Sorry for Cross Postings. FYI --------------------------------------- ILA Program (Innovative Library Access) The Elsevier Foundations ILA Program provides resources to libraries in developing countries that improve access to scientific, technical and medical (STM) knowledge. The Foundation looks to award organizations that leverage their STM collections to improve quality of life in those countries. In the initial phase of the ILA Program, we endeavor to focus on the developing Asia region, with the intent to expand into other locations. I. Eligibility Requirements The ILA Program only supports non-profit libraries and does not make grants to individuals. Applying libraries must be based in developing countries. In the initial years, the Foundation encourages applications from developing countries in Asia. II. Selection Criteria A focused, well-defined proposal that provides innovative access to STM information through upgrading of technology and information services, digitization of STM collections, or training of library staff Realistic budget tied to measurable outcomes Sustained financial viability Strength of local administration Examples of previous Elsevier Foundation Awardees (for reference): A library received funding to upgrade its Open Access Computer Center and provide training to library school students and organizations seeking to develop libraries. An organization received funding for the launch of the Global Health Archive, comprising thousands of articles on public health, and for the training of health librarians to use the database. A medical organization received funding to upgrade the first evidence-based medical library in the country, established to meet the growing demand for high-quality, free medical education and research among the countrys medical community. A university library received funding to digitally recreate over 4,400 PhD, Masters theses and research reports, made available internationally through a portal maintained by the library. III. Application and Acceptance Proposals should be made in a brief letter to John Regazzi, Chairman, outlining the purpose for which funds are requested. Proposals should be limited to three pages and include: program description names of organization directors and key personnel intended outcomes and success criteria schedule with expected completion date budget most recent financial statements, with sources of support non profit status evidence. Proposals may be submitted at any time during a given calendar year. To be considered for the 2006 grant review, proposals must be postmarked no later than September 1st, 2006 The Elsevier Foundation will notify winners of the ILA grants during the fourth quarter 2006. An international advisory panel of Asian library experts will evaluate the proposals. IV. Required Report The Elsevier Foundation requires a final report from ILA grantees at the time of completion of funded activities. The report should be both descriptive and evaluative, and include: detailed summary of activities during the grant period accounting report of grant expenditures assessment of project goals (including level of achievement) V. Amount of Grant Grants are expected to range between US $5,000 and US$15,000. Requests for additional funding for projects already supported will be considered on a limited basis. Grants are awarded for specific projects rather than operating support. Questions, requests for additional information, and all grant proposals should be directed to: John Regazzi, Chairman The Elsevier Foundation 360 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10010-1710, USA telephone: 212-633-3900 facsimile: 212-633-3965 e-mail: foundation@elsevier.com http://www.elsevierfoundation.org/program.html J. K. Vijayakumar MLIS, PhD Assistant Director of Library American University of Antigua College of Medicine Post Box W-1451, St. Johns ANTIGUA & BARBUDA, West Indies --------------------------------- How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messengers low PC-to-Phone call rates. Sorry for Cross Postings. FYI --------------------------------------- ILA Program (Innovative Library Access) The Elsevier Foundations ILA Program provides resources to libraries in developing countries that improve access to scientific, technical and medical (STM) knowledge. The Foundation looks to award organizations that leverage their STM collections to improve quality of life in those countries. In the initial phase of the ILA Program, we endeavor to focus on the developing Asia region, with the intent to expand into other locations. I. Eligibility Requirements The ILA Program only supports non-profit libraries and does not make grants to individuals. Applying libraries must be based in developing countries. In the initial years, the Foundation encourages applications from developing countries in Asia. II. Selection Criteria A focused, well-defined proposal that provides innovative access to STM information through upgrading of technology and information services, digitization of STM collections, or training of library staff Realistic budget tied to measurable outcomes Sustained financial viability Strength of local administration Examples of previous Elsevier Foundation Awardees (for reference): A library received funding to upgrade its Open Access Computer Center and provide training to library school students and organizations seeking to develop libraries. An organization received funding for the launch of the Global Health Archive, comprising thousands of articles on public health, and for the training of health librarians to use the database. A medical organization received funding to upgrade the first evidence-based medical library in the country, established to meet the growing demand for high-quality, free medical education and research among the countrys medical community. A university library received funding to digitally recreate over 4,400 PhD, Masters theses and research reports, made available internationally through a portal maintained by the library. III. Application and Acceptance Proposals should be made in a brief letter to John Regazzi, Chairman, outlining the purpose for which funds are requested. Proposals should be limited to three pages and include: program description names of organization directors and key personnel intended outcomes and success criteria schedule with expected completion date budget most recent financial statements, with sources of support non profit status evidence. Proposals may be submitted at any time during a given calendar year. To be considered for the 2006 grant review, proposals must be postmarked no later than September 1st, 2006 The Elsevier Foundation will notify winners of the ILA grants during the fourth quarter 2006. An international advisory panel of Asian library experts will evaluate the proposals. IV. Required Report The Elsevier Foundation requires a final report from ILA grantees at the time of completion of funded activities. The report should be both descriptive and evaluative, and include: detailed summary of activities during the grant period accounting report of grant expenditures assessment of project goals (including level of achievement) V. Amount of Grant Grants are expected to range between US $5,000 and US$15,000. Requests for additional funding for projects already supported will be considered on a limited basis. Grants are awarded for specific projects rather than operating support. Questions, requests for additional information, and all grant proposals should be directed to: John Regazzi, Chairman The Elsevier Foundation 360 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10010-1710, USA telephone: 212-633-3900 facsimile: 212-633-3965 e-mail: mailto:foundation@elsevier.com foundation@elsevier.com http://www.elsevierfoundation.org/program.html http://www.elsevierfoundation.org/program.html J. K. Vijayakumar MLIS, PhD Assistant Director of Library American University of Antigua College of Medicine Post Box W-1451, St. Johns ANTIGUA & BARBUDA, West Indies How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messengers low http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/postman8/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt... PC-to-Phone call rates.