Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2004 03:13:45 +0100 (BST)
From: Prof. N. Laxman Rao.
This is an announcement from Knovel Corporation regarding 'Free trial
access to Knovel Metals & Metallurgy E-Books and Databases for the Metals
As someone with an interest in metals and metallurgy, we would like to
introduce you to an online interactive library of leading reference books
and databases on metals from publishers including Wiley, Springer, McGraw-
Hill, NACE, ASME, and Elsevier.
What distinguishes Knovel's collection of dependable and authoritative
content are the analytical tools that are integrated with the content. Our
interactive tables, graphs, charts and more allow for easy and accurate
material comparison and selection, evaluation of multipoint properties,
analysis of phase diagrams, and much more.
Through the end of October, we are offering free access to our entire
Metals & Metallurgy collection. To learn more about our Metals &
Metallurgy collection and to request a month of free access, visit:
Knovel Corporation
30 Main Street, Ste. 402
Danbury, CT 06810
Toll Free (U.S.): 1-866-303-3336
Tel: 1-203-748-6066
Dept.of Library & Information Science,
Osmania University, HYDERABAD- 500 007 (INDIA)
President, Indian Association of Teachers in Library and Information Science (IATLIS).
Ph:+91-40-27171565 (res): +91-40- 27682290 (off) 9246547599 (Mobile)
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