Dear Professionals, 7th MANLIBNET Annual National Convention will be held at Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode, Kunnamangalam PO, Kozhikode(Calicut), Kerala from May 5 - 7, 2005. For More Details, visit the conference website at http://intranet.iimk.ac.in/manlibnet05/ THEME Digital Libraries in Knowledge Management : Opportunities for Management Libraries Sub Themes Knowldege Management and management of knowledge repositories leveraging on Digital Technologies Digital Libraries & Digital Archives: Design, development, organization, implementation, maintenance and the Digital Nervous System Digital Library Technologies: Architectures, Standards, Protocols, Resources & Formats Strategies for multi-media Digital Content development and providing intellectual access using COM/DCOM Trends in Open Digital Libraries Strategies for multi-media Digital Collection building and management Design and implementation of cutting edge digital information services Open Access Initiatives for Digital Information Services Promoting and Supporting of Digital Information Services to user community Another attraction of the Convention is the Pre-COnvention tutorial on Greensone Digital Library Software. ---------------------------------- Call for Papers (last date of receipt of papers - March 15, 2005) -------------------------------- The Convention will be of interest to management information professionals, management librarians, library managers, information scientists, content developers and knowledge managers involved in digital library research and practice. Participants are welcome to contribute papers and present at the Convention on the following sub themes or related themes. The papers should be based on original research, realtime experience, survey, case studies, or action plans. A very general presentation should be avoided. Paper should include abstract (300 words). The article should not exceed 5000 words and printed on A4 paper. The full paper, both hard and soft copies or e-mail attachment, created in MS Word should reach the Organizing Secretary of the Conventionon or before March 15, 2005. The hard copies of papers should be superscibed "Paper Submitted to 7th MANLIBNET Annual Convention at IIMK May 5-7 2005" Authors are requested to make sure that the papers are submitted to the following address. The last date of receipt of the paper is March 15 2005. M G Sreekumar (Organizing Secretary, 7th MANLIBNET Convention) Librarian & Head Center for Development of Digital Libraries (CDDL) Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode Kunnamangalam P.O Kozhikode, Kerala, India-673 571 ----------------------------------------- Phone : +91 495 2809140 Fax : +91 495 2803010/11 Email : mgsree@iimk.ac.in For More Details, visit the conference website at http://intranet.iimk.ac.in/manlibnet05/ __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail - Easier than ever with enhanced search. Learn more. http://info.mail.yahoo.com/mail_250