Dr. M.G. Sreekumar from India and Ms Edna Nyika from Tanzania have both been awarded scholarships by Hewlett Packard to attend Open Repositories 2006. Hewlett-Packard generously offered to sponsor two participants from developing nations to attend the DSpace Users Group and related events in Sydney from the 31st January 2006. APSR has supplemented the scholarships to enable the winners to meet living and accommodation expenses while visiting Australia. Dr. Sreekumar is presently the Librarian and Head, Center for Development of Digital Libraries at the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK) (http://www.iimk.ac.in). He has successfully conducted several nationwide training programs in the area of digital libraries and e-publishing and leads several national research projects in the area of science and technology. Dr. Sreekumar will be presenting current plans and progress in enabling 40+ top level Indian research and academic institutions to install and manage interoperable institutional repositories using DSpace. Visit http://apsr.anu.edu.au/Open_Repositories_2006/ for full announcement. Congrats to Dr Sreekumar. ------ J K Vijayakumar --------------------------------- Yahoo! Photos Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever. Dr. M.G. Sreekumar from India and Ms Edna Nyika from Tanzania have both been awarded scholarships by Hewlett Packard to attend Open Repositories 2006. Hewlett-Packard generously offered to sponsor two participants from developing nations to attend the DSpace Users Group and related events in Sydney from the 31st January 2006. APSR has supplemented the scholarships to enable the winners to meet living and accommodation expenses while visiting Australia. Dr. Sreekumar is presently the Librarian and Head, Center for Development of Digital Libraries at the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode (IIMK) ( http://www.iimk.ac.in http://www.iimk.ac.in ). He has successfully conducted several nationwide training programs in the area of digital libraries and e-publishing and leads several national research projects in the area of science and technology. Dr. Sreekumar will be presenting current plans and progress in enabling 40+ top level Indian research and academic institutions to install and manage interoperable institutional repositories using DSpace. Visit http://apsr.anu.edu.au/Open_Repositories_2006/ http://apsr.anu.edu.au/Open_Repositories_2006/ for full announcement. Congrats to Dr Sreekumar. ------ J K Vijayakumar Yahoo! Photos Ring in the New Year with http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/photos/*http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph//page?.file=calendar_splash.html&.dir= Photo Calendars . Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.