Dear LIS-Forum member, The September 2004 issue of InfoWatch is now online, bringing you details of new Internet sites related to Science and Engineering. You can access the complete issue on the NCSI Web server at the URL : You will also find earlier issues of InfoWatch here. For your convenience, the table of contents is given below. If you wish to be on the mailing list of InfoWatch to receive the complete issue by e-mail, let us know. Also mention your format preference - html or text. Regards -Lalitha M.R ------------------------------------------------------------------------ InfoWatch Tracking Networked Scientific Information Sources and Services (An electronic update service brought to you by NCSI) Sep 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In This Issue: 1. AQUASTAT [FAO's global information system of water and agriculture] 2. Code project - Free source codes and tutorials 3. Connexions - Sharing knowledge and building communities 4. ECDYBASE [A free online database of ecdysteroids] 5. Electronic notebook [Software for electronic equivalent of a paper research notebook] 6. EMF resources and information [An information source for electromagnetic fields] 7. EServer TC library - A cooperative library for tech communicators [Technical communications and technical writing library] 8. Exposure assessment tools and models 9. JOELib - A Java based computational chemistry (cheminformatics) library 10. Laboratory control system for cold atom experiments - Hardware and software 11. [Web-based software and information service the life sciences community] 12. Nikon microscopyU [An exciting world of optics and microscopy] 13. Organic syntheses website [A website for experimental methods for the synthesis of organic compounds] 14. Perspectives on plasmas - The fourth state of matter 15. Principal metals glossary 16. ProNIT - Database of protein-nucleic acid interactions 17. RF avenue - RF and microwave resources directory 18. SGI - MLC++ [A library of C++ classes for machine learning] 19. T-Coffee - A web server for mixing sequences and structures into multiple sequence alignments 20. The Surface mount device code book ------------------------------------------------------------------------ About InfoWatch : InfoWatch is a monthly electronic newsletter, brought out by the National Centre for Science Information (NCSI) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - 560 012, INDIA. Information in the newsletter is collected and verified by NCSI staff. The newsletter aims to raise awareness of new sources of information on the Internet, particularly those which are relevant for higher education and research. Some items may be of relevance only to the IISc community.Resources reported here have been taken from various discussion lists and other network tools and no special claims are made for accuracy or originality. Most of the sources cited in the newsletter were checked at the time of publication, however it is possible that some of the resources are no longer available. We welcome comments about the newsletter and suggestions for resources to be featured. Please e-mail your comments to InfoWatch editors: Ms. K. Thulasi ( & Ms. M. R. Lalitha ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
M.R Lalitha