Summary of the events organised as part of celebrating National Library Week from 14-20 November 2010

Dear Professionals, As part of National Library Week, Karnataka State Library Association (KALA) in Association with Dept. of Public Libraries - Karnataka State, Kalpataru Institute of Technology - Tiptur, CFTRI - Mysore has organised the following programmes. 16th Nov 2010 Speaker: Jayashimha, Personal Secretary to Revu Naik Belamagi, Hon'ble Minister for Public Libraries, Mass Education, Small Savings and Lotteries & Animal Husbandry. Govt. of Karnataka. Topic: Role of Libraries and Significance of Reading Habits with respect to Common Man The program was held in Sahakara Nagar Public Library. By delivering the chief guest lecture Mr. Jayashimha depicted libraries role in changing the life of common man to eminent personalities in the history. He mentioned the example of two great leaders in the history, Abraham Lincoln and Chatrapati Shivaji. Both were inspired by books which they have read, led them to become whatsoever they were. He has narrated the concept practiced in the earlier days by lettered persons, carrying fifteen books in their bag and distributed to fifteen houses by giving them one week time for reading and exchange those fifteen books within and among those fifteen families on rotating basis under the concept of "Pustakada Jolige" (carrying books in bag) to share the knowledge and also inculcate the reading habits among them. KALA president P Y Rajendra Kumar shared the thoughts of public libraries belongs to the public and responsible for further growth and development of the library. Highlighted the library cess collected by the respective corporations and municipalities from the public for providing good Library Services. The program anchored by Raghavendra R, Vice President, KALA and concluded by Hanumanthu, Library Assistant, Public Library, Sahakara Nagar, Bangalore. 18th Nov 2010 Speaker: Dr. K N Prasad, Executive Officer, Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science, Rajajinagar, Bangalore. Topic: Books, Reading, Libraries, Internet: Some Stray Thoughts Dr. Prasad started with saying in the mid-1950's research showed that Americans were spending less on books and more on radios, televisions and the like. Concerned that American's were reading less, the American Library Association and the American book Publishers formed a non-profit citizens' organization called the National Book Committee in 1954. The main goal was to encourage people to read at least in their leisure time in order to improving incomes and health and for developing strong family life. The American Library Association first sponsored the National Library Week in 1958 with the theme "Wake up and Read". In India, the idea of National Library Week first took shape in 1982 as part of the Silver Jubilee Celebration of the national Book Trust of India and the first NLW was observed through out the country from 14-20 December 1982. In response to the enthusiasm it generated by this event, it was decided to celebrate the National Library Week every year from 14-20 November, 14th November coinciding with the birth anniversary day of Jawaharlal Nehru. Incidentally 19th November which falls within the National Library/Book week happens to be the birth anniversary day of Indira Gandhi. Both of them were voracious readers. The National Library Week aims to focus attention on the significance of books. Books play a pivotal role in developing individual potential, promoting national integration and creating an overall environment for the social, cultural and economic development of the country. It is also the time to celebrate the contributions of our nation's libraries and librarians and to promote library use and support. He also spoke about * Libraries * Books, Reading, Etc. * Internet and E-Book * E-books * Changing Role of Librarians * Changing Role of Libraries He suggested: * Maintain regular reading habits. Read over a determined period of time. Read from different categories of knowledge, especially biographies. This helps to discipline your reading and keeps working across several disciplines. * Read all the titles written by some authors. Choose carefully here, but identify some books which demand your attention. Examples could be Jeffery Archer, Frederick Forsyth, Eric Segal, Sydney Sheldon, Shivarama Karanth, S.L. Bhairappa and the like. Read all they have written and watch their minds at work and their thought in development. No author can complete his thoughts in one