Visit http://mgu.ernet.in/Dspace.htm INFLIBNET (UGC)- MG University National Workshop on Developing Digital Library using DSpace May 9-13 , 2005 Organized by University Library Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam, Kerala in collaboration with INFLIBNET Centre (UGC), Ahmedabad About the Workshop ------------------ With the advent of Information and Communication Technology, content creation and content management are crucial components for the proper development of modern libraries. Capturing, storing, indexing, preserving and redistributing digital content is a challenge of any Digital Library with ease-of-use and a web-based user interface. There are a number of free open source software available for developing digital libraries and DSpace (http://www.dspace.org) is one of the most popular software developed jointly by MIT Libraries and HP labs. DSpace is a digital asset management system. It helps create, index and retrieve various forms of digital content. Interoperability between systems is built-in and it adheres to international standards for metadata. DSpace ------- DSpace is an open source software and is freely downloadable from http://www.dspace.org Submission facility allows scientists and researchers to upload digital documents from anywhere in the world Workflow feature allows moderation of the submitted documents Uses persistent handles Conforms to the standards like Dublin Core and OAI-PMH v.2.0 Security can be built at various levels to effect restricted access Indian Language based digital libraries can be built as it conforms to the UNICODE standard. The workshop is exclusively designed to provide hands on experience to the librarians and information officers in developing a digital library using DSpace software. Objectives ------------ To provide background knowledge of the digital library and its related concepts. To offer hands on experience on Linux installation and use of DSpace. To encourage the participants in developing their own Institutional Digital Libraries The topics to be covered in the Workshop Digital Libraries: Current Scenario Open Source Paradigm in E-Content Management Linux - Introduction and Installation Overview and Installation of DSpace DSpace Users: Anonymous, Members & Authors Lucene Search Engine DSpace Administration Dublin Core and OAI-PMH Persistent Handles DSpace Customization Unicode and Indian Languages Methodology Lectures, demonstrations and hands on practice. The Lab facilities will be available for practice to the participants during extended hours. Venue ------ Mahatma Gandhi University Library, Priyadarshini Hills, Kottayam, Kerala Resource persons --------------- Resource Persons are from INFLIBNET Centre and DRTC, where Institutional Repository is live through DSpace and it is listed at "Live DSpace Sites" by DSpace Team. Visit http://dspace.inflibnet.ac.in and http://drtc.isibang.ac.in/index.jsp Target Participants -------------------- Library and information Science professionals from all over India. Working knowledge of Information technology is essential. The Workshop is confined to 20 participants and admission is on first come first served basis. Registration ---------------- The filled in application form along with the Demand Draft may please be sent to the Workshop Coordinator on or before 30/04/2005. Registration may close early/anytime, if the number reaches Twenty. Registration fee is Rs.3,500/- per participant. Payment by Cash/DD payable in favour of The Deputy Librarian-in-Charge, Mahatma Gandhi University Library, payable at State bank of Travancore, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam. Registration fee is non-refundable if participants do not attend the workshop or opt for cancellation after the registration. However, substitution from the same organization/institution is permissible. Details and registration form also available at http://mgu.ernet.in/Dspace.htm The Registration Fee includes Workshop kit (Workshop volume, Dspace software) Food, Accommodation ----------- The University Guest House / Hotel Accommodation will be arranged on extra payment. How to Reach --------------- Mahatma Gandhi University Library is situated in the main campus of the University at Athirampuzha. It is 14 kms away from Kottayam Railway Station and 70 kms away from the International Air Port at Kochi. From Kottayam town there are frequent private buses to the University. About Mahatma Gandhi University Library ----------------------------- The Mahatma Gandhi University Library was established in 1989. The Library has a collection of 35,000 books, 500 Ph. D theses and a current subscription to 350 journals, of which 120 are foreign. It has a good ICT infrastructure including about 50 computer systems, CD ROM networking, Webserver, Mailserver and higher bandwidth Internet access. The close association of the Library with the INFLIBNET Centre has enabled to make tremendous progress in all its services and activities. The University Library has fully automated all its house-keeping operations using the library software package SOUL developed by the INFLIBNET Centre. The Mahatma Gandhi University is also a member of the UGC-Infonet Programme. Through the E-journals Consortium of the programme, the University library has access to more than 3000 online journals and databases (http://mgu.ernet.in) INFLIBNET Centre -------------------- INFLIBNET Centre is an autonomous Inter-university Centre of the University Grants Commission. It is involved in creating infrastructure for sharing information among academic and research community of the country. Its major activities include training of LIS professionals, creation of national databases, software development etc. Presently it is involved in two major projects viz. UGC Infonet (interconnecting about 180 universities in a wide area network) and e-journal subscription to universities in consortium mode (http://www.inflibnet.ac.in). Workshop Director Dr.TAV Murthy Director, INFLIBNET Centre, P B No. 4116, Navrangpura Ahmedabad 380 009 Workshop Coordinator P.K. Rajendrakurup Deputy Librarian-in-Charge Mahatma Gandhi University Library Priyadarshini Hills P O Kottayam 686 560, KERALA Telephone: 0481- 2731018 Fax: 0481 - 2731017 E-mail: workshop@mgu.ernet.in mgu@vsnl.com Visit http://mgu.ernet.in/Dspace.htm __________________________________ Yahoo! Messenger Show us what our next emoticon should look like. Join the fun. http://www.advision.webevents.yahoo.com/emoticontest