It is just announced. Congrats tp Sanjeevkumar & Nandini, Sreekumarji & Sunita and Akshay. We Indian LIS professionals are proud of you. JK Vijayakumar ----------------------- URL: http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGIII/paper_contest/2005/2005winners.htm The American Society for Information Science & Technology (ASIST) International Information Issues Special Interest Group (SIG III) is pleased to announce the winners of its sixth International Paper Contest: 1 Lukman Ibraheem Diso (Nigeria) Information Technology Policy Formulation In Nigeria: Answers Without Questions 2 Sanjeev Kumar & Nandini Dutta (India) Designing a National Fashion Information System: A Perspective Plan 3 M.G. Sreekumar & T. Sunitha (India) Seamless Aggregation and Integration of Diverse Datastreams: Essential Strategies for Building Practical Digital Libraries and Electronic Information Systems 4 Selenay Aytac (Turkey) Multilingual Information Retrieval on the Internet: A Case Study of Turkish Users 5 Alma Beatriz Rivera-Aguilera (Mexico) XML Markup and Retrieval in Magazine Articles: Exploratory Results and Implementation Issues 6 Akshay Mathur (India) ICT and Rural Societies: Opportunities for Growth The theme of this years paper contest is "Bringing Research and Practice Together - the Developing World Perspective." The six winning papers were selected from 30 papers by 39 authors from 12 developing countries received for this years competition. The contest has also seen its first winner from Latin America. Thanks to the generous donations from Elsevier, SIGs, Chapters, LIS Schools, and many other organizations and individuals, we have raised $9,000 to support the International Paper Contest. Each of the eight winners will be awarded a two-year individual membership in ASIST. In addition, the first place winner will be rewarded a minimum of $1,000 to attend the 2005 ASIST Annual Meeting, October 28-November 2, in Charlotte, North Carolina. These winning papers and other submitted papers for the competition will be considered for publication by Elsevier's International Information and Library Review, which is edited by Toni Carbo. Congratulations to the winners! The Contest Committee worked really hard in selecting the winning papers. This years paper contest was organized by Liwen Vaughan (Chair) from University of Western Ontario, and Duncan Omole at World Bank. This years judges are: K.T. Anuradha, National Centre for Science Information, India Yufei Du, Wayne State University Nathalie Leroy, United Nations Merlyna Lim, Social Construction of Technology (SCoT) Research Group, Indonesia Ifeanyi Njoku, Federal College of Fisheries and Marine Technology, Nigeria Duncan Omole, The World Bank Jadranka Stojanovski, Rudjer Boskovic Institute Library, Croatia Jun Wang, Beijing University, China Julian Warner, Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland Yin Zhang, Kent State University Their effort makes it possible to develop and sustain this international network of digital scholars and experts on digital libraries and information technology in developing countries. More information about the paper competition is available from the SIG III website (http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGIII/) under Paper Contest. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com