Visit news report on MLAI Conference held in Chennai http://newstodaynet.com/11dec/rf8.htm Librarians exhorted to hone their skills --------------------------------------- Information professionals such as librarians must update themselves with knowledge and skills for providing efficient and effective services, C V Bhirmanandam, Vice-Chancellor, Tamilnadu Dr M G R Medical University, has said. Speaking at the inaugural session of a three-day national convention on Medical Library of India (MLAI 2004) here on Thursday, he said librarians being carriers of knowledge and skills needed to assist the people in use of technologies. Health science librarians had a vital role in ensuring access to health and medical information to health professionals, he said. Periodical refresher courses, seminars and conference should be organised at regional and national-levels for information professionals. The programmes should highlight the availability and accessibility of information resources and services, he said. All the libraries at the University of Madras would be interlinked with on-line facilities by April 2005. Under the UGC network facility, a total of Rs 250 lakh had been granted for modernisation, S P Thyagarajan, Vice-Chancellor, University of Madras, said. Twenty-five university libraries across the country had already been interconnected where information was downloaded on various subjects, he said. Also, the university would set up a 'Centre for knowledge management' at its Chepauk premises at cost of Rs 200 lakh. The centre would have data processing systems, multimedia lab and a theatre which would be useful for journalism and electronic media students, he said. The convention being held first time in Chennai would focus on 'Information and knowledge management in health sciences: newer perspectives'. Around 200 professional would discuss on current issues concerning the theory and practice of health sciences and medical informatics, R P Kumar, secretary, MLAI, said. The seminar would come out with a set of recommendations aimed at enhancing the quality of health sciences both to medical professionals as well as to the general public, he said. A M Raman, vice-chairman, Science City, released the convention volume in CD format and Avani Shah, president, MLAI, released a souvenir on the occasion. Another report at http://www.hindu.com/2004/12/09/stories/2004120913000300.htm Librarians to meet today ------------------ CHENNAI, DEC. 8. Librarians from across the country employed in the health sector will meet at the University of Madras on Thursday for a national convention of the Medical Library Association of India (MLAI). The MLAI is a professional group of library and information scientists working in health sector. Hosted by the library of Dr. ALM Post Graduate Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, the convention is expected to bring together more than 200 librarians, health information disseminators, medical informatics professionals, medical information end-users, consumers of health information and representatives of non-governmental organisations. The seminar will focus on information and knowledge management and the role of information in ensuring effective healthcare delivery systems and health sciences research in India. Participants will discuss directions, policy guidelines and chart the future course of action with respect to health science information systems in India __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Meet the all-new My Yahoo! - Try it today! http://my.yahoo.com