Dr. S. R. Ranganathan Memorial Lectures (18)(2015)
---------------------------- Original Message ---------------------------- From: Ravichandra [mailto:ikrrao@hotmail.com] Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2015 10:06 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science #702, Upstairs, 42nd Cross, Rajajinagar, Bangalore 560010 in association with KAnOE: Centre for Knowledge Analytics and Ontological Engineering http://www.kanoe.orghttp://www.kanoe.org/ and Ranganathan Centre for Information Studies invites you to Dr. S. R. Ranganathan Memorial Lectures (18)(2015) on Digital Libraries: Redefining Boundaries and Perceptions by Dr. David Bainbridge, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science University of Waikato, New Zealand at 9.30 AM on 3rd February 2015 Dr. M. Anandakrishnan Chairman, Board of Governors, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur & Chairman, Ranganathan Centre for Information Studies presides Venue: TechPark Seminar Hall, PES University, Ring Road, BSK 3rd Stage, Bangalore 85 Programme: Tuesday, 3rd February, 2015 9:30 - 9:45 AM Welcome and Opening Remarks Lecture 1: 9.45 - 10.45 AM Music Digital Libraries-A Progression 10.45 - 11.15 AM TEA Lecture 2: 11.15 AM - 12.45 PM Mega and Mini DLs-Two sides of the same coin? 12. 45 - 2:15 PM LUNCH Lecture 3: 2.15 - 3.45 PM My Digital Library-What can Digital Libraries do for Me! David Bainbridge is an associate professor of Computer Science at the University of Waikato in New Zealand where he leads the New Zealand Digital Library Research Project, which produces the open source digital library software Greenstone. His research interests include multimedia content analysis, software engineering, and human computer interaction in addition to digital libraries. He has published widely in these areas, including the book How to build a digital library (2010), with colleagues Witten and Nichols, now into its second edition. He graduated with a Bachelors of Engineering in Computer Science from Edinburgh University, UK as the class medalist, and undertook his PhD in the area of Optical Music Recognition at Canterbury University, New Zealand as a Commonwealth Scholar. Registration for the Event: Who can attend? Computer science faculty and students, knowledge management professionals, library & Information professionals and students of LIS, Information Architects, Web Designers; Faculty and students of PESIT or other engineering colleges (from any department) as well as professionals from the industry. Registration is free of cost, but all participants must register well before the event. How do I register? Please fill out the on-line form at http://kanoe.org/workshopregistration.html Dr. Kavi Mahesh Professor and Dean of Research, Director, KAnOE - Centre for Knowledge Analytics and Ontological Engineering, PES University, Bangalore Phone: +91 98452 90073 With regards Yours sincerely I K RAVICAHNDRA RAO ________________________________ I K Ravichandra Rao Professor (Retd.) Washleigh Manor, Apt. # 102 No. 8, Rustum Bhagh Road Bangalore 560017 Tel (91)-(80)-2526-4768 Mobile (91)-(80)-94490-64768 e-mail ikrrao@hotmail.commailto:ikrrao@hotmail.com, ravichandra.rao@gmail.commailto:ravichandra.rao@gmail.com, ikr@isibang.ac.inmailto:ikr@isibang.ac.in Web http://www.isibang.ac.in/~ikr __________________________________
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