Sixth National Convention on Library and Information Networking NACLIN 2003 Theme: "Managing Knowledge Resources in the Digital Era" to be held at Jadavpur University, Kolkata October 14 - 17, 2003 DELNET Developing Library Network New Delhi - 110003 INDIA web: www.delnet.nic.in The revolution in Information Technology has given rise to massive resources of information. In order to have access to necessary and sufficient knowledge resources in printed and digital forms on a given subject, it is becoming difficult to do so day by day. The IT revolution has necessitated that there is going to be the growing need for Knowledge Technology to play a meaningful role as the application of knowledge can only transform societies in the world. The computer and communication technologies can help in networking knowledge and people in complex permutations and combinations and the necessary content can be rehashed, reshaped or rewritten to suit the needs of users. Knowledge technology will not only give access to knowledge resources but will also help users in taking decisions on global and futuristic perspectives. India has made a sizeable contribution to the IT field but much needs to be done in the modernisation and networking of libraries and information centres. The IT infrastructure in the libraries in the developing countries is out of date in most cases. With rapid changes taking place in the IT sector, the poor institutions are not able to replace the hardware and upgrade the software all the time. The communication links also need to be periodically upgraded. Most of the libraries do not have access to digital resources. It is only those libraries that can afford to buy new infrastructure and access the best digital resources that can make a mark and help the users in the best possible manner. It is therefore necessary to discuss how we can use knowledge technology for the modernisation and networking of libraries in the developing countries.The objective of NACLIN 2003 is to focus on various issues connected with the managing of knowledge resources in the digital era. The participants will get the best opportunity to share their ideas and learn new ideas by interacting with peers. DELNET - Developing Library Network DELNET was established in 1988 as a Metropolitan Area Network to serve the libraries in Delhi region. It has now become a major resource sharing Library Network in South Asia. It has about 600 libraries in all states in India and five countries outside India as its Institutional Members. Their number is expanding regularly. DELNET offers access to about three million books and other documents through a number of union catalogues, union lists and other databases that are accessible through the INTERNET. Membership of DELNET has been on the increase and the institutions are inspired by it as a major service centre for information resources. The Digital Information Resources are easy to access over the network. Any library with INTERNET access anywhere in the world can access DELNET resources. Jadavpur University Library Jadavpur University Library was started along with the establishment of the University in 1955 in order to cater to the academic and research needs of faculty research scholars, students, etc. The University is proud of its libraries which amount to 30 in number. Apart from the large Central Library (approximate total area of 36,000 sq. ft.) and the one at its Salt Lake Campus, the University has 28 Departmental Libraries under the Faculty of Arts, Science, Enginering and Technology. This is the third largest library in West Bengal. There are 10,858 members of the library.The total number of books in the Central Library, Salt Lake Campus and the Departmental Libraries have now gone up to 4,52,838. There are 87,026 back files of research journals, 6,224 theses and dissertations, 38,000 other reading material including reports, standards, maps, microfilms, etc. in the library. The library subscribes to nearly 816 journals. The Central Library has been taking the appropriate steps to computerise the library's housekeeping operations. The work related to retrospective conversion of the library collection is in progress and a considerable portion of the library catalogue is computerised. NACLIN 2003 The National Convention is scheduled for four days. The first two days are exclusively designed for conducting tutorials by experts on the following topics: Metadata & Dublin Core Building Subject Gateways UNICODE Applications MARC 21 The next two days will focus on the theme of the National Convention: "Managing Knowledge Resources in the Digital Era". This theme is divided into several sub-themes as detailed below : Digitisation of knowledge resources, Digital resource creation, On-line information resources/products and services, Subject analysis and representation, Database technology, Bibliographic formats, Retro-conversion, Digital information retrieval, Exploring Internet resources, Networking and consortia techniques, Conservation of digital resources, Application of knowledge management, Metadata and Dublin Core, Knowledge Technology. Submission of Papers: Participants are welcome to contribute papers for presentation at the National Convention on the above sub-themes or related themes. The papers should be based on research, survey, case studies or action plans rather than theoretical explanations. Papers should reach the Director, DELNET, 40 Lodhi Estate, Max Mueller Marg, New Delhi 110003 on or before August 31, 2003. They should be submitted on A 4 size paper and on 1.44 MB floppies or through E-mail. Papers should contain the name of the author, title of the article, name of the affiliating Institute, mailing address and E-mail address.The contributors will be communicated about the acceptance of the paper by Director, DELNET to enable them to present their papers. Please ensure that the paper submitted should not have already been published elsewhere. The editors will have the right to edit the papers before acceptance is communicated. The following will be the charges for Registration and Tutorials upto July 31, 2003.Twenty per cent extra will be charged after July 31, 2003. Participation Fee Members of DELNET Rs. 2,500 Non-Members Rs. 4,000 Library Professionals Working in West Bengal North-Eastern States and Bangladesh Rs. 2,000 NON-SAARC Countries Members US $ 100 Non-Members US $ 200 Participation fee includes fee for attending the tutorials and the National Convention including kit, tea, lunch and dinner. Participants wishing to get assistance in finding accommodation should write to the Organising Secretary, NACLIN-2003 in advance. Otherwise, participants will have to make their own arrangements for stay. Efforts will be made to accommodate the participants in the guest houses on a first-come first-served basis on making payment in advance. Please write to the Organising Secretary for the details of tariff, reservation of rooms, return-reservations, etc.at an early date. NACLIN - 2003 Sixth National Convention on "Managing Knowledge Resources in the Digital Era" Date : October 14-17, 2003 Venue : Jadavpur University, Kolkata REGISTRATION FORM Name (in BLOCK Letters) : Mr./Ms./Dr. ________________________ Designation: _______________________________________________ Organisation : ______________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________ _______________________________________ Pin_______________ Phone: Office: __________________ Resi.: ____________ E-Mail: ________________________ Fax : ____________ DD. No.:____________________Dated _____________Rs. _________ Attending the Tutorials and Convention and Presenting a Paper : Yes / No Attending as a delegate only : Yes / No Food : Veg. / Non-veg. Accommodation required : Yes / No, if yes, Please enclose a separate DD, and also mention the dates of stay : from ______________________to _____________________________ DD. No.: ________________Dated _____________Rs._____________ Demand draft / drafts enclosed: Yes / No Place: Date: Signature: On-the-spot Registration is available The filled-in registration forms may be mailed to the Organising Secretary, NACLIN-2003, Chief Librarian, Jadavpur University, Kolkata - 700032 along with the demand draft drawn in favour of the Organising Secretary, NACLIN-2003, payable at Kolkata. -------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESSES FOR COMMUNICATION Registration/Accommodation Mr B B Das Organising Secretary, NACLIN 2003 Chief Librarian Jadavpur University Kolkata-700032 Tel.: 91-33-24146460, 24146866 Email: chieflibrarian@jdvu.ac.in Submission of Papers Dr H K Kaul Director DELNET 40 Max Muller Marg New Delhi-110003 Tel.: 91-11-24619325, 24610802 FAX: 91-11-24619325 Email: hkkaul@delnet.ren.nic.in _______________________________________________________________________________ Sangeeta Kaul Network Manager DELNET India International Centre 40 Lodi Estate New Delhi-110003 INDIA Tel.: 91-11-24610802, 24619328 FAX : 91-11-24619325 Web : www.delnet.nic.in ________________________________________________________________________________
participants (1)
Sangeeta Kaul, Network Manager, DELNET