DSIR-NCSI Training Workshop on "Setting up & Maintaining Institutional Repositories using EPrints"
Dear Professionals: As part of ongoing project, Development of OAI-based Institutional Repository Services in India, sponsored by Department of Scientific and Industrial research, Ministry of Science and technology, Govt. of India, the National Centre for Science Information (NCSI), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, will be conducting a training workshop on "Setting up and Maintaining Institutional Repositories using EPrints", during 26-28 July 2006. The main focus of the workshop will be to provide an intensive practical training to the participants to setup and maintain their Institutional Repositories (IR) using the "EPrints.org" software. The workshop is being conducted to encourage research institutes, Universities and R&D organizations to setup their interoperable IRs. The institutions/organizations are encouraged to depute appropriate systems/library staff who will be in a position to take advantage of the training to set up and operate institutional repositories in their respective institutions A nominal registration fee of Rs. 1000/- will be charged per participant. Please note that only online registrations are entertained. Last date for registration is 15 June 2006. Selected applicants will be intimated by email on or before 19 June 2006. All the selected applicants are to send a DD for Rs. 1000/- favouring Registrar, IISc, payable at Bangalore on or before 29 June 2006 to confirm their registration. For detailed information about the workshop and also for online registration, please visit: http://casin.ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/ws/eprints/index.html Important Dates: Last Date for Registration: 15 June 2006 Selection Intimation: 19 June 2006 Last Date for Sending the DD: 29 June 2006 -- Filbert Minj & Francis Jayakanth, National Centre for Science Information (NCSI), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - 560 012
participants (1)
S. Filbert Minj