Webology: Volume 3, Number 1, 2006

Dear All, apologies for cross-posting. We are pleased to inform you that Vol. 3, No. 1 of Webology, an OPEN ACCESS journal, is published and is available ONLINE now. This issue contains: ------------------ Editorial: Link Spam and Search Engines -- Alireza Noruzi -- http://www.webology.ir/2006/v3n1/editorial7.html ----------------------------------------- Stemming and root-based approaches to the retrieval of Arabic documents on the Web -- Haidar Moukdad -- http://www.webology.ir/2006/v3n1/a22.html ----------------------------------------- E-marketing, Unsolicited Commercial E-mail, and Legal Solutions -- Li Xingan -- http://www.webology.ir/2006/v3n1/a23.html ----------------------------------------- Environmental Knowledge and Marginalized Communities: The Last Mile Connectivity -- A. Neelameghan and Greg Chester -- http://www.webology.ir/2006/v3n1/a24.html ----------------------------------------- Book Review of 'Digital Libraries: Principles and Practice in a Global Environment'/ Lucy A. Tedd & Andrew Large -- Hamid R. Jamali -- http://www.webology.ir/2006/v3n1/bookreview3.html ========================================= Call for Papers: http://www.webology.ir/callforpapers.html ========================================= Regards, A. Noruzi __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com

Dear Friends, Central Library, IIT KHARAGPUR is going to organise a National Conference on 'Information Management in Digital Libraries' during 02-04 August 2006. For more details, please click at http://www.library.iitkgp.ernet.in/NCIMDiL/ncimdil.htm Thanking You. With Warm Regards, Sandeep Pathak ======================================================================= Sandeep Kumar Pathak Assistant Librarian Indian Institute of Technology |Residence | Kharagpur - 721 302 |----------- | West Bengal, INDIA |C1 - 174, | Ph.: 03222-282466 (O), 03222-282453 (R) |I.I.T CAMPUS| Fax: 03222-282431 |Kharagpur | ----------------------------

CALL FOR PAPERS : National Conference on Information Management in Digital Libraries (NCIMdiL) August 02-04, 2006 http://www.library.iitkgp.ernet.in/NCIMDiL/ncimdil.htm Dear Colleagues, After the success of IMeL (National Conference on Information Management in e-Libraries) during 26-27 February 2002, it was felt that such conferences could be effective platforms to bridge the digital divide that exists in India. The conference aims at further strengthening academic collaboration and strategic alliance in the Digital Library Development initiatives in India. NCIMDiL also intends to create a common platform to put forth innovative ideas, methods and discuss practical experience. Call for Papers =============== You are invited to submit your papers to the National Conference on Information Management in Digital Libraries (NCIMdiL) August 02-04, 2006. Original Contributions based on practice/theory/research/ practical experience/design and development work related to the theme are invited for presentation. All papers will go through a process of review and papers accepted and presented in the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings. The theme areas are: ú Information storage and retrieval for global access ú Digital Library architectures, planning and ongoing project, models, integrated access interface. ú Content management, content organization, resource description and discovery, crosswalk and interoperability, metadata harvesting ú Access to distributed and heterogeneous digital collections: interoperability, scalability, relevant information discovery, meta information integration. ú New forms and models of digital library services ú Unicode & multilingual digital library development ú E-Learning, e-publishing, open source movement, open access initiatives, institutional repositories, consortium and electronic resource sharing ú Digital divide ú Policies, standards & practices, dublin core and metadata standards of digital resources, IPR / legal aspects, security, sustainability and preservation ú Digital library performance, resources, usefulness, usability and evaluation; ú User education, system evaluation & surveys ú User studies: user communities, user needs, user behavior, usage pattern; Implications for information (seeking) behavior and retrieval ú Digital library trends and future. Paper Submission Information : =========================== All papers must be original in contribution and authors of the accepted papers should transfer the copyrights to Central Library, IIT Kharagpur. A panel of experts will review each contributed paper. Acceptance of a paper and decision about oral or poster presentation will be strictly based on recommendation of the reviewers. Two hard copies of the full paper printed in 12-point font (Times New Roman) on A-4 paper in double space should be submitted as per the schedule given below. Electronic submission as MS-Word file is also required. Correspondence will be made with the corresponding author and therefore the name, and full address, email, fax and phone number of the corresponding author should be clearly indicated. Important Dates : Last date for submission of Papers : 15 June 2006 Acceptance Notification : 30 June 2006 Camera-ready Copy : 20 July 2006 Registration Information : For details about the conference registration fee for all presenters and participants and other registration information, please refer to the conference website (http://www.library.iitkgp.ernet.in/NCIMDiL/ncimdil.htm) For details visit conference website http://www.library.iitkgp.ernet.in/NCIMDiL/ncimdil.htm Organizing Secretary: Mr. B Sutradhar, Dy. Librarian, Central Library E-Mail: bsutra@library.iitkgp.ernet.in Phone: 91-3222-282444(off) 91-3222-282449/278699(Res) Fax: 91-3222-282431/255224 Thanking You. With warm regards, - Sandeep Pathak ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sandeep Kumar Pathak Assistant Librarian Indian Institute of Technology |Residence | Kharagpur - 721 302 |----------- | West Bengal, INDIA |C1 - 174, | Ph.: 03222-282466 (O), 03222-282453 (R) |I.I.T CAMPUS| Fax: 03222-282431 |Kharagpur | -------------------------------------------------------------------------

