Visit http://www.websearchu.com/ WebSearch University enables Internet researchers to hone their skills and refresh their search competencies. The world of Web search changes so quickly and so drastically that keeping up is vitally important to information professionals determined to provide the best and most-relevant information to their clients, organizations, and colleagues. Learn the new twists and turns, new search tools, new resources, new techniques, and new approaches to research on the Web. Revisit the way you use the Internet for research. Rethink your approach to search. WebSearch University�s 2-day intensive curriculum is totally devoted to how information professionals can most effectively and efficiently apply Internet resources to their individual work situations. WebSearch University is entering its 6th year. In that brief period of time, Google has helped put Web searching in the forefront of people�s minds and made �search� part of the common vocabulary. Information professionals know there�s more to search than Google. The curriculum for WebSearch University is refreshed every year, reflecting the rapid changes in search engines, search technology, and available resources. The speed of change in Web search challenges even the best searchers to go back to school at WebSearch University. In 2005, you�ll learn about developments at known search engine companies, get acquainted with new search engine companies, and gain knowledge on search strategies. Desktop tools, multimedia search, blogging, open access, hidden Web resources, and competitive intelligence are new topics this year. Learn how to turn your search into research at WebSearch University! May 17-18, 2005 Hilton New York Sept. 19-20, 2005 Crystal City Marriott, Arlington, VA Visit http://www.websearchu.com/ -- JK Vijayakumar __________________________________ Celebrate Yahoo!'s 10th Birthday! Yahoo! Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web http://birthday.yahoo.com/netrospective/