Acquisition of Theses- ICSSR-NASSDOC

It is my pleasure to announce that, ICSSR-NASSDOC has revised the amount for acquisition of theses to Rs. 3000/- for both hard copy with soft version and Rs. 2000/- for hard copy only. National Social Science Documentation Centre (NASSDOC), ICSSR has a library for the social science community. Ph.D. Theses in social sciences (approved by the Indian universities) form a part of its core collection. Research scholars from different region visit NASSDOC to consult this collection. As a national institution, NASSDOC aims to build a truly representative collection of Ph.D. theses in each of the areas that make up the social sciences. Ph.D. dissertations on India by Indian / foreign students approved by the foreign universities are also acquired. Procedure for Acquisition NASSDOC closely scrutinises the announcements made by the universities regarding award of Ph.D. degree. The periodical 'University News' is also scanned regularly for this purpose. Thereafter, a letter is sent to the scholars requesting them to send the details of his research work, i.e. synopsis containing scope, methodology , objectives and major findings. The details are examined by a screening committee. Final decision on acquisition of these is taken on the basis of the recommendations of this committee. Terms and Conditions Scholars are required to fill in a proforma. This is sent along with the synopsis. (Click on the following link to download the form) A formal order for purchase of a copy of thesis is sent to the scholar after receiving the recommendation of the screening committee. An amount of Rs.1500/- is paid to a scholar for the thesis sent to NASSDOC. It is necessary to send the text of the thesis in electronic form alongwith a hard copy (Print) version of the work. A scholar who submits only the print version of the thesis is paid Rs. 750/- only. The scholars who have received publication grant from ICSSR are required to submit a complimentary copy of their Ph.D. theses. As on today NASSDOC has collection of 5650 Ph.D. these in the field of social science. Blog : Webopac : FB : S N Chari Documentation Officer ICSSR-NASSDOC 35, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi - 110001. -- This message has been scanned for viruses and dangerous content by MailScanner, and is believed to be clean.
participants (1)
S N Chari