FYI ------------------------------ Kerala Library Association (Ernakulam Region) in collaboration with U. C. College, Aluva, Kerala, as part of its Continuous Professional Education Program, proposes to conduct a one day workshop on Building Institutional Repository using DSpace on 24th June, 2006. THE TARGET The workshop will be useful to Librarians and Information Professionals belonging to the Academia, NGO and Industry. THE WORKSHOP CONTENT The workshop is designed to facilitate the participants to create state-of-the-art IRs using DSpace on the Windows platform, which includes software installation, configuration, customization, content development and management, designing and creating standard metadata sets to describe digital objects and encoding them in standard markup formats. Thrust Areas IRs: Open Access Archives, OAI, OAI-PMH -Working principles and cases DSpace: Overview, Installations (JAVA 2 SDK, Apache, Jakarta, Tomcat, mod_jk, Apache Ant, PostgresSQL, Dspace), Administration and Customization. Metadata Standards: Concepts, Dublin Core, METS and MODS Hands on Session Participants will be provided with study material in print and software on CD RESOURCE PERSON Dr. M. G. Sreekumar, the Chief Librarian and Head, Center for Development of Digital Libraries, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikkode, will be the key resource person. Dr. Sreekumar, a Fulbright scholar and an internationally renowned expert in modern developments in the field of Library and Information Science, has been honoured with various awards and scholarships for his contributions to the field of LIS. http://www.iimk.ac.in/mgsree.htm Venue U. C. College, Aluva, Ernakulam (Dist), Kerala Registration Fee Individual participants - Rs, 150/- Sponsored participants - Rs. 300/- The fee can be paid either in the form of DD favoring the Secretary, KLA Regional Committee, Ernakulam payable at Ernakulam OR by cash at the Registration Counter at the workshop venue. Workshop on Building Institutional Repositories using DSpace Registration Form Name (in block letters) : Designation : Name of Institution : Address for communication: Telephone no. (O) : (R) : e-mail : Total years of Professional Experience: Registered as Individual/ Sponsored/ Student: Signature : (The filled in registration form must be received at the address Librarian, U. C. College, U. C. College, P. O., Aluva 683 102 Kerala - by 22.06.06) Contacts at Librarian Union Christian College U. C. College P. O. Alwaye - 683 102 Phone (O): 0484 2609194 (extn 308) (R): 0484 2603816, 9446075685 E-mail: jebygeo@gmail.com --------------------------------- Feel free to call! Free PC-to-PC calls. Low rates on PC-to-Phone. Get Yahoo! Messenger with Voice FYI ------------------------------ Kerala Library Association (Ernakulam Region) in collaboration with U. C. College, Aluva, Kerala, as part of its Continuous Professional Education Program, proposes to conduct a one day workshop on Building Institutional Repository using DSpace on 24 th June, 2006 . THE TARGET The workshop will be useful to Librarians and Information Professionals belonging to the Academia, NGO and Industry. THE WORKSHOP CONTENT The workshop is designed to facilitate the participants to create state-of-the-art IRs using DSpace on the Windows platform, which includes software installation, configuration, customization, content development and management, designing and creating standard metadata sets to describe digital objects and encoding them in standard markup formats. Thrust Areas IRs: Open Access Archives, OAI, OAI-PMH -Working principles and cases DSpace: Overview, Installations (JAVA 2 SDK, Apache, Jakarta , Tomcat, mod_jk, Apache Ant, PostgresSQL, Dspace), Administration and Customization. Metadata Standards: Concepts, Dublin Core, METS and MODS Hands on Session Participants will be provided with study material in print and software on CD RESOURCE PERSON Dr. M. G. Sreekumar, the Chief Librarian and Head, Center for Development of Digital Libraries, Indian Institute of Management , Kozhikkode, will be the key resource person. Dr. Sreekumar, a Fulbright scholar and an internationally renowned expert in modern developments in the field of Library and Information Science, has been honoured with various awards and scholarships for his contributions to the field of LIS. http://www.iimk.ac.in/mgsree.htm http://www.iimk.ac.in/mgsree.htm Venue U. C. College, Aluva, Ernakulam (Dist), Kerala Registration Fee Individual participants - Rs, 150/- Sponsored participants - Rs. 300/- The fee can be paid either in the form of DD favoring the Secretary, KLA Regional Committee, Ernakulam payable at Ernakulam OR by cash at the Registration Counter at the workshop venue. Workshop on Building Institutional Repositories using DSpace Registration Form Name (in block letters) : Designation : Name of Institution : Address for communication: Telephone no. (O) : (R) : e-mail : Total years of Professional Experience: Registered as Individual/ Sponsored/ Student: Signature : (The filled in registration form must be received at the address Librarian, U. C. College, U. C. College, P. O., Aluva 683 102 Kerala - by 22.06.06) Contacts at Librarian Union Christian College U. C. College P. O. Alwaye - 683 102 Phone (O): 0484 2609194 (extn 308) (R): 0484 2603816, 9446075685 E-mail: http://us.f365.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=jebygeo@gmail.com jebygeo@gmail.com Feel free to call! Free PC-to-PC calls. Low rates on PC-to-Phone. http://us.rd.yahoo.com/mail_us/taglines/postman10/*http://us.rd.yahoo.com/ev... Get Yahoo! Messenger with Voice