Fw: How readers discover content in scholarly journals, Simon Inger and Tracy Gardner

PRESS RELEASE: 7th November 2012 Simon Inger and Tracy Gardner publish results of largest ever study into How Readers Discover Content in Scholarly Journals The report, which is the culmination of a 6-month research project and has the backing of leading publishers within STM, Humanities and Social Science, compares the changing reader behaviour between 2005 and 2012 and as a result looks at the impact on publisher and library web site design and function. Simon Inger and Tracy Gardner announced today the publication of a detailed report into discoverability of online content. Simon Inger, commenting on the reasoning behind the research said "There have been many studies using web logs that calculate where users of scholarly resources were referred from, but this approach doesn't indicate where those users started their research, merely the details of the last "hop" before hitting a content website. Discovery of academic content is complex with a plethora of discovery resources to choose from and many different routes to take. In order to expose content to the maximum number of potential readers, publishers and libraries need to understand these different routes and that is where this report can help them". This report is the output of a large-scale survey focussing on journal content discovery conducted during May, June and July of 2012. Over 19,000 responses were received from all over the world from readers in many different sectors, job roles and subject areas. The research repeats two earlier studies performed in 2005 by Scholarly Information Strategies (for whom the authors were consultants) and in 2008 by the authors. The shifts in reader preferences over time provide a valuable insight into reader navigation, the features that readers find useful in publisher web sites, and the role and effectiveness of library technologies. The 2012 survey was also updated to include questions about search engine preference and app use. Given such a large number of responses were received, this report goes much further than the previous two and is able to provide an insight into how readers in different sectors, regions, subject areas, and job roles behave. So, for example, answers to all the following questions can be found in the report: * In which subject areas, regions, job roles and sectors do readers make the most use of aggregated databases when searching for online articles? * Is Baidu, Google or Google Scholar the most popular search engine amongst students in China? * Which features do students, lecturers and academic researchers find most useful on Publisher web sites? * Which sectors make the most use of journal homepages and ToC Alerts? Tracy Gardner said "This report informs publishers, libraries, intermediaries and academics which resources the world's consumers prefer to use to discover scholarly content. It's an invaluable piece of research and we would like to wholeheartedly thank those organisations who supported us". The survey was supported by BMJ Group, CABI, Cambridge University Press, IOP Publishing, Nature Publishing Group, Palgrave Macmillan, Publishing Technology, RSC Publishing and SAGE. A summary report is available for free and the full report is available for £250 for organisations, £100 for academic libraries, and approximately £7 (or equivalent in other currencies) for individual use on Kindle (or Kindle viewers for PC, Mac, iPad). The full data set and the analytical tool are also available for purchase. See http://www.renewtraining.com/publications.htm for more details. ENDS Tracy Gardner TGM / Renew Training Tel: +44 (0) 7884 438007 Email: tracy@tgm.ox14.com Web: www.renewtraining.com NEW: How Readers Discover Content in Scholarly Journals - the results of a large scale reader survey - is now available for download at www.renewtraining.com/publications.htm Forwarded by Dr. J.K.Vijayakumar -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.

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For an author, ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes themu from every other researcher and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized. They can include their ORCID identifier on their Webpage, publications, apply for grants, and in any research workflow to ensure them get credit for their work. ORCID is the DOI for an author/researcher. They work or corss link with major A&I databases and publisher's ID systems (like Scopus Author ID or Thomson Reuters’ ResearcherID® ) ORCID just launched their Registry http://about.orcidid.com/news/2012/10/16/orcid-launches-registry Other researcher identifier systems are currently in use serving specific populations or types of research work. ORCID does not compete with these systems, but rather provides a switchboard for crosslinking. Elsevier is providing a way for researchers to link their Scopus Author IDs to ORCID and synchronize their publication information between the two systems. Thomson Reuters’ ResearcherID® will link to ORCID and allow researchers to synchronize their publication information. Several research information system providers are also planning to integrate ORCID identifiers, including figshare, KNODE, Faculty of 1000, and ImpactStory. Through its affiliate ORCID EU, ORCID is working with DataCite to link ORCID identifiers with research datasets. This needs to be informed to your researchers and faculty. Dr. J. K. VIJAYAKUMAR, http://libinfospace.blogspot.com/ http://www.linkedin.com/in/vijayakumarjk -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.

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Stichting IFLA Foundation has made available funds to support 10 colleagues to attend our IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Singapore. Eligible are those: * who are a first time attendee to the World Library and Information Congress * and who are a member of their National Library Association and whose application is supported by that Association in the form of a letter. More details from http://conference.ifla.org/ifla79/news/conference-attendance-grant-by-the-st... ------------------ Dr. J. K. VIJAYAKUMAR, http://libinfospace.blogspot.com/ -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
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Dr. J. K. Vijayakumar