Walk-in-interview for Library traniee

Kindly post the following message in LIS-Forum Library of National Institute of Malaria Research(NIMR) required 2 young professionals to work as trainees. Qualifications: Freshly pass out BLIS(Result declared after June/July 2008) degree from a recognized university/institution Tenure: 12months Salary: Rs5000/- Per Month (Consolidated) Selected candidates have to make their own arrangement for stay in Delhi Traninees will get opportunity to work in a highly professional environment Sceicne graduates with computer knowledge are preferable Candidates fulfilling the required qulifications may appear for walk-in-interview on 20th June 2009(Saturday) at 10.30am at the Library, NIMR. Candidates will have to bring the original and atteshed copies of certificates, mark sheets and a recent photo for verification purpose. Members of forum are requested to circualte the information to interested individuals. Thanks with regards, Dr BN Nagpal Scientist E(Dy Director) National Institute of Malaria Research (Near Dada Dev Mandir) Dwarka, Sector-8, New Delhi-110077 Phone-011-25365904 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
NIMR Library