---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 14:40:15 +0530 (IST)
From: K.S. Chudamani
To: lis_forum@ncsi.iisc.ernet.in
Subject: RMCI 2005
I am planning to organize a session on risk management in
informatics and
cyberinformatics at
The 2nd. Symposium on Risk-Management and Cyber-Informatics
In the context of:
The 9th World Multi-Conference on
SCI 2005
July 10-13, 2005, Orlando, Florida (USA)
The Rosen Plaza Hotel, http://www.rosenplaza.com/frames1.html
Program Committee Chair: Michael J. Savoie
General Chair: Dale Zinn
Organizing Committee Chair: Belkis Sanchez
William Lesso (USA)
Dale Zinn (USA)
Michael Savoie (USA)
Hsing-Wei Chu (USA)
Nagib Callaos (USA)
Belkis Snchez (Venezuela)
Jorge Fernandez (USA)
Mohamed Loutfi (UK)
Jos Vicente Carrasquero (Venezuela)
Those interested in participating in:
The organization of Invited Session(s)
The organization of Focus Symposium
The reviewing process
The symposium promotion
Recommending scholars/researchers in order to have an active
participation and/or submit the papers.
Proposing Organizations/Institutes/Universities as
Academic/Scientific Co-Sponsors.
The session details are
Risk Management in Informatics and Cybernetics
Software Risk Management
Software security, safety, and reliability
Security, Certification and Insurance
Cyberspace risk management and Insurance Coverage
Information Services Risk Management
Risk Management of the electronic Workplace
Network Liability Risks Management and Cyber Risks
Telecom risk management
Testing and Software Assurance and Certification
Applying Informatics and Cybernetics in Risk Management
Modeling And Simulation Applications for Risk Assessment
and Mitigation
Decision Support Systems for Risk Management
Collective Decision/Judgment Support for Public Risk
Anticipatory Systems. Foresight and Risk Management
Financial and Economic Risk Modeling and Simulation
Econometric and Stochastic Volatility models
Optimizing Volatility Opportunities
Credit Risk Modeling
Quantitative Risk Assessment
Optimum Portfolio Management
Those who are interested may send an extended abstract of 300-500 words on
or before 26th jan 2005 to me. For other details please visit the website
Thanking you
Chudamani K S
Indian Institute of Science
JRD Tata Memorial library
Bangalore 560012