debate on role of LIS-Forum
Dear Member: All the responses to Mr. Goudar's initiation of debate on whether LIS-Forum should circulate messages that have only regional significance, have been very favourable. So, LIS-Forum will continue to circulate such messages as long as the messages carry some useful information. A suggestion from one of the members that the messages be categorized appropriately may not be a solution for such of those who would like to discard the messages based on the the subject line. Just providing correct subject line for the matter will greatly help such members. Categorization may not be needed. Couple of requests for the smooth functioning of the Forum: Quite a few members of this list receive their messages in 'digest' form. Invariably, when such a member replies to a message, the subject for such replies will be something like: LIS-Forum Digest, Vol 30, Issue 33 which is not the appropriate subject. Also, all the messages received for the day will be included in the replies, which is not required at all. Please ensure that your messages have relevant text as the subject and include only the relevant original message in the replies. Quite a few students, who seek help from the fellow members, seem to be using the forum as the first resort. It should not be so. They first need to make a sincere effort to get the required information themselves. When they approach the Forum, they should seek suggestions and clarifications rather than expecting the members to find information for them. As always, most of the postings are received as multipart, meaning they contain attachments. Please ensure that your postings to this forum are only in textual form. Thanks for your co-operation. Best Regards, - Moderator
participants (1)
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