The KAUST University Library Annual Outreach Lecture 2021 on "Open Access global trends and CMU experiences" was delivered by Prof. Keith Webster, Dean of University Libraries Carnegie Mellon University, the USA on 28th January 2021. This lecture reviewed the growth of open access in recent years and considered the position of major publishers as they adjust their business models. Key developments explained include the impact of Plan S, the shift towards transformative read and publish agreements and the impact of mergers and acquisitions on the commercial landscape. The lecture also illustrated the opportunities and challenges for individual institutions like CMU. While introducing the speaker, Dr. J. K. Vijayakumar, the KAUST Library Director has announced the transformative open access agreements established at KAUST. The video of the live-streamed lecture is available at https://youtu.be/rsnhEw29aCw (please skip the first 5.30 minutes of the video). The slides used for the lecture can be downloaded from the CMU repository https://kilthub.cmu.edu/articles/presentation/Open_Access_Global_Trends_and_... ---------- Dr. J. K. VIJAYAKUMAR, University Library Director, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST), www.kaust.edu.sa