Dear Colleagues, The IFLA Section on Management and Marketing in collaboration with IFLA Gold Corporate Partner 3M has announced the IFLA 3M International Marketing Award for 2004. This award is given each year to reward the best library marketing project worldwide each year; encourage marketing in libraries ; and give libraries the opportunity to share marketing experiences. The AWARD will honor organizations that have implemented creative, results-oriented marketing projects or campaigns. Three finalists will be recognized for their outstanding achievements. From these three finalists, the winner will be chosen and will receive airfare, lodging and registration for the 2004 IFLA General Conference and Council in Buenos Aires, Argentina as well as a cash award of USD 1,000 which will be used to further the marketing efforts of the recognized institution or organization. The three finalists will be announced in Spring 2004. A first place winner will be chosen and two distinctions will be awarded. The winner will be announced officially at the IFLA Conference in August 2004, in Buenos Aires. For complete information about the award, application guidelines, selection criteria, dead line, application form, members of the jury, and marketing glossary, please see the attachement and also visit www.ifla.org http://cms.3m.com/cms/US/en/2-115/krilcFS/view.jhtml Reports on previous years award may be found at: http://www.infotoday.com/mls/ifla.shtml http://www.infotoday.com/mls/sep03/koontz.shtml *Please pass on this Announcement among your Friends and Colleagues* Regards, Dinesh K. Gupta (Member, Standing Committee, IFLA Management and Marketing Section) Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Lib. & Inf. Sc. VM Open University Kota-324010 Rajasthan India E-mail: dineshkg@sancharnet.in dineshkg_in@yahoo.com
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Dinesh K. Gupta