College librarian’s plight – DCE’s new circulation policy

Dear Sir/madam, Recently Department of Collegiate Education directed all the librarians to allow student to borrow books during the examinations. It is very difficult for librarians issue books during the exam time, that too at the end of the academic year (May-June). We usually do stock verification during March, if not during May-June. Because during this period there will be no circulation, so it is easy for librarian to do stock verifications. If we follow the directions, it is hard to do stock verifications. We hardly find any time to do stock verifications. That is one aspect. There are other issues- mainly in degree colleges that too from colleges located in taluk level, the student dropout rate is somewhat more (30-40 students drop every year). Most of the time these students never return books to library. If we issue books during the exam time this will increase further and what policies you have to protect librarians. Every year the library grant is given at the end of the financial year. We have to purchase books before March 31st. Otherwise the grant will be taken back. In such a case we have to purchase large number of books and they have to be accessioned and classified. This takes lot of time and effort. With hardly any man power support librarian can’t accession books and circulate them instantly. Exams in most of the colleges continue for more than two months, if the students allow for borrowing books during this period, books have to be issued every day for two months with no guarantee of returning them in time. At the time of returning books it will be in depleting condition. Librarian has to quarrel with the students. The decision is taken without the consultation of librarians. Even it was written that DCE received complaints from student associations. But the DCE never consulted librarians before taking the decisions. This is right time for the Karnataka State College Librarians Association to intervene and protect the interest of the student and librarians. We are there to serve for students but it is really over burdening and will change the equilibrium of systematic librarianship. ------------------------- With best wishes Vasantha Raju N GFGC-Periyaptna Mysore Your Mail works best with the New Yahoo Optimized IE8. Get it NOW! -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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