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S M Pujar
Chief Librarian
IGIDR, Mumbai
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Date: Fri, Nov 4, 2022 at 5:18 AM
Subject: CopyrightX: Libraries spring 2023 applications open
From: Katie Zimmerman
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 2022 14:06:22 +0000
Hello everyone,
Applications are open to join the Spring 2023 class for CopyrightX:
Libraries. CopyrightX: Libraries is an affiliate course of CopyrightX,
designed specifically for librarians, archivists, and cultural
institutions. It is taught by Katie Zimmerman, the Director of Copyright
Strategy for the MIT Libraries, and Ana Enriquez, the Interim Head of the
Office of Scholarly Communications and Copyright for Penn State University
Libraries. If you or a colleague would like to expand your copyright
knowledge, please consider applying! Applications are open until December 1
st; apply at this link
Description of the course:
What is CopyrightX: Libraries?
• CopyrightX: Libraries is an affiliate course of Harvard’s
CopyrightX and is open to library, archives, and museum staff everywhere.
Participants will learn the essentials of US copyright law, theory, and
practice with an emphasis on issues relevant to cultural institutions,
alongside a cohort of professional colleagues. It is an entirely online
12-week course comprising pre-recorded lectures, readings, and weekly
What sort of time commitment should I expect?
• The class runs for 12 weeks. Each week, participants will
watch an ~80-minute recorded lecture, read the assigned material, and
attend a 90-minute synchronous discussion section conducted via audio and
text chat. The average total time commitment over the 12 week course is ~
5 hours/week. After the 12 week course there is an intensive law-school
style exam, which you will have a four-day period to complete. To obtain a
certificate of completion, participants must both pass the exam and attend
at least 10 of the 12 weekly discussion sections.
When will it be?
• Synchronous online seminars will meet in timeslots on Fridays
January 27th, 2023 – April 21, 2023. We will not meet on March 17, 2023.
The final exam for the course will be administered over a four-day period
in late April or early May (exact date tbd).
Who will be in the class?
• Participants will be library, archives, and museum staff from
anywhere in the world who choose to apply. The aim is to get a diverse
group of people from a wide range of backgrounds who share an interest in
copyright as it applies to cultural institutions.
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about the course.
Best regards,
Katie Zimmerman, JD, MLIS (pronouns: she/her)
Director, Copyright Strategy
MIT Libraries | NE36-6118 | 617.324.4871