (standard) way than we can, and many libraries have access to them. So lets not worry to re-invent-the wheel. Perhaps, what we can do is to create guidelines to do such work, train people, offer consultancy, and offer the manpower support to database producers in India. Koteswara Rao points:
- Do the libraries have resources, time, and expertise to carry out such work? - Is it really cost-effective, even taking in view cheap labour costs in India? - Is it worth duplicating the effort of commercial vendors (full-text/bibliographic databases) providing similar services? - Can such effort be sustainable in the long run? Footwear & Leather Abstracts (used to be published by CLRI, Chennai) was a prime example of indexing effort of library, which was in high demand internationally being a unique product. Unfortunately, it could not be sustained. It would be encouraging to know if any other indexing effort by libraries being successful anywhere in the world, especially, India. Best regards, Saiful -- Saiful Amin Information Specialist Edutech India 8 Khader Nawaz Khan Road Chennai 600006, India Tel: +91 44 2833 0999 GSM: +91 98407 76214 Fax: +91 44 2833 1777 http://www.edutechindia.com http://www.edutechindia.com http://www.edutechindia.com www.edutechindia.com "Enhancing knowledge and skills for success, lifelong." On 12/28/05, Anuranjana Bharti < mailto: mailto:anuchopra@cat.ernet.in anuchopra@cat.ernet.in mailto:anuchopra@cat.ernet.in anuchopra@cat.ernet.in
wrote: Hello all, I would appreciate if you tell me about the scientific libraries using Libsys for journal article indexing. Thanks,
Anuranjana Bharti Library Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology Deptt. of Atomic Energy Indore - 452 001 India
_______________________________________________ LIS-Forum mailing list mailto:LIS-Forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in LIS-Forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in http://ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/mailman/listinfo/lis-forum http://ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/mailman/listinfo/lis-forum
-- Saiful Amin Information Specialist Edutech India 8 Khader Nawaz Khan Road Chennai 600006, India Tel: +91 44 2833 0999 GSM: +91 98407 76214 Fax: +91 44 2833 1777 http://www.edutechindia.com www.edutechindia.com "Enhancing knowledge and skills for success, lifelong."
participants (1)
Saiful Amin