Dear Professional Friends, We have great pleasure to inform you all that, the Dakshina Kannada and Kodagu Library Association ( R ) is intending to have a workshop on "SLIM-Integrated Library Management Software (ILMS) : Its Applications for a Knowledge Center" preferably for working Librarians and information scientists / Documentationists / Lecturers in Library and Information Science who are serving for the noble cause in information society. We propose to hold the programme on 13th July 2008 at Corporation Bank Centenary Public Library premises. There will be a lecture cum demo in two sessions from 10.00AM – 4.30PM. Hence we request all the professional friends to take part in this workshop and make it a grand success. With regards , Sd/- Dr.Purushottama Gowda Secretary Please note: Workshop: "SLIM - Integrated Library Management Software (ILMS): Its Applications for a Knowledge Center" Date: 13Th July 2008 Venue: Corporation Bank Centenary Public Library, Mangalore-3 Registration Fee Rs.100/-per participant Payment may be made through DD / M.O in favor of D. K. and Kodagu Library Association, Payable at Mangalore. Spot registration: on 13.07.2008 (9.00AM-10.00AM) Subject to availability of seats. For further details please contact: Shekar.H.P. (Jt. Secretary) Librarian Corporation Bank Centenary Public Library Mangalore-575003 Ph :( Mob) 9945799927 (O) 0824-2450845, 2450846 Fax: 0824-2450848 E-mail:shekarhp@gmail.com shekarhp_libn@yahoo.co.in -- SHEKAR.H.P. M.L.I.Sc.,M.Phil.,B.Ed.,PGDHRM. Librarian Corp Bank Centenary Public Library Nr.Mangala stadium Mangalore-575 003 Ph:0824-2450845, 2450846, 9945799927 Fax:2450848 -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.