Mahatma Gandhi University (B+ Accreditation by NAAC) Priyadarshini Hills P.O., Kottayam - 686 560. Kerala. Tel: 0481- 2731050-1199(Extn.), 2731065. E-mail: mgu@md2.vsnl.net.in No.123/2005/1/AV/Admn PRO/1/Advt/22/05, 19/09/05 Applications, in the prescribed form are invited from eligible candidates for appointment to the post of University Librarian in the Scale of Pay of Rs. 16,400 - 22,400. Qualifications (as prescribed by the UGC) 1. Master's Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation with at least 55% of marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC 7 Point Scale and consistently good academic record. 2. At least THIRTEEN years experience as a Deputy Librarian in a University Library or EIGHTEEN years experience as a College Librarian. 3. Evidence of Innovative Library Service and organization of published work. Desirable: M.Phil./Ph.D. Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation archives and manuscript keeping. Age: Not more than 50 years as on 1-1-2005. Reservation: Open Note: 1. Application forms can be had from the Store Keeper, M.G. University Stores (General) on payment of Rs. 250/- (Two Hundred and Fifty only) in the University cash counter or by way of request along with DD drawn in favour of Finance Officer, M.G. University payable at SBT at M.G. University, Campus Branch. 2. Duly filled in applications with attested copies of certificates (six copies) proving age, qualifications, experience, etc. should be submitted to the undersigned on or before 25-10- 2005 along with a fee of Rs. 1000/- (Thousand only). 3. Those who had applied for the post of University Librarian under notification No. 4227/Ad.A/V(1) dt. 12.2.99 are exempted from remitting the prescribed fee, but they have to submit fresh application(should enclose proof of earlier application). Visit http://www.mguniversity.edu/notification/Lib%20&%20Phy%20Ed.pdf for more details. University website http://www.mguniversity.edu/ --------------------------------------- Posted in this forum by J K Vijayakumar __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com Mahatma Gandhi University (B+ Accreditation by NAAC) Priyadarshini Hills P.O., Kottayam - 686 560. Kerala. Tel: 0481- 2731050-1199(Extn.), 2731065. E-mail: mgu@md2.vsnl.net.in No.123/2005/1/AV/Admn PRO/1/Advt/22/05, 19/09/05 Applications, in the prescribed form are invited from eligible candidates for appointment to the post of University Librarian in the Scale of Pay of Rs. 16,400 - 22,400. Qualifications (as prescribed by the UGC) 1. Master's Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation with at least 55% of marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC 7 Point Scale and consistently good academic record. 2. At least THIRTEEN years experience as a Deputy Librarian in a University Library or EIGHTEEN years experience as a College Librarian. 3. Evidence of Innovative Library Service and organization of published work. Desirable: M.Phil./Ph.D. Degree in Library Science/Information Science/Documentation archives and manuscript keeping. Age: Not more than 50 years as on 1-1-2005. Reservation: Open Note: 1. Application forms can be had from the Store Keeper, M.G. University Stores (General) on payment of Rs. 250/- (Two Hundred and Fifty only) in the University cash counter or by way of request along with DD drawn in favour of Finance Officer, M.G. University payable at SBT at M.G. University, Campus Branch. 2. Duly filled in applications with attested copies of certificates (six copies) proving age, qualifications, experience, etc. should be submitted to the undersigned on or before 25-10- 2005 along with a fee of Rs. 1000/- (Thousand only). 3. Those who had applied for the post of University Librarian under notification No. 4227/Ad.A/V(1) dt. 12.2.99 are exempted from remitting the prescribed fee, but they have to submit fresh application(should enclose proof of earlier application). Visit http://www.mguniversity.edu/notification/Lib%20&%20Phy%20Ed.pdf http://www.mguniversity.edu/notification/Lib%20&%20Phy%20Ed.pdf for more details. University website http://www.mguniversity.edu/ http://www.mguniversity.edu/ --------------------------------------- Posted in this forum by J K Vijayakumar __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com