Call for Papers: IFLA Satellite Meeting Theme: Open Access: Action Required Sponsored by: IFLA Section onSerials and Other Continuing Resources Co-sponsored by: IFLA Section on Acquisition and Collection Development& the European Solidarity Center, Gdańsk, Poland Hosted by:Joseph Conrad Voivodship and City Public Library in Gdańsk, Poland Date:16 August (starting at 12 noon) - 17 August 2017 (9:00 am to 6:00 pm) Venue:European Solidarity Center, Gdańsk, Poland Call for Proposals and Papers: Open Access (OA) resources are important to the information needs of today’s researchers. Over the years, the number of OA resources has grown substantially and will continue to do so. They are here to stay. This satellite will address how libraries and others are meeting the challenges of Open Access. It will attempt to answer how libraries are staffing and organizing operations to support OA. Another focus will be how libraries identify OA resources and market them to their communities. The satellite will also consider long term preservation of OA resources. The program will be divided into three sessions titled "Long-term preservation of OpenAccess Resources", "Marketing of Open Access Resources," and "Discovery and Access of Open Access Resources”. Librarians, information professionals, researchers, editors, and others are invited to submit paper proposalsaddressing topics that relate with one of the three session themes. Examples of such topics include (but are not limited to): -Selecting and identifying OA resources -Discoverability of OA resources and datasets -Best practices for staffing and organizing OA operations -Promoting and Marketing OA resources -Partnerships between vendors and librarians for OA -Institutional Repositories and long term preservation solutions -Recruiting authors for OA publishing Submissions and Selection Process If you are interested in submitting a paper proposal,please provide the following in English: ● Name(s) and affiliation(s) of author(s)/presenter(s) ● Proposed title of the paper ● Proposed abstract of the paper (no more than 500 words) ● Brief biographical information of all author(s)/presenter(s) ● Contact information, including email, of all author(s)/presenter(s) The deadline for proposal submission is May 1, 2017.Please email proposals in .PDF or .DOCX format to Meg Mering, Secretary of the IFLA Section on Serials and Other Continuing Resources, mmering1@unl.edu All proposals will be reviewed by members of the Conference Organising Committee. Selection will be based on proposal content and fit to the conference theme. Proposal authors will be notified via email by May 15, 2017. Authors should submit proposals only if they are able to attend the Satellite Conference. At least one author for each accepted paper must attend the Satellite Conference presentation. This requirement ensures that the author(s) of the papers and attendees of the conference have the opportunity to engage in thoughtful discussion with colleagues about the presentations and other related topics, leading to a more robust professional experience. The deadline for final papers is July 3, 2017.Papers should be original work written in English, not published elsewhere, and should be no longer than 10 double-spaced pages using a standard 12-point font. Authors will be required to present their papers at the IFLA SOCRS Satellite Conference. Presentations should last about 15-20 minutes and time will be allotted afterwards for questions and discussion. Presentations should be engaging, interactive, and designed to elicit thoughtful discussion from the audience. Use of PowerPoint or other visual program is encouraged for the benefit of the entire audience. The official language of the Satellite Conference is English. In accordance with IFLA's Open Access Statement, allpapers presented at the Satellite Conference will be available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported (CC BY 4.0) license. Authors of accepted papers will need to sign IFLA's author form upon notification. Papers and presentations will be freely available online. Important Dates ● May 15, 2017: Notification to submitters ● July 3, 2017: Deadline for authors to submit completed papers Contact For questions about the Call for Papers, please contact Meg Mering, Secretary of the IFLA Section on Serials and Other Continuing Resources, mmering1@unl.edu For issues related to Gdańsk, Poland,please contact Matylda Filas or Zuza Wiorogórska, local organizers (m.filas@uw.edu.pl; z.d.wiorogorska@uw.edu.pl). Additional information about the IFLA Serials and OtherContinuing Resources Section and the Acquisition and Collection Development Section can be found online via the Website https://www.ifla.org/serials-and-continuing-resourcesor OR Facebook https://www.facebook.com/IFLASOCRS/?fref=ts Notice All expenses are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No financial support can be provided by IFLA or the IFLA SOCRS and ACD Sections. Satellite Planning & Program Committee Sharon Dyas-Correia, Chair, IFLA Section on Serials and Other Continuing Resources Ann Okerson, Chair, IFLA Section on Acquisition and Collection Development Meg Mering, Secretary, IFLA Section on Serials and Other Continuing Resources Christina McCawley, Information Coordinator, IFLA Section on Serials and Other Continuing Resources Sirpa Janhonen, Secretary, IFLA Section on Acquisition and Collection Development Matylda Filas, Local Arrangements, University of Warsaw Library, Poland Zuza Wiorogórska, Local Arrangements, University of Warsaw Library, Poland Gaëlle Bequet, ISSN International Center, France Blanca Rodríguez Bravo, University of Leon, Spain Smita Joshipure, Arizona State University, United States Beata Katrincova, University Library in Bratislava, Slovakia J.K. Vijayakumar, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology, Saudi Arabia Ted Westervelt, Library of Congress, United States