UNESCO-DSIR-IIMK 6-Day International Workshop on Greenstone at IIMK
Dear Colleagues: I am happy to inform you that IIMK, with support from the UNESCO and TIFP (DSIR), is organizing a six-day International Workshop on Greenstone Digital Library Software at IIM Kozhikode during November 27 - December 02, 2006. A total of 35 participants (27 from India and 8 from South Asian countries) are expected to take part in the Workshop. Prof. Ian Witten of the Greenstone team will be leading the workshop. The details of the programme is available at http://www.iimk.ac.in/FDPBrochures/UIIWGSnov27.htm. Soft copy of the brochure is available at http://www.iimk.ac.in/FDPBrochures/PDF/UIIWGSnov27.pdf for downloading. For any further information please feel free to contact me or our FDP Office (E-Mail : fdp@iimk.ac.in). With regards, M.G. Sreekumar Co-ordinator UNESCO-DSIR-IIMK International Workshop on Greenstone -- Dr. M. G. Sreekumar Librarian & Head, Center for Development of Digital Libraries (CDDL) Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode IIMK Campus P.O. Kozhikode, Kerala, India-673 570 ------------------------------------------------ Phone : +91 495 2809140 Mobile : 09447654066 Fax : +91 495 2803010/11 Email : mgsree@iimk.ac.in Web : http://www.iimk.ac.in; : http://iimk.ac.in/mgsree.htm ================================================ -- Dr. M. G. Sreekumar Librarian & Head, Center for Development of Digital Libraries (CDDL) Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode IIMK Campus P.O. Kozhikode, Kerala, India-673 570 ------------------------------------------------ Phone : +91 495 2809140 Mobile : 09447654066 Fax : +91 495 2803010/11 Email : mgsree@iimk.ac.in Web : http://www.iimk.ac.in; : http://iimk.ac.in/mgsree.htm ================================================
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