Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 17:22:27 +0530 To: khaisernikam@yahoo.com There is a saying "Facts are Secred&Comments are free, " .As far as I am concerened , i feel what ever news we get on LIS - FORUM is just fine & it is doing well .It is well with in its scope and aims ."Knowledge is power sharing knowledge is wwealth ". So long as we communicate some thing original , academic & professional information irrespective of where it comes from ( I mean geographical -- zonal ,regional or local etc.) it should not matter . We must also adeher to very high ethical standards. However ,certain items like sending festival greetings and sharing personal information , may kindly be avoided . These comments are purely personal ,and not to hurt any bodys feeling ------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr Khaiser Nikam Reader /Management consultant University of Mysore Mysore -570 006 0821-2419399(O)