refresher course in Jammu University

Unfortunately We could not start the refresher course as per schdule due to lack of participants. the new darte for the course is now 12th september 2005. Hopefully this time we will be able to do it. nDepartment of Library Science,University of Jammu in
collaboration with the Academic Staff College,Kashmir University is organizing a Three weeks Refresher Course in Library and Information Science from 12thSeptember 2005.The thrust area of the Refresher Course would be " Knowledge Management in Academic Libaries" All interested eligible teachers/library staff should please get themselves deputed for the said course.An application form is attached alongwith terms and conditions. completed application forms should reach the office on or before 15th july 2005.
Dr.Sangita Gupta Prof.I.V.Malhan Course Coordinator Course Director Reader Head,DLIS Department of Library Science Univ. Of Jammu University of Jammu Jammu 180006 mobile 09419134620
UNIVERSITY OF KASHMIR HAZRATBAL, SRINANAGR 190006 APPLICATION FOR ORIENTATION/REFRESHER COURSE Course for which application made (Attach two photo) 1. Orientation Course������������ 2. Refresher Course in�����������.. I. PERSONAL INFORMATION 1. Name of the teacher: Mr/Miss/Mrs/Dr��������������
2. Date of birth: ������������������������ 3. Sex���������������������������� 4. Qualification: PG��..MPhil���.PhD���BEd���MEd��� 5. Residential address���������������������� ����������������������. Phone No:�����(O)������.(R)����������. II. DETAILS OF EMPLOYMENT 1. Designation������������������������� 2.
3. Please indicate the discipline������������������ 4. Affiliated with University�������������������.. 5. Official address�����������������������. ������������������������������� 6. State���������������������������. 7. Zone���������������������������. III. DETAILS OF TEACHING /EXTENSION EXPERIENCE 3.1 Date of first appointment��������������������.. 3.2 Date of regular appointment�������������������. 3.3 Status of present appointment: Permanent/ Probationer/ Temporary/ Adhoc 3.4 Teaching/ Extension Experience (In years): UG���PG�����.. IV. DETAILS OF RESEARCH EXPERINCE (IF ANY) 4.1 Area of specialization�������������������. 4.2 Title of research work (if any)����������������.. 4.3 No. of publications (if any)�����������������. 4.4 No. of the research projects completed (if any)���������� V. DETAILS OF PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IN ATTENDING ORIENTATION/REFRESHER COURSE 5.1 Have you attended and general orientation: a) Duration: 4 weeks/3 weeks If yes, Please indicate b) From������. c) Name of the ASC�������.
5.2 Have you attended and general refresher course: a) Duration: 4 weeks/3 weeks If yes, Please indicate b) From������. c) Name of the ASC�������. 5.3 Details of application made for any other course in the ASC............................. ���������������������������������� 5.4 Would you like that any specific topic/s having relevance to the modern technology/trend in the subject should be included in the course? a) If yes: Please specify: 1��������..2�������������3���������� 5.5 Would you like to present a paper in any of the session? If yes: Please specify the topics of your interest. I hereby undertake to participate in the course and do the assignment work during the course under the guidance of Resource Person and abide by the rules and regulations of University/UGC. The particulars given above are correct. Status: 1. Part time����....2 Adhoc������3. Temporary�������. 3. On probation�������5. Permanent���������..
Date:����. Signature of the applicant
CERTIFICATE OF RECOMMENDATION FROM THE HEAD/PRINCIPAL 1. I recommend Dr./Mr./Mrs/Ms�������������������������
for the course in����������������������.. He/She will be relieved in time to participate in the above mentioned course, at Academic Staff College, if selected. 2) Certified that this college/Deptt. Is affiliated to��������������� University for the last 5 years and is recommended under section 12(F) of the UGC Act. 3) Certified that the particulars given above are true and correct and nothing has been concealed there to.
Date����. Office seal���� Signature of the Head/Principal TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Teachers of the University and affiliated/recognized colleges with six or less than six years of service are eligible for General Orientation Course. 2. Teachers with five or more than five years of service are eligible for refresher course 3. Teachers who have not attended any General Orientation Course can apply for the Refresher course provided they have service of two years or more. 4. Teachers who have attended one General Orientation Course are not eligible for the second one. 5. Teachers who have attended two Courses while in a particular pay scale are not eligible for the course. 6. Gap between two successive courses should not be less than one year. 7. The course is full time. Attendance and active participation for each session is an essential requirement. However, the certification shall be issued on the basis of actual participation and performance. 8. Three week course shall be for a minimum period of 108 hours and four week course shall be for a minimum period of 144 hours. 9. To and fro 2nd class railway/Bus fare from the place of posting shall be paid to non-local teachers selected for the course. However, the payment shall be made on the production of tickets/money receipts. The non-local participants shall be entitled to an amount of Rs. 150/- per day towards board, lodging and refreshment. 10. The participants shall have to submit a detailed Self-Assessment report along with the evaluation report of the course. 11. The participants shall have to submit a detailed Self-assessment report along with the Evaluation report of the course. 12. Every participant shall have to pay an admission fee f Rs. 500/- (Non-refundable) in the shape of Bank Draft in favor of Registrar, University of Kashmir and to deposit in the office of the Academic Staff College at the time of the admission.
Sd/- Director, Academic Staff College, University of Kashmir, Srinagar.
Waiting for the quick response
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sangeeta gupta