============== REMINDER ============== CALL FOR PAPERS : National Conference on Information Management in Digital Libraries (NCIMdiL) August 02-04, 2006 http://www.library.iitkgp.ernet.in/NCIMDiL/ncimdil.htm Dear Colleagues, After the success of IMeL (National Conference on Information Management in e-Libraries) during 26-27 February 2002, it was felt that such conferences could be effective platforms to bridge the digital divide that exists in India. The conference aims at further strengthening academic collaboration and strategic alliance in the Digital Library Development initiatives in India. NCIMDiL also intends to create a common platform to put forth innovative ideas, methods and discuss practical experience. Call for Papers =============== You are invited to submit your papers to the National Conference on Information Management in Digital Libraries (NCIMdiL) August 02-04, 2006. Original Contributions based on practice/theory/research/ practical experience/design and development work related to the theme are invited for presentation. All papers will go through a process of review and papers accepted and presented in the conference will be published in the Conference Proceedings. The theme areas are: ú Information storage and retrieval for global access ú Digital Library architectures, planning and ongoing project, models, integrated access interface. ú Content management, content organization, resource description and discovery, crosswalk and interoperability, metadata harvesting ú Access to distributed and heterogeneous digital collections: interoperability, scalability, relevant information discovery, meta information integration. ú New forms and models of digital library services ú Unicode & multilingual digital library development ú E-Learning, e-publishing, open source movement, open access initiatives, institutional repositories, consortium and electronic resource sharing ú Digital divide ú Policies, standards & practices, dublin core and metadata standards of digital resources, IPR / legal aspects, security, sustainability and preservation ú Digital library performance, resources, usefulness, usability and evaluation; ú User education, system evaluation & surveys ú User studies: user communities, user needs, user behavior, usage pattern; Implications for information (seeking) behavior and retrieval ú Digital library trends and future. Paper Submission Information : ===========================
All papers must be original in contribution and authors of the accepted papers should transfer the copyrights to Central Library, IIT Kharagpur. A panel of experts will review each contributed paper. Acceptance of a paper and decision about oral or poster presentation will be strictly based on recommendation of the reviewers.
Two hard copies of the full paper printed in 12-point font (Times New Roman) on A-4 paper in double space should be submitted as per the schedule given below. Electronic submission as MS-Word file is also required. Correspondence will be made with the corresponding author and therefore the name, and full address, email, fax and phone number of the corresponding author should be clearly indicated.
Mailing Address (paper to be sent): ========================================== Sandeep Kumar Pathak Convener, Technical Programme & Publication of Proceeding, NCIMDiL 2006 Assistant Librarian, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur Kharagpur - 721302, W.B. Email: pathak@library.iitkgp.ernet.in ===========================================
Important Dates :
Last date for submission of Papers : 15 June 2006 Acceptance Notification : 30 June 2006 Camera-ready Copy : 20 July 2006
Registration Information :
For details about the conference registration fee for all presenters and participants and other registration information, please refer to the conference website (http://www.library.iitkgp.ernet.in/NCIMDiL/ncimdil.htm)
For details visit conference website http://www.library.iitkgp.ernet.in/NCIMDiL/ncimdil.htm
Thanking You.
With warm regards,
- Sandeep Pathak
----------------------------------------------------------------------- Sandeep Kumar Pathak Assistant Librarian
Indian Institute of Technology |Residence | Kharagpur - 721 302 |----------- | West Bengal, INDIA |C1 - 174, | Ph.: 03222-282466 (O), 03222-282453 (R) |I.I.T CAMPUS| Fax: 03222-282431 |Kharagpur | -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dear Friends, This is to inform you all that Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur requires Professional Trainees (Library) for its Central Library. The training is for a period of One Year. Stipend: Rs. 4000/- per month. Postgraduates below 30 years and holding First Class in both B.Lib.I.Sc. & M.Lib.I.Sc. may apply. Last Date: Within 21 days from the date of publication (published on 24th November, 2008 at Institute's website) For more detail, please visit the following link: http://www.iitkgp.ac.in/downloads/prof_tr_library.pdf Best wishes, - Sandeep K Pathak ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr S K Pathak, Ph.D. (Uni. of Pune), M.Sc., M.Lib.I.Sc, M.A., D.C.A. Assistant Librarian, Central Library, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur - 721 302 (WB) INDIA Voice: 03222-282448 (O)/282453(R) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.

Dear All, The Centre invites applications from Indian Nationals on direct recruitment basis as well as deputation basis for the post of Scientist D (Library Science) (Researved for OBC category non-creamy layer ) 1 (One) post See details at http://www.inflibnet.ac.in/jobs/advt0409.pdf regards, S K Pathak -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (3)
Alireza Noruzi
Dr S K Pathak
Sandeep Pathak