Magda Bouwens wrote:
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2004 15:38:05 +0100
From: "Magda Bouwens"
Subject: Resignation of IFLA Secretary General
It is with great regret that IFLA announces that
the Secretary General,
Mr Ramachandran, has resigned for personal
reasons effective 31 December
2004. IFLA is very grateful to him for his
service to the Federation
during his tenure of the post.
Drawing on his wide experience gained during a
distinguished career in
librarianship in Singapore and Southeast Asia, Mr
Ramachandran brought
new perspectives to IFLA which have enhanced the
planning processes.
IFLA wishes Mr Ramachandran well in his future
endeavours and thanks
him for his contributions to global
Kay Raseroka
IFLA President
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