Dear Colleagues, One of our scientists is in need of the following reference not available with us. Article by S. Molau entitled : The AKM Video Meteor Network, page 315-318. which has been published in: Meteoroids 2001 : Proceedings of an international conference, Kiruna, --------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweden, August 6-10, 2001, European Space Agency- Special publication --------------------------------------------------------------------- edited by B. Warmbein. --------------------- I shall appreciate receiving a photocopy of the article. Please send the same on the following address: Mrs Nirupama Bawdekar S/T Officer-Library Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics Post Bag No. 4, Ganeshkhind Pune 411 007 India Sincerely, Mrs Nirupama Bawdekar S/T Officer-C, Library
participants (1)
Nirupama Bawdekar