Dear Professionals, As you are aware LIS-FORUM has emerged as an effective means of communication and discussion among LIS Professionals in the country for the last few years. One of the Lis-Forum member has strongly expressed his feelings that postings covering Regional/State level associations should not be broadcast on Lis-Forum. But if you see the postings all these years, forum has been covering items issued by be it MALIBNET, KALA, MYLISA, RSC-Delhi, IATLIS, SIS, etc or a message from an University. In this way forum is networking LIS Professionals and concerned professional associations all over the country, be it fron Kashmir, TN, West Bengal or Karnataka. I am of the opinion that apart from discussing professional matters we should know what is going on in professional circles elsewhere too. While each Association can have its own discussion forum, important announcemnets should be covered by Lis-Forum irrespective of whether the LIS Association is State/Regional level one as long as the matter is of interest, as has been the case all these days. Rather we need bother about the quality, importance and relevance of the of the content in the postings. Infact Late Dr. T.B. Rajashekar had posted an item toucing some issues concerned in this matter a year back or so. I INVITE LIS-FORUM MEMBERS TO GIVE THEIR OPINION IN THIS MATTER. Goudar -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I.R.N. Goudar Tel: 91-80-25086081 Head, Information Centre for 91-80-25235315 Aerospace Science and Technology Fax: 91-80-25268072 National Aerospace Laboratories Airport Road, BANGALORE-560 017 India
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