Deputy Librarian Vacancy in Goa University

Dear Friends, Goa University has avertised the post of Deputy Librarian. The following is the extract of the advertisement. You may also visit their website at: Thanks, Konnur. Applications are invited in the prescribed form (available in Adm.Section IV on payment of Rs.50/-) in triplicate, for temporary posts Deputy Librarian The application should reach the Registrar, Goa University, Taleigao Plateau, Goa 403 206 on or before 11/06/2005. D) Deputy Librarian : One Post The minimum qualification required is Masters degree in Library Science/ Information Science/ Documentation with atleast 55% of the marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven point scale and a consistently good academic record, five years experience as an Assistant University Librarian/College Librarian and evidence of innovative library service and organization of published work. If candidates fulfilling the requirement for the post of Deputy Librarian are not available, suitable candidate from amongst the candidates may be selected for the post of Assistant Librarian. The University reserves the right of accepting/rejecting applications received after the last date fixed for receipt of applications. The posts being of purely temporary nature, the selected candidates will have no right of appointment to other permanent vacancies, which may occur in the University from time to time. The minimum qualifications and the scale of pay will be as prescribed by the University Grants Commission. Consolidated salary of Rs.8000/- per month shall be paid to candidates selected for the posts at (C) above. Place: Taleigao Plateau (Prof. Jayant S. Budkuley) Date: / /2005. REGISTRAR Dr.P.V.Konnur, University Librarian, Goa University Library, Taleigao Plateau, Goa - 403 206. Phone: 0832-2456031 (O) 0832-2451008 (R) __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new Resources site
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