The Manthan Award, unique yet first of its kind in the country, is bestowed to best practices in e-content and creativity during the past one year. The Manthan Award 2004-2005 wass unique through its specific categories, which cover all aspects and sectors of the emerging Information Society and put the added value of multimedia and electronic contents for specific user groups and purposes at the centre of competition and evaluation. It is also unique due to sustained outreach activities in all the Indian states and territories and its promotion by leading multimedia and internet organizations and institutions. List of 27 Manthan Award winners category wise given below E Business Automatic Milk Collection System, GUJARAT ToeHoldindia.com, KARNATAKA PlantersNet ITC, ANDHRA PRADESH E Culture Honeybee Network, GUJARAT NUDI The Kannada script-enabling software, KARNATAKA Marathiworld.com, MAHARASTRA E - Science Electrophoresis e-Lab E - Entertainment World Cup Cricket, DELHI E - Health Sisu Samrakshak, ANDHRA PRADESH IndianBloodDonors.com, MAHARASTRA Helpline on HIV/AIDS, RAJASTHAN E - Inclusion aAQUA: Almost All Questions Answered, MAHARASTRA VAACHAK Text to speech software for Indian languages, UTTAR PRADESH Dissemination of animal health RGCVAS, PONDICHERRY Special mention Save the Girl Child, DELHI Disability India Network, DELHI E - Learning C-GAP course self learning kit, MAHARASTRA Learning objects-creating a knowledge utility, MAHARASTRA Chukki Chinna interactive radio instruction programme,KARNATAKA Special mention BookBox, PONDICHERRY Adventus Learning Management, KARNATAKA E - Government NISANI National Identity Card, UTTAR PRADESH www.tvmcitypolice.org, KERALA E-governance infrastructure for globalised Indian agriculture, DELHI Special mention State-Wide Attention on public Grievance by Application of Technology, GUJARAT E-VIKAS Government to citizen interface, HIMACHAL PRADESH E-Cops, ANDHRA PRADESH The nominations were made by State wisde Experts (See http://www.manthanaward.com/EminentExperts.asp) and final selection were made by The Grand Jury (See http://www.manthanaward.com/Experts.asp) Visit http://www.manthanaward.com for more details. All the first place winning entries will compete for India in World Summit Award-2005. ----------------------------------------------- Message sent by J K Vijayakumar ____________________________________________________ Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page http://www.yahoo.com/r/hs