ONE DAY NATIONAL SEMINAR On ICT and Library in Higher Education: An Indian Perspective

Dear Professional Colleagues
It is our immense pleasure to inform you that Chandidas Mahavidyalaya,
Birbhum is going to organize National Seminar in collaboration with LISPAB
& Shimurali Sachinandan College of Education, Nadia on the topic ICT &
Library in Higher Education: An Indian Perspective which will be held on
28th February, 2020.All academicians including Library
professionals,Research Scholars and students are cordially invited to
participate and send papers for the presentation & publication in
conference proceedings.
On behalf of organizing committee
Md Alamgir Khan
Chandidas Mahavidyalaya, Khujutipara, Birbhum
*----------------------------------------------------Amit Kumar
DasLibrarian, Mankar College, Mankar, BurdwanPIN-713144@mail
participants (1)
Amit Kumar Das