Visit ETD-2205 Website http://adt.caul.edu.au/etd2005/ ------------------------- Invitation to attend ETD-2005 from the organising committee ------------------------------------- We are delighted to extend an invitation to you to participate in the ETD2005 Conference, to be held at the University of New South Wales, Sydney from 28 � 30 September 2005. As one of Australia�s tourist capitals, Sydney will provide an exciting and vibrant backdrop for the 2005 Event, and we expect that many of our delegates will take the opportunity to visit some of Australian�s many renowned attractions. The Conference venue is The Scientia, The University of New South Wales. Located in the beautiful eastern suburbs of Sydney, Australia, The University of New South Wales offers the best of both worlds - close proximity to the airport and city centre, whilst only minutes from stunning beaches, cosmopolitan cafes and quality accommodation. UNSW is well-serviced by public transport and with plenty of cheap parking; access is both easy and convenient. The Conference Program will feature a number of outstanding local and international speakers, concurrent sessions and poster presentations. The Conference attracts researchers and practitioners from around the world and provides a wonderful opportunity to meet, share and extend contacts. Above all else, we invite you to enjoy the warm hospitality that Sydney and its people have to offer, and that you too will share in the feeling of excitement that ETD2005 will generate. We look forward to meeting you at the conference in September 2005. --from ETD 2005 Organising Committee ------------------------------------ ETD-2005 Call for Papers -------------------------- Abstract Submission Guidelines In order for your submission to be accepted for review it will need to meet the following criteria: - be received no later than COB, Monday 7 March 2005 - be received online via the conference website http://adt.caul.edu.au/etd2005/etd2005.html - be between 250 � 300 words not have been presented or about to be presented at another event Please check that your submission includes the following: -presentation/paper title -list of authors and their affiliations -submission text -contact details of presenting author (please -include postal address, phone, fax, email and/or website.) Your submission will be reviewed by at least two members of our program committee. Once your paper has been accepted, you will be allocated a session based on the paper�s content. ----------------------- ETD-2005 CHAIRPERSON�S WELCOME --------------------- I am very pleased to invite you to attend ETD2005, the 8th International Electronic Theses and Dissertations Symposium being held in Sydney. This is the first time this conference will take place in the southern hemisphere - the digital theses movement is becoming truly international. The Organising Committee is working hard to put together a stimulating program with enjoyable social activities. The conference will close with a cruise around Sydney Harbour, an essential Sydney experience! We look forward to meeting you in Australia. Put ETD2005 and Springtime in Sydney in your calendar now. Andrew Wells Chair, ETD2005 Conference Committee University Librarian University of New South Wales Sydney NSW 2052 Australia Visit ETD-2205 Website http://adt.caul.edu.au/etd2005/ ------------------------------------- Posted by JK Vijayakumar INFLIBNET Centre-UGC Ahmedabad __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Send holiday email and support a worthy cause. Do good. http://celebrity.mail.yahoo.com