Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2013 13:41:06 +0530
From: Sukhdev Singh
Dear Professional Colleague,
As, you are aware that Bibliographic Informatics Division at the National
Informatics Centre, New Delhi is developing information resources for
meeting information needs of bio-medical community with continued support
from Indian Council of Medical Research. These are IndMED (Indexing of
Indian Medical Journals, ) and MedIND (Hosting of full
text articles of Indexed Indian Medical Journals, )
resources. While IndMED indexes about 120 Indian Medical Journals, MedIND
hosts full texts articles of 65 of these journals. Access to these
resources is FREE without any registrations etc. These resources coupled
with International Resources like PubMED serves as crucial information
resources for bio-medical research and practice.
While your institution's researchers, faculty as well as post-graduate
students may be well aware of international information resources like
PubMed, yet they may not be aware of national information resources like
IndMED and MedIND. We are seeking your help to generate awareness of these
national resources. You may organize IndMED / Medind Training-cum-Awareness
Programmes at your organization. We can share our training material like
PPT slides on IndMED and MedIND. If you require, we can also travel at our
own expense to deliver lectures on topics like IndMED and MedIND databases,
as well as on Internet Biomedical Information Resources, Copyright and
intellectual property rights etc.
If you planning to organize such awareness programmes with intention to
invite us for delivering lectures, please let us know details in advance
along with suitable dates. The target participants could be Medical
researchers, medical professionals, Medical Library professionals and
persons associated with medical journals i.e. Editors, publishers,
executive members etc. There should be a minimum of 25-30 committed
participants. The venue should have suitable infrastructure for projecting
PPT Slides.
Kindly note that our expenses of TA/DA will be borne by us. Any
arrangements like tea or lunch for the participants could be met from your
You may contact my colleague Mrs Rekha Gupta, Scientist-E with your
proposal along with possible dates at her email id (Phone
With regards,
Sukhdev Singh
Technical Director,
Bibliographic Informatics Division
National Informatics Centre
A - Block, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road.
New Delhi - 110003