Dear Dr Singhal,
Ms Girija of RRI forwarded to me a copy of your e-mail. This is to
clarify that the journals of the Academy will continue to have free and
unrestricted access worldwide through its server. SpringerLink will also
have free access to many countries in the developing world.
G. Madhavan
Executive Secretary
On Wed, 11 Oct 2006, Library wrote:
Forwarded by girija
Raman Research Institute Library, Tel: +91 80 2361 0122 Extn 250
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 12:58:12 +0530
From: madhuresh.singhal
Subject: [LIS-Forum] Springer collabrated with Indian Academy of Science,
Springer signs cooperation agreement with Indian Academy of Sciences
SpringerLink soon to include renowned Indian publications. Springer has signed a wide-ranging cooperation agreement with the prestigious Indian Academy of Sciences in Bangalore (IAS). From January 2007, Springer will publish, jointly with the IAS, their ten renowned journals and will provide access to their content worldwide in an online full-text database on SpringerLink, the publisher's electronic platform. Springer will also distribute the print version of the journals outside of India. The agreement follows Springer's moves in China, Russia and Central and Eastern Europe in 2005 to bring high-quality, non-Western scientific information to the global research community.
Please click here to read the complete news article,
Definitely this agreement will provide greater visibility internationally and promote the global dissemination of scientific work published in India. Presently, journals published by the Indian Academy of Sciences are "OPEN ACCESS". The concern is will it remain "OPEN ACCESS" while implementing this cooperation agreement with Springer? There is no clue about this in the press release.
Madhuresh Singhal
Assoc. Res. Scientist - Inf. Sc.
Advinus Therapeutics Pvt. Ltd.
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