book no matter how long. * Books are to be read and re-read, not collected and coddled. * Learn to have conversation with the book and probably with a pen and a notebook in hand. He concluded by saying: * The printed book will never die in spite of the onslaught of electronic media * Statistics indicate that more and more printed books are published all over the world * In case of scientific and technical journals, the print version have shown decline in circulation since more and more of e-journals are subscribed by the libraries. * The librarians have to reposition themselves to the changed environment by improving their computer, Internet and other information related skills. * Library services should be diverse and customer friendly. Mr. P Y Rajendra Kumar in his presidential remarks mentioned the importance of National Library week and reading books by quoting few quotes and also used few jokes to lighter the mood of the audience. Prof. Shashidhara, Principal, Kalpataru Institute of Technology, Tiptur, has welcomed the guests and gathering. Prof. M J Shivayogi has anchored the whole event. Dr. M M Bachalapur has delivered the vote of Thanks. 19th Nov 2010 Speaker: Prof. I.K. Ravichandra Rao, Head, Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC), Indian Statistical Research Institute (IS|), Bangalore. Topic: Scientometric indicators to measure scientific productivity, with special emphasis on Impact Factor, H-index and G-index. Academy of Information Sciences (AIS), Mysore Librarians and Information Scientists Association (MyLISA) and Karnataka State Library Association (KALA), Bangalore, jointly organized a seminar at CFTRI Assembly Hall in Mysore on Nov. 19, 2010. Library-professionals, students of the University of Mysore and staff and researchers of CFTRI took part in the seminar. The chief guest, spoke on "Scientometric indicators to measure scientific productivity, with special emphasis on Impact Factor, H-index and G-index." Mr. Ravishankar Informatics India Ltd., Bangalore, gave a demo on Web of Knowledge. Dr. G.Venkateshwara Rao, Director In-charge, CFTRI, Presided over and spoke on the importance of "National Library Week". B. Vasu, Principal Technical Officer, CFTRI Library, did welcome. Dr. Geetha Seetharam, Head, GFTRI Library (FOSTIS), introduced the chief guest. Mr. Basappa, Secretary, MyLISA, proposed the vote of thanks. 20th Nov 2010 There were two Programmes organised by Dept. of Public Libraries in association with KALA 11.00AM Speakers: Mr. Shoodra Srinivasa, Renowned Kannada writer, and Mr. Shimoga Subbanna (, National award winning Kannada Singer. Topic: Reading Habits and its importance The program started with invocation. Mr. Nagesh, Dy. Director, City Central Library, South Zone, Dept. of Public Libraries, Jaya Nagar, Bangalore has welcomed the guests as well as gathering. Mr. Shoodra Srinivasa addressed the gathering with his impressive brief on Reading Habits and its importance. Mr. Shimoga Subbanna has spoke few words before he started singing Raastra Kavi Kuvempu's poem. By looking at the overwhelming response from the audience, he continued to sing two more songs including the song from Kaadu Kudre...a national award winning song for him. Mr. P Y Rajendra Kumar presided over the function, he spoke about the importance of reading habits and the trend as to how the Library week celebrations started way back in mid 20th Century. He stressed on the deteriorating reading habits among the younger generation by providing some statistics. The program concluded with prize distribution. 4.00pm Valedictory Chief Guests: Mr. Ranganna, Adviser, Dept. Public Libraries, Bangalore. Mr. Devaraj, Library, UAS Library Mrs. Shantha Betegere, Library, Veterinary College, Bangalore. Presided: Mr. P Y Rajendra Kumar, President, KALA, Bangalore. Organised By: Mr. Sathishkumar Hosamani, Dy. Director, City Central Library, East Zone, Dept. of Public Libraries, R T Nagar, Bangalore. We at KALA thank all the Governing Council members for helping KALA in making these events a success. Thanks and Regards, Rajendra Babu H General Secretary Karnataka State Library Association (KALA) The information in this email is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee(s). Access to this email by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not an intended recipient, please notify the sender of this email immediately. You should not copy, use or disseminate the information contained in the email. 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Babu Rajendra