National Conference on Transforming Accreditation: Synergy between Libraries, Technology and Academic Excellence’ to be held on 23rd - 24th MAY, 2025.

Dear Moderator,
Please circulate to the forum Members.
*Dear Forum Members, *
Learning Resource Centre, JAIN (Deemed to-be University) is pleased to
announce *‘National Conference on Transforming Accreditation: Synergy
between Libraries, Technology and Academic Excellence’ to be held on 23*rd*
- 24*th* MAY, 2025* at JAIN (Deemed to-be University) Sheshadri Road,
Gandhinagar, Bangalore-560009. The two-day conference brings together
experts, key speakers, delegates from academia and industry, panel members
for more discussions and deliberations on various topics.
*Who can Participate*
- Library Professionals / Scientists
- Library and Information Science Faculties
- Computer Science Students /Faculties
- Academicians
- Research Scholars and Students of any discipline
- Knowledge Management Professionals
- Professional Associations,
- Educationists and Policy Makers
- Publishers, Information Providers and exhibitors
*Call For Papers : *
Prospective authors are invited to contribute research papers in the line
of sub themes of the conference which will be published with ISBN. High
quality papers will be submitted to all indexing platforms. The paper
submitted would be peer reviewed and published in Scopus Indexed and UGC
CARE listed journals with the maximum of three authors. The publication
charges for the research papers selected for such journals will be
communicated to the respective authors.
The papers may be sent to the email: **
participants (1)
Shekar H P