---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: First Alumni meet of DLIS, BBAU
From: "Ranjeet Kumr Choudhary"
Date: Wed, November 29, 2017 8:35 pm
Dear Alumni, This is to inform you that First Alumni Meet 2017 DLIS BBAU,
which was scheduled on 22nd of November 2017, for some reason it has been
postponed. Now the final date has been declared and this meet will  held
on 11th December, 2017. Your presence will make the meet memorable.  Â
Thank you.With my best personal Regards,Yours sincerely
Dr. R. K. ChoudharyConvenor, First Alumni Meet, 2017Assistant Professor,
Department of Library & Information ScienceBabasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar
University, LucknowMob.-9935787978Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android