Candidates for SandBox(sm): Wiki Applications and Uses
Apologies for Duplication Candidates for _SandBox(sm): Wiki Applications and Uses_ Colleagues/ I am greatly interested in learning of Any and All Wiki applications and uses implemented in * Corporations * Education * Government * Libraries * Research Environments for inclusion in my recently- established registry titled _SandBox(sm)_ . _SandBox(sm)_ is located at [ ] and is currently UnderConstruction. BTW: I Googled a number of months ago, and will do so again, but would prefer recommendations from my WorldWideWeb colleagues as well. In addition to the application and use of wikis in the institutions/organization noted, I am also interested in their application in/for novel venues (e.g., conferences, directories, etc.). I am also interested in learning of additional key/significant literature for potential inclusion in my WikiBibliography. [ ] P.S. Of course, in time, there will be a Wiki to allow uses to contribute, but it's not yet available [:-(] but StayTuned [:-)] Regards, /Gerry Gerry McKiernan Theoretical Librarian Iowa State University Ames IA 50011
participants (1)
Gerry Mckiernan